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Author Topic: [SP] The Red Wave (final) - (Review Complete)  (Read 15756 times)

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Offline Cheetah

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #30 on: 29 Jul 2008, 17:41:16 »
Vila's pwn addon?

Other than that, no bugs encountered.
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #31 on: 02 Aug 2008, 17:48:10 »
Cleared vilas addons, mission is now beta 6. Please verify if everything is ok. If that is the case, I will call it final and leave it at that.

Offline schuler

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #32 on: 02 Aug 2008, 18:42:48 »
Vila's pwn addons, i take that as cleared from the mission.sqm addons!
have a look at it, thought is was a go last time i bt'ed it.
edit;;;;;;;;;;;;;   one more time for the gipper!  ;) or two!

« Last Edit: 02 Aug 2008, 18:45:53 by schuler »
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Offline bert

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #33 on: 03 Aug 2008, 23:09:05 »
Just played beta 6. I was using ECS, true gameplay mods and durgs veg fix.

Intro and briefing were both pretty good. One oddity in the weapon selection though, was the inclusion of m249 belts, should they have been for the m240?

I got wounded almost immediately when the mission started. Stayed put for a while until enemy troops started appearing from just in front of the start position. By this point I'd lost one or two men and decided to retreat with them as things were getting a little on the hot side. Moved back about 50M and left what was left of my squad prone with a bit of cover. Lots of enemy were attacking from the left flank by this point so I found a roof and took out a good few of the attackers before getting wounded.
After patching myself up (ECS feature), I headed to a field hospital to get properly fixed up on the way that dreaded #report status, #is down several times and I found myself without a squad.
After visiting the hospital and picking up some ammo I covered a lot of ground mopping up infantry as I went. After 10-20 mns things got very quiet and targets hard to come by. I kept going for a while but ended up aborting.

Having looked at the mission in the editor, I see that the victory condition is to have <5 bad guys left. Personally I think that was a tad low as finding the men is extremely difficult if they and you are moving. Otherwise I'd say its a fairly sound mission.

Whilst in the editor, I also checked the outro which looked fine to me.


Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #34 on: 05 Aug 2008, 16:44:23 »
Hi bert!

Thank you for your thorough test! Beta 7 is now out, the treshold is now <8 men left. Could you check if it is now ok?



Offline schuler

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #35 on: 07 Aug 2008, 10:46:56 »
v7  1.14
Hopefully, the length and "last loon search" is now ok.
         test one
i stayed at the center flank for a bit, fired a lot of HE with the 203. got a message the right flank was penetrated went over there and got pinned down really bad by the med tent. the med tent was handy
its was a real battle there, even use the hand gun for close combat fighting.
only about 20mins
30 kills
saved game at the med tent died 4 times mission completed there

a  very good fight, challenging, short but sweet, if that what's we want!
intro is fine to my it says alot.

          test 2
grabbed the saw249
mowed down all the guys running in at the beginning
then decided to grab an m16 and AT and hunt some tanks on the left flank
good challenging fight again, more kills and a T72
hit the 2 soldiers under the bridge, mission completed there

a  very good fight, challenging, short but sweet, if that what's we want!
intro is fine to me it says a lot.
its a good start out mission with a fine intro about the oil the island and the sgt.
I think its fine because it introduces the campaign and put a mission under the belt for the player. ie. day of days is a bit more longer, so I beleave it's a good starter for the champ. Mostly I like the intro for the information. IMO its a nice fight for the 1st mission and its not so long the the player will forget about the intro.
Cheers, schuler
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #36 on: 07 Aug 2008, 23:03:07 »
Hi Schuler!

Thank you for your test and your kind words. Will get to your mission soon.  ;)

Offline Trapper

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave
« Reply #37 on: 26 Apr 2009, 17:31:06 »
EDIT: Mission is now Beta 7.
Hopefully, the length and "last loon search" is now ok.
ArmA 1.16B
HiFi Novus Aevum

It was perfectly ok when I played it.
Fought in the middle, stayed there for a while after the first flanking report and got the second flanking report. Then I moved towards the northern defense position, cursory cleaned it's backyard and after I fought with the T-72s in front of it the mission ended.
« Last Edit: 26 Apr 2009, 17:33:05 by Trapper »

Offline CH

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave (Starts Episode 1)
« Reply #38 on: 03 Jun 2009, 10:24:45 »

I'm not sure if you need more test reports for this mission since it has been out for a while, but I played it, liked it and wrote this...


Good story, but it's told a little bit slow.

My first attempt with this mission lasted for only a few seconds. I was killed before I could gain any situational awareness. The second time however I quickly took cover behind the sandbags. If you somehow could get the player to start the mission kneeling I thing it would be a good thing.
Back to the mission. Switched to burst mode and opened up on the first wave of enemy soldiers. I was so concentrated that I almost missed the radio message that the enemy had broken thru our left flank. Ordered my squad back in formation and moved over to the left flank. I used a house as cover and started shooting enemies in the back as they ran down the street. Meanwhile my squad is taking fire from someone. I locked over my shoulder but couldn't see them. They must have taken a different route or something. Didn't want to press "M" since I was afraid to get killed while I was looking at the map. I decided to cross the street and as I did, I could spot some enemy armor. Luckily they didn't engage me. By now I've lost my entire squad. While I'm thinking of what to do next I see pilot running towards me, I hesitate for second since I'm not 100% sure how friendly pilots dress,  then I pull the trigger.

