Hi! I'm a newbie and this is my first post. I've made some missions before, but only now I've become serious in editing. Please note that I don't know scripting.
Short problem description (if you don't want to read all the boring details): The "Not present" field in the trigger option (in Mission Editor) doesn't seem to detect truck's passengers, so if I have some truck passengers in a trigger's area, the triggers fires off even though the truck passengers are actually present in the said area.
More Details:
OK, I want the mission to end when there's nobody alive on the "WEST" side. So I create a trigger, put in a large radius, choose "West - Not Present", and I put "end" in the "Type" field.
This usually works, but in a particular mission, it doesn't.
In this mission, I've created a WEST Infantry group, a WEST 5t truck, and I grouped them together. I made an EAST infantry group on a town away from the WEST's position, and then I place a "Seek and Destroy" waypoint for the WEST leader to destroy the EAST. I also have the trigger I described above.
When the mission starts, the leader tells the soldiers to get in the truck, then the truck moves to the destination town. When arrived, EAST soldiers fire at the truck and kill the leader (officer) and the driver. At this point the trigger fires off and the mission ends, even though there are still other WEST soldiers in the back of the truck.
I want an Ending trigger that makes sure that there are absolutely no soldiers of a particular side in a defined area.