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Author Topic: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)  (Read 16391 times)

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Offline Wolfrug

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Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)
« on: 07 Dec 2007, 01:15:43 »
Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (DSAI): Self-initializing Addon version
Version: 1.1 (also for Arma 2)
Required: Solus' Extended Init Eventhandlers
By: Wolfrug (www.ofpec.com) and Sickboy (http://6thsense.eu/)


    * Ready made scripts for Dynamic Sound AI that is easily modifiable by the end-user.
    * Your AI will shout curses at the enemy, tell you when they're reloading, throwing a grenade, engaging, when they're hurt, fleeing or when they've scored a big kill! And much more.
    * Works in both SP, client-side MP and server-side MP
    * Features English, Arab, Russian and Spanish voices by default
    * Can assign voices to all sides (BLUFOR, OPFOR, Independent, Civilian, SideEnemy)
    * Easily activated/deactived by mission makers, addon makers or server admins as required, using global variables and config entries (see below for more information)

This self-initializing addon version of my scripts have since been modified heavily by Sickboy, and the new version has been released as 1.0 (still the most current version). You can find all the necessary information on installing, creating your own soundpacks etc. on the BIKI page, and you can find mirrors here (ArmAHolic) and here (ArmedAssault.info).

Please peruse the BIKI page for most information, otherwise feel free to use this thread for troubleshooting. Thank you!

For Arma 2 (FileFront): Link

Wolfrug out.
« Last Edit: 03 Dec 2010, 21:24:02 by Wolfrug »
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline MattiusRochelle

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)
« Reply #1 on: 07 Dec 2007, 01:57:16 »
Yey a Addon Version, Thanks soo very much.  :D

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)
« Reply #2 on: 07 Dec 2007, 15:08:52 »
Comments? Suggestions for improvements? More features? ;) And you're welcome!

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline RubberKite

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)
« Reply #3 on: 10 Feb 2008, 15:44:36 »
Comments? Suggestions for improvements? More features? ;) And you're welcome!

Wolfrug out.

Wolfrug this is very nice addon / script  :good:

I test on Multiplayer Modded evolution with a lot of stuff and it doesn't blow up the Server :) ( 8 player friend coop :) )
I want to know how to increase random sound repeat, and how to use in group of uman player instead AI, should be fun listen some "fisiologic" sound

I want to collaborate with you, and send you Italian voice, If I overwrite the spanish ones with Italian and I send you all the folders scheme can you add italian voices to the selection ?

thank u a lot for the nice feature that make the game feel more real  :good:


Offline Wolfrug

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)
« Reply #4 on: 10 Feb 2008, 17:48:37 »
Hey there!

Yes, I'm aware it doesn't blow up the server :D Glad you enjoyed it. There's a new version coming up pretty soon, which is a collaboration between me and Sickboy (of 6th sense fame), that should make it work a lot better in an MP environment, as well as generally being better optimized.

I want to know how to increase random sound repeat

Somewhere, for instance in your Init.sqs/init.sqf (you'll have to edit the mission, or use Doolittle's widget that I linked to above for servers), change the value of RUG_DSAI_CycleTime. By default, it's 10. It's a relative number that determines how long the duration between each uttering is. So changing to to for instance 5 will (relatively speaking) make the shouts come a lot more often. If you just want a little increase, make it something like: RUG_DSAI_CycleTime = 8 or so.  :good:

how to use in group of uman player instead AI

This is not really doable without opening up the addon with an unPBOer and changing each of the files in the RUG_DSAI\Scripts folder: There will be a line that reads something like this:

Code: [Select]
if (_unit !=Player && vehicle _unit == _unit) then {_unit say (_Sounds select _random2)};
Just remove the first _unit !=Player to make Players say sounds as well. Note that in the current version, the sounds aren't synchronized, so you'll all hear different things. It wasn't really meant for making players say random stuff: you can do that quite well with VOIP or TS or something anyway :D If you -just- want the fart sounds, just edit it out from the DSAI_GenericCheck.sqf script.  :P

Italian sounds:

Yes please! If you can get a collection of Italian sounds, I'd be more than happy to include them! If you'd go so far as to put them into the same order as the Spanish ones, that'd even save me hours and hours of work (sound configs and such). Just remember to rename them, eh ;)

Thanks for the comments. :) And as mentioned: new version on the way.

