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Author Topic: Well placed units my *** + BI-Forums registration  (Read 1421 times)

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Offline Peter_1988

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Well placed units my *** + BI-Forums registration
« on: 23 Jan 2009, 17:03:09 »
(I typed those *** to the subject)

Once AGAIN I'm terribly sorry to post OFF-topic stuff on Ofpec (I used to be Epeli/Peter_Bullet, but then I forgot my password (and the email address had been removed) and had to reregister.)

I'm not really sure if I'm correct here but I have been reading you mission reviews and many times there appears this "Most units in the village were well placed".  Well I played Mandobles Grunt One campaign and heck yeah the units were well placed!

Units with DisableAI "MOVE" around every corner. It was horrible: Cross a corner, get shot, load, cross the corner shoot the guy, save, cross the second corner get killed, load, cross the corner again shoot the guy, save. The new FDF MOD campaign for ARMA suffers from this very badly. It is not fun to shoot stationary enemies who are just camping (and usually they are already pointing the gun at the direction of the player) So please don't encourage mission makers use this feature.

Ofcourse the reviewer might have meant well placed objects. In that case I apologize my spamm.

Second thing. I once posted offtopic and was redirected to BIS forums. So how do you register? The web page told me to send an email with my preferred username, two alternatives and a password. So I did, two weeks ago, but I still haven't heard from them. Propably the mail got stuck in their spam filter.

So can anyone give me some advice on this subject? I would really like to participate in ARMA2 conversation there.

I know this is offtopic, but this is the only place to ask..

Ps. I used to think that ArmA sucked, but then I played some Good missions (Range Of Death ex.) and realized, that it's an enjoyble game if the mission is done right. Keep up the good work guys!

Offline bedges

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Re: Well placed units my *** + BI-Forums registration
« Reply #1 on: 23 Jan 2009, 17:06:56 »
I used to be Epeli/Peter_Bullet...

I can't find Epeli, but you can certainly have the Peter Bullet account if you'd prefer. PM me if this is the case.