When I receive the radio message about the landing crafts I'm almost out of ammo, so I pick up an MG from one of the dead enemy soldiers. As I cross the street for the second time I'm spotted by a BMP and it starts moving towards me. After a second or two it's destroyed by a mine. While I'm running towards the landing crafts I realize that most of the fighting have come to an end. As I get closer to the coastline I slow down, moving from cover to cover. I spot one of the boats and take out the driver. Then I see another one and it tries to escape. Since it haven't had time to pick up any speed it's pretty easy to destroy the boat and kill the driver. As I continue moving towards the water I am engaged by two more soldiers. After that I reach a point were I'm no longer sure how to proceed. I move around in the silent city for a while before I come a cross an enemy AT-soldier. The mission ends once his killed.

I enjoyed the first ¾ of the mission very much but I think the ending still needs some work.

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave (Starts Episode 1)
« Reply #39 on: 06 Jun 2009, 14:24:33 »
hi CH!

Would you care to elaborate a bit, what work remains im the last quarter of my mission?
From your beta test it just seems that the "lone last soldier" problem still persists and I only have to end the mission with a few more enemies alive.



Offline CH

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave (Starts Episode 1)
« Reply #40 on: 07 Jun 2009, 00:06:51 »
Since I spent the last ¼ of the mission running around looking for the AT-soldier, fixing the "lone last soldier" problem would at the same time fix the last ¼ of the mission as I experienced it. I will try to express myself clearly the next time. Sorry about that.
« Last Edit: 07 Jun 2009, 01:13:33 by CH »

Offline savedbygrace

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Re: OFPEC campaign mission #1: The Red Wave (Starts Episode 1)
« Reply #41 on: 08 Jun 2009, 09:27:11 »
Figured it's about time I tried my hand at the OFPEC campaign so I started with this one.
Great PIC, good text.
Had a few quiet moments with not a whole lot of life in the background. Nice narrative story(just need someone to narrate it)
Looked good here.
Enjoyed the onslaught of rushing troops. I stuck to the center at first until we wore the rush down and then I sprinted down to help out the right flank. Noticed that they seem to allow some of the enemy right through without ever taking a shot at them and then there were times that they would just light the muzzles up and pour it on em. Helped them take down quite a few there until they trickled then I moved back to the center where I discovered that the AI were breaking through the left flank and using the same route to approach the center. I nestled into a corner and picked them off as they rounded the church(had to take out a lone sniper in the slumyards in between) AFter a while, the train of enemy slowed to a trickle and I scooted out to inspect the left flank to see only armor left. Thought I had to take the armor down so I wiped out the armor on the left and them moved to the right again to help and found myself caught up in mopping up the straggling infantry. I took out a lone soldier in the slumyards beneath the bridge and the mission ended.
Man, wished my guys blasted like that during the misison. Another nice narrative spot.
Great start, Fantastic gameplay that allows the player the freedom to maneuver and adapt however their skill level permits. Plenty of action happening all around with a slight lull toward the end which is expected when the enemy figures out that they are fighting a losing skirmish. Plenty of ammo crates tucked away where they are needed, field hospitals as well and sandbags for cover. (A note on those sandbags: Due to them being lowered into the ground, I think it allows the AI to pass through them. Maybe place barrels or another object below the surface in front of the sandbags to detour AI around them. From my experience, barrels and other objects have a specific perimeter that prevent the AI from passing too close to them; this could go toward our favor in controling the AI pathfinding and preventing them from just walking through the sandbag wall.)

All that is missing from this otherwise splendid battle are the war cries. Various shouts, screams, barked orders, etc. Take a look at the FLAE mission, and grab some of those sounds to use here. An audible narrative for the Intro and Outro wouldn't hurt either. (Have you guys discussed sound and voices?)

One last simple touch perhaps? Have the armor as bonus objectives so that for each piece that the player destroys, a piece is removed from a later mission, making it that much easier. Just a thought there.

Personally, I thought the lull in action toward the end was appropriate to a certain extent. Much the same as soldiers would search the fallen for wounded allies while clearing out any hiding enemy.
« Last Edit: 08 Jun 2009, 09:35:01 by savedbygrace »

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Hi lads,

Tried and did not implement SBG's idea about the barrels (they are unearthed by explosions nearby), but I raised the treshold number for surviving soldiers to end the mission. Please test and comment on the "last loon" problem.

Mission is now Beta 8, the newest version.

Offline schuler

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NOTE To bring the mission in line with others, the M60A3 tank addon is used:
Mathias i only added this because its a new d/l and i missed the addon part ;)

you have more then on addon!?!?!?!?   QG???

note  we need to look at the intro on this one and adjust briefings and intros

      "vilas_wpn"   ?????????????????????????????
« Last Edit: 11 Jul 2009, 05:18:42 by schuler »
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Hi schuler!

Strange, vilas_wpn should be history several Betas back! I will delete it and re-upload the mission.
I think any QG addons should begin with DBE_1, so I don't think there is QG content in it.

Thanks for trying.

EDIT: Vilas_wpn now cleared and mission re-uploaded. I have no idea where I could pick this up since I have no vilas addons installed.
Sorry for the hassle, could someone confirm?

« Last Edit: 11 Jul 2009, 13:05:36 by mathias_eichinger »