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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Final Liberation  (Read 8224 times)

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Offline mathias_eichinger

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(Review Completed) [SP] Final Liberation
« on: 23 Nov 2007, 23:43:11 »
Hi folks! I have put together another mission, this time conventional grunt action. Please tell me what you think!

Mission: Final Liberation
Version needed: ArmA 1.08
Type: Single Player only
Teamswitch : No
Island: Sara
Addons: None
Mission by: Mathias Eichinger
Version: Beta 4

A little about the mission:

With the help of the US, the RACS manage to press home the offensive into North Sahrani. The war has been a costly
affair, however. The regular battalions were suffering horrible losses. This is the moment where the player is put
into the boots of a reserve officer, who thanks to his diverse training and enthusiasm for refresher courses, is
tasked with the final assault on the enemy capital. Lead your men into anger the first time and take care of them! 

Thank you!


Edit #1: After a test by Relikki, I am able to present Beta 2, some bugs have been ironed out.

Edit #2: Further feedback by Wolfrug and Denz helped me to deal with some inconsistencies, mission is now Beta3.

Edit #3: Thanks to LCDs and bert`s reports, there are more enemies in Bagango itself and they don`t migrate all together towards your position. I think I just need one beta test and if nothing in the way of "Oh my god, you NEED to change that" comes up, I will ask for a review.

Edit #4: Thanks to bert, both the General`s Face bug and the end trigger have been fixed, mission is now fully working and ready for review.

Edit #5: Small potential bug fixed, this is definitely the Review candidate.
« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2008, 12:43:18 by Cheetah »

Offline Rellikki

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 1
« Reply #1 on: 24 Nov 2007, 12:24:01 »
Played with ArmA v.1.08 + Queen's Gambit, TrueMods, Q11 recoils and Lowplants. Veteran difficulty.

Has everything it needs. The readme could use your contact information though...

The overview is good.

When the briefing loaded, I got an error message saying that I need Editor Update 1.02, but it didn't
stop me from playing though... Spotted only one grammar issue on the briefing:
You are in command of the this large assault. -> You are in command of this large assault.
The marker link to the Communist Party HQ on the briefing didn't work.

I took an M136 from the truck. We crawled forward until we were in a good position where we had a clear vision of the radio tower and its defences. I ordered my AT guys to target one of the shilkas and I took the other one. My MG guys took care of most of the infantry. While advancing, I started getting some weird radio messages, eg. "Roger, let's finish this", but I didn't complete any objectives or anything...
We secured the area and I went back for the truck to get some satchel charges. I bombed the radio tower and put my AI on defencive positions and I started sniping some infantry from the city. Some crazy RPG guys started bombing us from miles away, from the roofs. :confused: Some specops also tried to attack us but with no luck. I managed to clear sector blue from that position, after some while...
When the city seemed clear enough, I called in the attack. We had to repel some counter-attacks at the radio tower first, before we could move on. We moved down the hill by the forest and reached the north-east side of the city, where we engaged some fleeing soldiers that were heading east. As we reached the city, the sector red got cleared up.
I found some hiding SLA soldier from an MG nest, and when I killed it, sector black got cleared up. The rest of the mission was just tidying. Everyone left in sector green were hiding inside the MG nests too. You should probably give them 'this setunitpos "up"'...
I couldn't find the communist party HQ or the general, so I had to use cheats to end the mission.

Completed the mission with 30 infantry kills and an MG. 4 casualties. Duration 53 minutes.

The outro was fine.

It was a good assaulting mission. Kinda reminded me of bardosy's Estrella campaign's first part's last mission and johnnyboy's Last Tango in Bagango. Fix the things I mentioned above and it'll be perfect.

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 2
« Reply #2 on: 24 Nov 2007, 17:35:56 »
Hi all!

I thank Relikki for his nice test which pointed out bugs and typos! Corrected these, and now anybody can (hopefully) enjoy Beta 2!



