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Author Topic: looking to create tactical diagrams  (Read 2042 times)

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Offline kspengler

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looking to create tactical diagrams
« on: 21 Nov 2008, 20:53:35 »
I am not sure if this is the right place for this post so please move if needed. I do not own either ARMA or OFP, but I hope that someone might be able to tell me if the games and their editors might be a useful resource. I appreciate any help that you can offer.

I must create modified tactical formation illustrations for small 5-8 man teams. Ideally, a 3rd person POV while the team executes movement and changes posture (walking, standing, creeping, kneeling, and prone). It would also be helpful if arcs of fire could be shown graphicly. Does this sound like something that would be possible to create in the editor(s)? Are the editors reasonably intuitive for people not-familiar with the game? How much adjustment can be made in the terrain? Do you use pre-existing map-tiles in editing or can you customize locations of objects (buildings, trees, rocks, etc.) within the map.
Just to be clear, I am not trying to (re)create a scenario for playing/training, only to illustrate specialized tactical movement formations for screenshot and FRAPs video captures.

Offline bedges

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Re: looking to create tactical diagrams
« Reply #1 on: 22 Nov 2008, 12:14:10 »
Welcome to OFPEC.

The basic answer is 'yes'. More specifically:

  • 3rd person POV - there's an in-built camera script which allows the 'viewer' to move, pan, tilt, zoom in any direction. Alternatively the viewer can simply be another unit.
  • walking, standing, creeping, kneeling, and prone - units perform these moves as standard, depending on their combat behaviour.
  • arcs of fire could be shown graphicly - not sure about this one, SPON_map could be used, or some of Mandoble's funky particle effects.
  • Are the editors reasonably intuitive for people not-familiar with the game - yes and no: as with any new software there is a learning curve, but we have some pretty good tutorials on the basics.
  • How much adjustment can be made in the terrain - you could make your own island, but this is fairly advanced and time-consuming. Alternatively you can take an existing island - they are vast, and have a wide range of topography and objects - and you can customise areas with extra objects.

I'm fairly certain that a few of the members here would be interested in helping out with this project, save you buying the software yourself. That said, it is a very good game and highly recommended  :good:

Once again, welcome to the site.

« Last Edit: 22 Nov 2008, 12:16:14 by bedges »

Offline Kendo J

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Re: looking to create tactical diagrams
« Reply #2 on: 22 Nov 2008, 13:00:57 »
I would be interested in this however, there are a few points I have to mention.

OFP/AA are the best first person tactical military simulators although even these have their limitations.

AA2 should be coming out sometime next year I think and perhaps this will offer more features that better recreate actual military maneuvers.

The arcs of fire will be difficult as things such as the AI machine gunners don't really use sustained fire (even though there are a few scripts to combat this) they will fire their weapons at individual targets rather than in a general direction. Arcs of fire are generally done in game by the player commander assigning positions and watch directions to their squad members.

I have built some rather unsuccessful tactical scenarios but the best realistic simulations have been built by camera scripters making videos. many of these have gone on to AA from OFP. not to mention I am rubbish at camera scripting.

check out some of the videos on the BIS website forums.

Due to the limitations of OFP many of the scenarios I build are only semi-realistic in terms of implying or simulating larger enemy formations and the implication of a strategy of opposing commanding officers.

Apart from this the OFP/AA simulation is perfect for low level or squad to company level tactics. Anything bigger becomes unwieldy in the game that has to be taken up by story lines, and direct AI scripting (which I suspect you will need to use to accomplish your idea).


Offline kspengler

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Re: looking to create tactical diagrams
« Reply #3 on: 03 Dec 2008, 20:03:01 »

I apologize for the delay in responding as I was out of town. I have looked over the material for the new AA2 and it does seem interesting. In the meantime, what would be the next few steps for me getting establishing contact with interested members? Would there be a preference between AA and OFP for development with current editors? I'll happily buy the game as I wish to work with a mentor who can help me to develop some of the basic scenarios with an eye to learning the editor's interface. I appreciate the advice I have seen here thus far and look forward to getting my hands dirty on this project in the next month or so.

Offline johnnyboy

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Re: looking to create tactical diagrams
« Reply #4 on: 03 Dec 2008, 21:02:04 »
If you describe a simple (squad level) scenario, and maybe upload a diagram (jpg) of movement with desired arcs of fire shown, someone might be willing to throw together a quick demonstration mission for you.

Get the game.  The Visual Editor is fairly intuitive, and easy to learn.  Scripting requires more work, but there are many resources available here.

Note that ARMA AI does not do so well in urban combat scenarios (like taking down a building).  Outdoors its much better.

What's your desired end product to be used for?
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Offline bedges

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Re: looking to create tactical diagrams
« Reply #5 on: 03 Dec 2008, 21:21:44 »
The game you end up buying to achieve your goal depends largely on the age/specification of the PC you intend to use. If it's a recent machine with generous specs go for Armed Assault, otherwise fall back on OFP which is inexpensive and will definitely run on your rig unless it's over 10 years old. In fact, buy OFP Game Of The Year edition anyways - it retails for less than £10 nowadays, assuming there are any left.

In terms of the difference between the games, generally speaking - for what you intend to do - there isn't much. The graphics are obviously improved in ArmA, the environment more varied, and there are a few more scripting commands.

As for the help you can expect, you came to the right site. There's probably a preference for Armed Assault since it's the newer release and offers more in terms of a challenge to members who might want to help out - OFP is good, but it's covering old ground.

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: looking to create tactical diagrams
« Reply #6 on: 02 Jan 2009, 06:58:02 »
No doubt you have discovered the proper game to achieve your goals without dumping loads of money into VBS. If I understand your initial post correctly you desire, not a playable scenario but a demonstration of tactical movement and squad behavior as it encounters changing environments? How the squad adapts to movement corridors and lanes of fire and enemy reaction? If so, Operation Flashpoint may be older in terms of graphical asthetics but AI movement and reaction are more consistent and reliable in urban areas. AA does offer more in the way of AI control but I'm afraid that Urban warfare maneuvering is highly unpredictable in this game. It would take someone who knows the game and scripting very well to achieve a smooth undisturbed demonstration and even they may not be able to overcome some of the engines limitations. But this is definitely the site to tap into those who know the game(s). Our members are more than qualified to help you.
If there is no time restriction on your project, I would recommend buying the game and familiarizing yourself with the editor and how it reacts as well as frequent the forums and tutorials for advice, answers and ideas to help plan your demonstrations around the games limits. I would also recommend waiting for the AA2 release as I believe it's construct was centered on minscule squad combat behavior in urban environments which will allow for an easier, less frustrating creation of your demonstrations. By getting AA though, you can accomplish the little things like learning how to work the built in camera and simple code for unit control before AA2 is released. But as johnnyboy stated, if your project is urgent you may want to create a post in the recruitment lounge, stating all the details of your project while viewing the list of volunteers to contact via PM to further aid your cause. Good luck.