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Author Topic: Frustrated with triggers/objectives/waypoints, pls help  (Read 2305 times)

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Offline Bahger

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Fist let me thank you for your patience, as I have made a few posts here recently, but I do use the search function and did not expect to experience this level of frustration with the Arma2 Editor, which I am determined to master (if the frustration doesn't kill me first).

Guys, I've spent many hours now working on a mission that plays really well...when it works. It's simple enough, a helo insertion of a Marine infantry squad (Bravo Team) into a village, where they are tasked with destroying a defended OpFor AA radar. The human team leader then calls for the waiting chopper, which picks up the unit and extracts to base, mission over.

I'm starting to tear my hair out. Here are the problems:

1. The waypoint indicator does not advance (for extraction) after the objective is destroyed.

The first two Bravo wpts are "Get In" and "Get Out". The next is a "Seek and Destroy" wpt, naming the target AA object ("MissionTarget01"). Synchronised with this wpt is a trigger with the following code:

Activation: Blufor
Not present (my guys need to be away from the objective zone when I trigger the blast)
Countdown: 0 in all 3 fields
Condition: !alive MissionTarget01
On act.: "1" ObjStatus "Done"; obj1 = true
In "Effects": A text message announcing completion of objective

I blow up the target and I get an "Objective Completed" message (not the one I typed into the trigger text field). However, the active waypoint remains the one near the target, even though it has been destroyed and the next plotted waypoint for the unit is a "Get In" wpt at the LZ. This causes the extraction to get screwed up.

2. Try as I might, I cannot get the trigger I put on the helo's route to the extraction to activate after the radio message (itself activated by a trigger synchronised with a helo wpt) summmons the chopper for extraction. All this trigger is supposed to do is be the pilot's response: "ETA 30 secs", etc. It's a simple trigger with the word this in the condition field, that's all, and the text in the Effacts/Text field.

I'm becoming discouraged. I know I could contribute some great missions to this community, especially for those who like military realism, and I'm an experienced scenario designer in other sims. However, I'm feeling intensely frsutrated and know that I cannot persevere without a little guidance as I have run out of theories. Please help, if you have a minute to spare.

Offline haroon1992

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Re: Frustrated with triggers/objectives/waypoints, pls help
« Reply #1 on: 10 Feb 2010, 04:02:56 »
I never used Syncronization thing as I never trust it...

1 . The seek and destroy waypoint is causing the trouble,if your objective is to just blow up the AA,then why not set a destroy WP directly on the AA?
(This will switch the waypoint to its next one,here it is "GET IN",after the AA's been blown up)

2. The trigger's two axises need to be wide enough in order for the helicopter to activate it.(Use 200 and 50 to make it detectible by the chopper)
If you just want a text message to appear,and there is a waypoint for the helo half way the between the extraction point and the helo's summoning point,then why not put the text effects in the Waypoint(in the EFFECTs tab)?

You should not lose your courage,you have not failed,you've just learned a new way which doesn't work...
(Next time,you will not do that same thing again)
Very busy with life, business, and other stuff. Away from OFP for months. Not sure if I could get back onto it. :(

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Re: Frustrated with triggers/objectives/waypoints, pls help
« Reply #2 on: 10 Feb 2010, 08:17:24 »
Try setting that trigger type to "switch", that should help with the waypoint change..
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Offline haroon1992

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Re: Frustrated with triggers/objectives/waypoints, pls help
« Reply #3 on: 10 Feb 2010, 08:21:09 »
Well,I think someone in ArmAHolic has already answered his question...

(People seems to be posting the same thread in both ArmAHolic and OFPEC...!
I also have done that once)

Code: [Select]
Very busy with life, business, and other stuff. Away from OFP for months. Not sure if I could get back onto it. :(

Offline Bahger

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Re: Frustrated with triggers/objectives/waypoints, pls help
« Reply #4 on: 10 Feb 2010, 09:52:23 »
Thanks, guys.  I've fixed it now but not until I had put in a whole day of trial-and-error and firum searching.  I'm really grateful to this community (especially W0lle)  for its help and will share the mission soon.  It's quite good, and ambitious for a first-time mission editor, which is why it's been so demanding.

Apologies for posting sumultaneously here at at Armaholic, it's just that I put an enormous amount of time and effort into mastering the learning curve and by the time I posted I was incredibly frustrated and desperate to know why I couldn't get the basic functions to work.  This Editor is a fantastic sandbox but it's not without its eccentricities.

Offline bedges

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Re: Frustrated with triggers/objectives/waypoints, pls help
« Reply #5 on: 10 Feb 2010, 13:47:15 »
Apologies for posting sumultaneously here at at Armaholic...

OFPEC is just one site among many in the Community, and we like to think we're in good company when considered alongside the likes of Armaholic: it is an award-winning website after all ;)

Wherever you get the solution to your editing issues, the main thing is you get it.  :good: