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Author Topic: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI) -> beta 0.3 out now!  (Read 17214 times)

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Offline Barbolani

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI) -> beta 0.3 out now!
« Reply #45 on: 29 Jan 2008, 10:00:28 »
Hi Wolfrug,

Of course it works now. Thanx.

Few questions and suggestions:

- I tried to change he number that modifies the frecuency the AI talks... but it seems it doesent affect them when they are in safe mode. Is it true? Can be this modified?

- In stealth mode, my men tend to shout... its unrealistic, to be in "commando mode" and some guy shouts "ENEMY SPOTTED!!!!!!!" lol... how can i change that, so when the AI is in stealth mode they just shut up???

My suggestion: This script is GREAT to give innmersion in Arma. I think it needs improving with some more voices for OPFOR and RACS (spanish) sides. I`m spanish, so if you need help....

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI) -> beta 0.3 out now!
« Reply #46 on: 29 Jan 2008, 10:36:34 »
Frequence of AI talks:

This is, as mentioned, a relative number. If you open up RUG_DSAI\Scripts\DSAI_BehaviourCheck.sqf, you'll find this line under each behaviour:

Code: [Select]
sleep (random (RUG_DSAI_CycleTime * 2));
The *2 there means that the cycle will happen every CycleTime (in seconds) * 2. For Stealth it's *4, for Combat it's *1. Feel free to change these around to suit your needs!

Stealth mode:

A lot of people use Stealth mode as an alternative to Combat when fighting; the AI simply seems to understand a bit better to keep their heads down then. That's why I didn't make it so that the AI is entirely quiet during stealth; they'll still say stuff like "follow me!" and "reloading!" and "frag out!" even when in stealth. The "Contact!" shout I can understand though :D Especially when setting up an ambush. You need to go to RUG_DSAI\Scripts\DSAI_ContactCheck.sqf, where you'll find this line:

Code: [Select]
if (_unit !=Player && !_sameGrp && vehicle _unit == _unit) then {_unit say (_Sounds select _random2)};
Change it to:

Code: [Select]
if (_unit !=Player && !_sameGrp && vehicle _unit == _unit && behaviour _unit !="Stealth") then {_unit say (_Sounds select _random2)};
That will make the unit shut up while in stealth. You can add the same check (behaviour _unit !="Stealth") in any of the scripts you deem it to be necessary to get some more shutting up.  ;)

Spanish voices:

I grabbed the voices used there from the Soldier of Fortune II demo, but there weren't really all that many. :( If you know of any game though that has a bunch of good Spanish voices in them, feel free to contact me. ;) And if you decide to start recording them yourself, I'd be happy to check them out!  :good:

Glad you're liking the scripts. :) There's a self-initializing addon version out there too, which is soon to be updated as well...

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline Barbolani

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI) -> beta 0.3 out now!
« Reply #47 on: 29 Jan 2008, 12:24:45 »
Mmmmm I remember that Tony Montana game, "Scarface, the world is yours".... it had LOTS of angry-spanish voices that could be used in combat mode....

I could make a spanish "DAN version".... mmmmm, could be a good idea that the RACS speak european spanish and the OPFOR south american spanish (or Cuban etc..)...

Offline Vultar

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI) -> beta 0.3 out now!
« Reply #48 on: 14 Feb 2008, 17:01:56 »
Hi Wolfrug,
Great addon, though.
But there is one problem, one day I installed some addons and this addon was working without any scripting, also working in campaigne or ever QG! Now it doesn't work. Do you know why? Maybe you can explain me. And what is correctly needed to make this works without any scripts?

I got

Extended Init Event Handlers 1,26  and bisign
Extended Fired Event Handlers 1,26  and bisign

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI) -> beta 0.3 out now!
« Reply #49 on: 14 Feb 2008, 17:28:38 »
Questions about the addon version should really be directed towards the Addon Beta Testing boards, but for the sake of brevity I'll answer here:

Usually, there are two reasons why the voices don't work.
1) Wrong version of the Extended Init Eventhandlers mod (doesn't work with the latest version right now - next version will however). If you haven't changed versions inbetween, though, it's probably not this.
2) You're using an addon unit that -doesn't- use the Extended Init Eventhandlers, and already has an eventhandler defined. These include RHS Marines & VDV, Zabrak aliens, REBUS Italian Units (I think) and some others (haven't tested 'em all!). In that case, the only thing you can do is contact the authors of these addons and ask them nicely to make use of XEH in future releases. :)
3) Something else! Hard to tell!

Anyway : more questions, go to the thread linked above please :)

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline Bracks

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI) -> beta 0.3 out now!
« Reply #50 on: 30 Mar 2008, 13:32:06 »
Have been using your scripts for awhile now and enjoying them very much (still).