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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 2
« Reply #3 on: 26 Nov 2007, 03:50:48 »
Hey Mathias, I've been away for a while and was in desperate need of an ArmA fix so I gave this a quick run through mate

v1.08 Modern War Sound mod & DM Smoke Effects 4.3b

It's ok, the text is good. I'm not a fan of the picture though.

It sets the story up nicely. You have two apostrophes in "Lion's Den" though.

The briefing is good, covering all the aspects. Map was good and all the links worked although maybe have a marker for your initial position.
No gear selection.
Couple of typos
"on the hill 151" > on hill 151
"prevent and "last resistance" orders" > prevent any
"make sure every enemy resistance" > make sure all enemy resistance

Took a few minutes to get everyone a full load of ammo. Took out the enemy on the ridge from 300 metres away (I love sniper rifles) my AI AT guys didn't disappoint either they managed to kill the two shilkas from the same distance. The radio mast exploding took me a bit by surprise - also took out one of my guys. I then proceeded to snipe the enemy on the rooftops. I saw a couple of them run off the roof before I could shoot them. Maybe use disableai "move" on them to keep them in place. Also saw quite a few enemy soldiers heading out to the East.
Radioed for the attack to commence and I arranged the machine gunner, sniper and medic along the ridge in an overwatch position, swapped my rifle for the AK74 PSO (which is becoming my favourite weapon btw) and headed down into the town. This was really just a case of mopping up and clearing the fortifications. Used the other radio option and met the officer by the party HQ.
Time 44 minutes and 19 kills  :dry:

Short and sweet is all I can really say about it  :D

A good example of a mission with a straight forward objective. Sometimes people get carried away with making missions overly complicated.
A bit more action in the town would be ok though - maybe some soldiers in the buildings themselves just to give it a little tension like FIBUA should have.
I've got 'em right where I want 'em - surrounded from the inside!
Jerry "Mad Dog" Shriver, SOG Recon One-Zero
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Offline Wolfrug

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 2
« Reply #4 on: 26 Nov 2007, 14:34:35 »

Nothing wrong here - nice picture and description.


Slightly curious about why the BMP and the M113 wrecks were so close together? Otherwise nothing wrong here either, although the last shot where you see yourself and your men pile out of the truck is marred by ArmA-AI's unability to exit anything gracefully  :D So lots of stuttering people running around in circles, but I guess that's alright.


Comprehensive enough; although maybe you could give the player a better list of friendly assets (i.e., how many tanks, how many units etc) so he knows better when it's a good time to call in the attack.


I grabbed an M136 from the truck and then headed out towards the hill. Once there I set up my men in line formation, spotted the enemies (all the infantry except the ones inside the actual forts ran off randomly though?) and assigned targets. I took out one of the Shilkas and my men took out the other. A couple of shots later, and the mgun nests were down. Are you entirely sure btw that the mguns can actually shoot over the sandbags? Because I think they would've gotten the chance once or twice during the mission.
I then hurry up towards the tower with the commando in tow, and start planting charges. Just before I manage to blow them though, the tower collapses by itself?  ??? What's up with that, like? Either that or I accidentally set a timeout of 30 secs on one of them charges...  :D

After that, I snipe from the top of the hill, killing all the guys on the roof (except for one, d'oh) and also a small infantry squad in the woods to our left. No-one tries to attack us while we're up there, although 8 and 5 both get stuck in the ground >_< Why is there an "Obstacle - Saddle" under the tower, btw? Unless it's supposed to be there by default.
Having killed most things in immediate sight, I order the attack. Some explosions and some sniping later (most the Abrams get destroyed by RPG soldiers, sadly), I move into the town itself and mop up. What was left: a bunch of MG nests with both MG + AT guy left alive. I either think they can't be spotted by friendlies, or they can't anyway shoot out of their nests. Or they were just lucky. One guy I forgot on a roof, oops. And a couple of spetznaz around the main communist HQ.

