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Author Topic: Empty car and triggers  (Read 1087 times)

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Offline eegore

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Empty car and triggers
« on: 17 Aug 2008, 21:46:02 »
  So I dug up an old mission to finish and all the triggers stopped working. 

  What was happening was I would enter a civilian car, drive to various checkpoints and triggers would start onscreen text: "You are not cleared" etc. 

  These triggers were grouped to me, and they worked when I drove up to them.  Now they dont.  I tried grouping them to the empty car instead and they wont recognize it.  The only thing that works is ANYBODY, PRESENT, but of course that wont work because guards are in the activation area. I have about 20 of them, is it because there are too many trigs grouped to me maybe?

  I also tried "OtherSameSideUnit moveindriver car1" then had him get out so the car was empty but that didnt work. 

  Any ideas on why the trigs stopped working?  I thought it was the car but its as if it is a ghost car now and no trigs see it. 

  Please note that the checkpoints are run by my own side and I am not an opposing unit infiltrating (setcaptive etc.)

  Any help would be apprciated, it will keep me from having to blow hours re-implementing a new procedure and scrapping this mission.



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Re: Empty car and triggers
« Reply #1 on: 18 Aug 2008, 00:55:55 »
I'm sure the answer will become obvious, and probably won't have anything to do with my suggestions, but anyway:

are you sure you've not got the text that's supposed to appear set-up wrongly? eg. blank or wrong language in stringtable, etc

have you changed the Condition of the triggers from 'this'?

is the trigger size big enough to fit the vehicle in? I find one metre deep triggers across roads tend to be unreliable.

An alternative to VEHICLE, PRESENT would be to edit the condition to "aP in thislist", where aP is the player name. However, I'm not certain if this works when you're in a vehicle. Maybe name the vehicle 'aP'?

Offline THobson

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Re: Empty car and triggers
« Reply #2 on: 18 Aug 2008, 09:16:47 »
If the triggers worked and now don't then the question is what has changed?  Any new addons?  Some can really screw things up.  But a couple of points.  I have seen triggers not work because they were too small and the unit doing the triggering sometimes goes through it before it can register.  Usually this a problem with a chopper not a car.  Also not sure if it helps but empty vehicles register as civilian as far as a trigger is concerned.  I doubt the problem is too may triggers being grouped to you, but you could easily test this by copying the mission and then deleting a lot of them..

Offline eegore

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Re: Empty car and triggers
« Reply #3 on: 20 Aug 2008, 05:13:05 »
  I was attempting to figure out the changes a THobson suggested, but this missionis an older one so the variables on that are too high to narrow everything down, but I do think I found the issue.

  Switch triggers.  I noticed that the triggers that didn't work were "switch" and the working ones were "none".  I thought they were essentially the same thing.  Ive only used swith trigs when breaking a cycle waypoint. 

  So far I "Think" that was the problem, but I have no idea why the switch ones weren't working on a "Car1 - present" setup. 

  Thanks for the suggestions and any other info would help.