I have one small questions I wondered about if you wouldn't mind?

If so,
1/ During a cutscene in multiplayer (aka not using the intro/outro bit in the SP editor) you can often hear all the voices on full, even though you are .. for example 300 metres in the air watching a harrier :)
I think I remember the same thing happening to ECP though.

So is there a variable that I can set to false, or do you have any suggestions to stop them saying stuff while the cut scene is running?

2/ Is there any reason you didn't add .lip files for the spanish voices (and maybe others as have not checked)?  Does it have a large effect on performance or did you decided it wouldn't be worth it? 

We always have two scripts now that we run in every mission we play, this being one of them, so thanks again for adding all that extra enjoyment that your script adds :).

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI) -> beta 0.3 out now!
« Reply #51 on: 30 Mar 2008, 13:47:34 »
I'm glad you're enjoying them! They're getting a bit outdated now though, to be honest, but there you go. :) I keep promising a new version but so far it hasn't happened :D I'll get there though...

1) Yes, this is an ArmA/OFP bug : all "say"'s are made into "playSound" sounds whenever you're in a cutscene, for some god-awful reason. To solve this, simply change the global variable RUG_DSAI_TerminalDistance to 0 (RUG_DSAI_TerminalDistance = 0) when the cutscene starts (or preferably a bit before, since it might take a second or two for the scripts to realise they should pause), and then change it back to whatever you've been using afterwards (for instance 500 or 1000).

2) I can't make wavtolip work.  >:( No matter what I do, following the instructions exactly...no cigar. No .lip files. IF you or someone else would want to go through all the trouble of converting the .oggs to .wav and then creating .lip files and sending them to me, that'd be wonderful and much appreciated! But yeah, a lot of work for some moving lips. :)

Glad you're enjoying the scripts!

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline Bracks

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI) -> beta 0.3 out now!
« Reply #52 on: 30 Mar 2008, 14:10:09 »
Great thanks!
Have you played/owned the game hidden and dangerous 2?
If not, it's a ww2 game made by illusion softworks which features a huge array of good voices (imo).  Currently i'm slowly working through them all and based off what they sound like... am throwing them into an aware/combat and safe folder.
I didn't bother with the british but am working on the others.. there is around
~700 good german ones.
~100 italian ones and about ~200 jap ones. 

Just incase it helps, I found these two programs which make naming/configing them 100X tmes faster. 
I used this one for the file names.
 With it you can select as many files as you want and rename them with an added number or varaible.. like for example
germanstealth_1,germanstealth_2 ect. 
To do this go edit>insert number then put           %ld       in the formatting spot.  Then choose your start number and position in name and away you go.

Second program, which I used to name them in the configs is just notepad ++
I put each class on its own line then just copy pasted it for 100 or so lines with the numbers missing, e.g
Then I followed this tut and added all the numbers onto the ends.

About wave2lip.  I had massive troubles with it to start with as well.  However I have it working perfect now and can drag as many files onto it as I like at a time. 
I know this sounds silly, but the thing that fixed it for me was to put it as close to the route C:\ as possible.  For example C:\wave2lip\here.  I think I read that from Suma somewhere, can't remember exactly though..

I could do them if your still having trouble, the only problem being that I would have to convert them back to .wav first as you said, and my trail of gold wave is near the end of its use count :D .  Do you use a different program for your converting?

Regardless, thanks the solution to the cut scene problem.
« Last Edit: 30 Mar 2008, 14:33:28 by Bracks »

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI) -> beta 0.3 out now!
« Reply #53 on: 30 Mar 2008, 14:23:30 »
Ooh, nice. Looks useful. I'll look into those programs, since yeah : the most time-consuming part of it all is configging all those darned sound files :D The scripts are already there, after all.

So you use them for MP? Good to know you've gotten 'em to work without too much of a hassle :) You might want to check out the addon version as well if you want to avoid having 100mb + mission files :D It basically works the same at the moment, with some minor wiggles. And there really is a newer version of it available, but not publicly so yet.

Thanks for the feedback! And the tools.

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline johnnyboy

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (RUG DSAI) -> beta 0.3 out now!
« Reply #54 on: 30 Mar 2008, 20:50:35 »
Regarding wav2lip...

I know this sounds silly, but the thing that fixed it for me was to put it as close to the route C:\ as possible.  For example C:\wave2lip\here.  I think I read that from Suma somewhere, can't remember exactly though..

...I think the problem was if you had an embedded space anywhere in the directory names, wav2lip would not work.

For example this would NOT work:

C:\my sound files\wav2lip.exe

But this would work:

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