Wolfrug out.

"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline RubberKite

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)
« Reply #5 on: 10 Feb 2008, 19:10:57 »
Outstanding to hear that  new version is in the way !!!

I promise u an italian pack :) for serious people and one for blastfemy like me  :whistle:

what u mean for rename it ?

I think to replace the same  .ogg file with italian version and give you the same Directory with same filenames ?
I must rename the filenames ?

tell me what I must do, and I do the max to save your time.


Just remove the first _unit !=Player to make Players say sounds as well. Note that in the current version, the sounds aren't synchronized, so you'll all hear different things. It wasn't really meant for making players say random stuff: you can do that quite well with VOIP or TS or something anyway Cheesy If you -just- want the fart sounds, just edit it out from the DSAI_GenericCheck.sqf script.  Tongue

Sorry my english is not perfet I mean the fart sound like burps and other just for fun, sometime when we play coop with Ai and with friend in TS is hard to understand if the sound comes from mod or from our friend hehehe,

Offline kju

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)
« Reply #6 on: 31 Mar 2009, 10:30:38 »
I am not sure if thats the right thread, yet its the best search gave me.  ::)

I am using beta 0.4 addon version says the readme.
The BIKI page says there is a 1.0 RC:

AH and filefront only have 0.4 too. So is that the latest Wolfrug?

While playing I got this error message. Latest XEH in use.

Code: [Select]
Warning Message: Script RUG_DSAI\RUG_DSAI\RUG_DSAI\RUG_DSAI\DSAI_Misc.sqf not found

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)
« Reply #7 on: 31 Mar 2009, 11:47:12 »
Hehe. As mentioned, I failed a bit at updating this here topic  :whistle:

The top the post has the link to the BIKI + ArmAHolic/ArmesAssault.info mirrors for the 1.0 RC version. This version, 0.4, is pretty old. I'll just update the post to prevent further confusion.

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline kju

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)
« Reply #8 on: 31 Mar 2009, 18:13:19 »
Thanks.  :good:

Again great addition.  :)

Offline kju

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)
« Reply #9 on: 03 Dec 2010, 20:29:48 »
Wolfrug is this the latest version?

11.3.2008 / Changelog v.1.1 Converted to Arma 2

I get these while playing with CO:

Code: [Select]
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat249.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat252.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat253.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat262.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat266.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat277.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat279.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat286.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat287.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat288.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat289.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat295.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat298.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\camcombat\us_combat304.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\combat\russel\univ_v14.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\combat\russel\univ_v28.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\combat\russel\univ_v32.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\combat\russel\univ_v41.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\combat\russel\univ_v44.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\combat\russel\univ_v45.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\combat\russel\univ_v61.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\contact\ryan\univ_v37.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\misc\howard\univ_v42.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\misc\jeff\univ_v40.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'rug_dsaieng\sounds\misc\ryan\univ_v40.ogg'

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)
« Reply #10 on: 03 Dec 2010, 21:08:16 »
I'm not sure if the ArmaHolic/ArmedAssault.info guys have updated it to include all the quickfixes, but if not, the latest version can be downloaded from FileFront (for Arma 2, that is. Damn, I should have two versions of this post shouldn't I?):


Updated the top post to reflect this as well :)

Anyway, the sounds it apparently can't find do exist where they're supposed to exist, as far as I can tell at least. :( Do you get any error messages in game, or is it just in the .rpt?

Wolfrug out.
« Last Edit: 03 Dec 2010, 21:24:33 by Wolfrug »
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline kju

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Re: Wolfrug's Dynamic Sound AI (Addon version)
« Reply #11 on: 04 Dec 2010, 08:43:23 »
Thanks for that.  :good:

Yep the sound files are missing / it references too high numbers it seems.
No on screen errors - just found in the rpt.