Total playing time: 39 minutes
Total kills: a bunch!


"What will I tell the families..." not "how will I tell the families". Or, well, the one you have now is sort of grammatically correct, but there was something a bit off with how it was worded :) Also: might want to setface both the Ribolis to look the same, I had a pasty white-guy the first time around and an old black guy the second. Also, might want to remove the M9 from the Riboli who comes and greets you, or he'll go around pointing that thing at everyone (alternatively make him Careless).


A quick little mission that could have profited from some more radio chatter ("Shit! Abrams down!", "Second platoon moving in from the East.", "Radio tower is down!" etc) and maybe something else. Say for instance a secondary objective to stop the communist leaders before they escape (in an Mi-17 from the their HQ). Also there really weren't too many enemies inside Bagango itself, it felt sort of empty actually. Maybe add a tank or APC or such to the SLA forces, those usually "fill in the gaps" pretty well (and hey, more explosions!). Also, there didn't seem to be any time limit on destroying the radio mast, exactly: maybe make it so that once you've revealed your position you have to move in and destroy it within X minutes or they'll call for reinforcements..?

But it worked from start to finish, no problem!  :good:

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 2
« Reply #5 on: 26 Nov 2007, 19:18:48 »
Hi wolfrug!

Thanks for all the things you pointed out! A couple of explanations:

The MGs on Hill 151 can definitely shoot you, but maybe you are in a dead angle once you at the very foot of the hill.

I never had the tower collapsing by itself, but the commando would always use 30 second timing, that`s why I have provided additional satchels in the truck.

And the "saddle" is used to tick the objective off (I don`t know how to detect fixed objects on the map).

Hmmm, I find it a bit strange that nobody attacked you up there, since it has always worked for me and the other testers i think...

Thank you for your time!


Offline LCD

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 2
« Reply #6 on: 28 Nov 2007, 23:41:59 »
still waitin 4 new ver 2 test dis ;) :D

And the "saddle" is used to tick the objective off (I don`t know how to detect fixed objects on the map).

use da nearestobject command as in

object = (getpos this) nearestobject 250


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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 2
« Reply #7 on: 29 Nov 2007, 14:59:52 »

Thanks for the hint! Well, mebe you have to hold your horses a bit longer, I have my first job interview most probably early next week, so preparation for RL has priority. But you never know I might have that rush to refine this mission further just this weekend  ;)



Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 3
« Reply #8 on: 01 Dec 2007, 00:59:24 »

I just could not resist to spend additional time with this mission, and I am able to present Beta 3.

Have fun


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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 3
« Reply #9 on: 03 Dec 2007, 04:16:53 »
ok this was kinda wierd actualy  :blink: so ill write da mision part in difrent way from wat i usualy do... ull c wat i mean; )





1)seems 2 have some preload problems (or mebe its my st00pid comp :P) try 2 add some 0.5 delay b4 showin da scenes or somin like dat...
2) loading screen cud have other text... not only... "get ready"


1) u shud give da players group a callsign (setgroupID command)
2) da notes part cud look more official (date at top and stuff like dat...) also it cud have been spaced beter...
3) da players rank is sarge (while everywere hes refered 2 as major)
4) Weapon selection wud b great... instead of havin all weapons in truck... as assigin ammo 2 soldiers takes lotsa time :P
5) U have 2 explain radio da radio options... (tell us 2 use radio 2 call attack and 2 call after da attack...) also explain wat is attackin from where (Tanks from south... Squads from my side... etc...) so da player can have beter indication 4 when 2 call other squads...


