This is one of my favorite scripts. It is used in conjunction with Kronzy's Strings.
Credit to Kronzy for KRON_Strings.sqf
What it does is displays hints one letter at a time, and adds a typewriter effect.
This was very difficult to do, because without krons script, it would not be dynamic, as it was used to forcibly split strings into a string per letter. And this does not come without its consequences. It causes a lag whenever it is used. however, using globals and the init file, all these lags can be kept as a large spike at the beginning of a mission, which isn't too bad.
Normally when i create a script for the Mission Makers Unit, i don't upload it anywhere else. However, because many of the scripts i make are going to be used in MMU productions, i thought this one was an exception for two reasons. 1, is involves the use of a third party script, and 2, i need the approval from more beta testers than MMU can supply in order to determine whether or not this script is suitable.
ps, there is no green help text in the string because this is not being submitted