Ok heres how it played out...

i took myself uphill and me n my suqad destroyed both shilkas and MGs... from like 300m.. and started climbing da hill... while climbin 1 squad attacked us from da forest while da radar outpost itself was empty... after i killed em i sniped soldiers on roofs... and squads from town started attackin da outpos... after playin king of da hill w/ em (dey climb on hill my squad wipes em out...) seems dat blue sector was cleared... i think a beter way was 2 have only 1 squad rienforce da hill and da others realy guard da town ? :P... nywayz so i called attack (only noticed radio then :P) and also decided 2 c wat hapens if i declare i won :P... (u shud probably hide dis option till areas r realy clear :P) so we went into town dat was more or less clear already (it seems all squads tried 2 attack me on hill...) after killin some more infantry (town was kinda deserted..) and 2 tanks i had all sectors clear exept comie HQ.... so i went dere and saw dat dey already killed my officer  :whistle:  ::) so i went in killed last especas and got da red sector cleared... mision didnt finish... i went 2 da body of commander and it started talkin 2 me  :D  :cool2: mision complete...

so sugestions

1) Give all units callsigns (so when dey talk it shows somin other than 1-1-b-1 and 1-2-a-1 :P)
2) have more radio chater between squads while da attack on bangango comences
3) script da 1st part beter... so u have a squad dat is static behind da sandbags (instead opf givin up defensive positions...) and when dey engaged send 1 or 2 squads 2 rienforce em in organized way... rest of squads shud stay in town...
4) it seems da southern shilka and MG in radar base have problem returnin fire...
5) use destroy WP on da radio tower.... so its beter understood by not veteran players...
6) arrange town defences beter (u may want 2 open up Last Tango and taske beter look...)
7) buff up town defences... da town now feels deserted
8) have every MG in town setcaptived true after da soldier in it dies... (st00pid AI keeps shotin em after dey empty... dey almost killed me like dat)
9) hide da option 2 call oficer 2 meet until player clears bangango... (0 setradiomsg "NULL")


1) u need 2 black out b4 usin da ending triger... or somin like dat :P :D

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 3
« Reply #10 on: 03 Dec 2007, 13:18:28 »

Wow, your beta tests are definitely the most detailed around...looks like an impressive list of necessary changes.  :whistle:
Thank you for your time!


Offline LeeHunt

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 3
« Reply #11 on: 08 Dec 2007, 15:57:21 »
hi Mathias,

I enjoyed this, i'm about halfway done. I sniped a few guys off the radio tower hill and took out the shilkas myself with the M136 rounds.  I moved my squad up to an ambush position and managed to wipe out the first enemy counterattack. The second one however pushed me back from the radio tower, and i was killed about a dozen times as AI infantry appeared randomly all around me. Was a bit frustrated with the AI shooting me on the run from 400 yards away with an AK (arrrgh Bohemia please fix that!) but managed to start sniping away at the Bagango rooftops.  Will finish this tomorrow morning.

Now for the suggestions:

1) The initial intro of 4 M113's in a row all destroyed-- could they be placed more haphazardly like they were destroyed in a wild battle?  Also i think most people prefer a different camera angle rather than top down. And as another betatester mentioned the camera following the troops exiting the truck was stuttered.

2) The shilka further down teh slope (not by the MG sandbags) was a bit exposed. I would imagine those soldiers would hide that better.

3) I agree with much of what LCD said- more callsigns, more radio chatter, more "ear & eye candy" as teh mission progresses.  Many missions give the player a lot of chatter and visuals at the beginning and then slowly the player feels more detached.  Bringing the player back into the story would be good.

PS good luck at the job interview!!   :good:

Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 3
« Reply #12 on: 09 Dec 2007, 01:12:06 »
Hi Lee!

Many thanks for spending time on my mission! But I must admit that I am a bit at a loss with this one. I have replaced Kronzky`s UPS with Dynamic Group Creator, and the "AI reaction effect" seems even worse.... they run for you on the hill and don`t stay in the city as they should. And "Guard" triggers work the same way.  :confused:

Looks like I have to simply have a number of enemy squads run around down there in circles, like in the early days of OFP. Any work on my mission has to wait, hovever. Yesterday evening my ArmA suddenly told me that my DVD was not an original. I think it boils down to the small crack on the inner side of the disc that I discovered after a few tries.  :weeping:
Oh well, now I know what I want for Christmas!



Offline LCD

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 3
« Reply #13 on: 09 Dec 2007, 09:23:03 »
and the "AI reaction effect" seems even worse

actualy... wat u need 2 do is 2 have em runnin around (ike in old OFP dayz :P) with a synced detection triger... so when da player does get in da town they start reacting 2 him (so after da sync dey move into guard WPs...) also a good idea wud b 2 have some soldiers dat r static in good tactical position (I sugest Depbpoing last tango and taking a look...) another trick i used was 2 exec da UPS on soldiers some time inside da mision so dey start patroling only when i need em patroling :D

hope u find a good job... so u can buy urself a new Arma :P even tho... i think u can contact BIS or whoever it is and tell em bout dat...

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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 3
« Reply #14 on: 09 Dec 2007, 15:27:27 »

Many thanks for your helpful suggestions! I now know what to do for the third major redesign of the city defenses. But I must admit that I was completely overwhelmed by the sight of Last Tango in the Editor I don`t know where to start to use things from it. Hmm...I don`t think Morphicon will send me a free disc if I send them mine - but I would have money for ArmA anyway since it is an "old" game already.
Will know more about my potential job on wednesday.



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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 3
« Reply #15 on: 09 Dec 2007, 16:25:39 »
yeah... last tango is messy... wat u shud do is zoom in close and check some of da units ;) :D

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 3
« Reply #16 on: 05 Jan 2008, 19:00:51 »
No complaints.

No problems spotted. All marker links worked properly.

Grabbed a M136, a couple of rockets and a satchel charge from the truck. I grouped my squad in to two teams, red and white. Both teams positioned below Shilkas LOS and told to wait. I moved up and took out the first ZSU before moving back and then SW to hill 175 from where I took out ZSU no. 2. Moved a bit further up and sniped a few infantry. Proceeded to move squad up to the tower. I then moved in on the tower and knocked it down with the satchel. One RPG guy shot at me from a fortress so I took him out with the M9.

With my squad out of view from Bagango, I sniped the men on the buildings from the top of the hill. One or two walked over the edge when wounded. Moved my two teams so they could cover the approaches to my position whilst I caused some trouble with the M-24. Spotted some T-72s in town, so I nicked a few RPGs and did some long range "tank sniping" I manged 1 hit from 3 shots and got a crew to bail. Scavenged a few more RPGs from the hill and ordered the assault.

With the assault under way I moved down the hill towards town along some woods. Ran in to an Esecas group at close range AI saved my butt here. As I was getting close to town I nicked the scoped AK and moved in closer. I left one team on the edge of Bagango and moved in with the other. I hit one tank with an RPG and an AI team mate finished it off with a M136. AI squads cleared red and green sectors and my squad cleared most of balck and blue sectors. Took out two especas in the CPHQ, the last sector got cleared whilst I was sweeping around the back of CPHQ. Called the boss and the job was done.

A nice little mission, the ideal duration for me at the moment as I can't really stick at my PC for ages at the moment as I'm recovering from a knee op and I seize up if I hang around for too long. I think Bagango could have had a few extra defenders in places. A few small AI patrols would help fill it up nicely.
A bit of radio chatter would have added to the immersion.
Everything worked an I had quite a nice time playing this one.


Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 4
« Reply #17 on: 06 Jan 2008, 20:54:39 »
Hi all!

First of all, thanks to bert for his nice beta test. I just added a new version (Beta 4), which I consider final if nothing comes up that stops the show or is very much annoying. For this purpose I think I just need one last beta test.



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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 4
« Reply #18 on: 07 Jan 2008, 00:26:16 »
Ok, finished beta 4. On the whole there was quite an improvement, but one fairly major bug.

As the overview, intro and briefing are unchanged I won't repeat myself. I did notice the gear selection bit though. That was a good touch.

Mission. I divided my squad the same way as before and kept the teams out of view of the enemy position. It looks like you put down a fair bit more SLA infantry. Clearing the hill around the tower took a bit longer this time. Both shilkas were taken out in a coordinated attack between myself and an at specialist. The at guy lasted about 5 seconds before getting killed. I moved towards hill 175 again before taking out the mg nests and a few infantry. With one team in a covering position, I moved up towards the hill. Saw all the guys hiding behind the sand bags so I scavenged a few grenades and cleared them out. After getting 6 to blow the tower, I moved my squad up on to the hill, just out of view of Bagango. I used the M24 to cause a bit of havoc, one or two tower guys walked off their roof again, and fought of quite a few infantry coming up the hill. Ordered the attack and saved before moving down. Just as well.

I moved down through the woods again and ran in to a lot of infantry, killed most but then got killed by a t-72 that had snuck up to the edge of the woods without anyone seeing. Tried again and took an RPG this time. Tank was there again so I hit it and got the crew to bail. AI took care of crew. I moved to the tank and used it for cover. Quite a bit of infantry came out of town again and I used most of my ammo on them. With my binocs I spotted a fairly distant t-72 in good cover, only the turret was visible. I hopped in to the empty tank as a gunner, lased the distant one (using NWD tank FCS) and whacked it with the first shot. The tank FCS is a quality addon :D. I grabbed an SVD from a sniper and moved in further. Took out a few more infantry on the way. It was getting quite quiet by this point and two sectors were clear by the time I entered the town at the cost of a severe mauling to friendly forces.

Once in town, I grabbed an AK and topped up on RPG rounds for the rest of the mission. Mopped up a few infantry and some armour to clear the rest of the town. Told the general its safe to turn up.
Something seems to have got broken at this point. When the general turned up he just alternated between prone and standing after getting out of his jeep. The mission wouldn't end so I used the endmission cheat.

Completed in 47 mns with a score of 23660.
I killed a shilka, 2x tanks, 13 crew and 41 infantry. Only lost that at specialist at the start.
I reverted to a save to see if the mission not ending was a one off, but this time the general just stood there and the mission didn't end. All other objectives were complete.

The mission was improved fairly well I thought although that bug that stopped the mission needs looking in to. I enjoyed it more this time, I had to move a lot more carefully this time. On another note, the General'f face changed between the mission and the outro.


Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: (Please Review) [SP] Final Liberation Beta 4
« Reply #19 on: 07 Jan 2008, 10:41:28 »
Hi all!

I just fixed the "General`s Face" bug and the end trigger, mission is now fully working and ready for review!



Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: (Please Review) [SP] Final Liberation Beta 4
« Reply #20 on: 03 Feb 2008, 22:31:28 »

This mission is still looking for a reviewer!  :D



Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: (Please Review) [SP] Final Liberation Beta 4
« Reply #21 on: 02 Mar 2008, 20:18:22 »

Offline Cheetah

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Re: (Please Review) [SP] Final Liberation Beta 4
« Reply #22 on: 02 Mar 2008, 20:26:20 »
This one has been under review for some time. Sorry, haven't posted about it.

EDIT: note that it's not me reviewing this one.
« Last Edit: 05 Mar 2008, 10:28:32 by Cheetah »
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Offline mathias_eichinger

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 4 (Review in Progress)
« Reply #23 on: 18 Mar 2008, 16:02:28 »
Just added the final version of the mission for review and fixed a potential bug.



Offline wcrvieira

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Re: [SP] Final Liberation Beta 4 (Review in Progress)
« Reply #24 on: 27 Mar 2008, 22:56:50 »
Review is completed and can be found here.

Feel free to start the after-review discussion.
« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2008, 12:43:54 by Cheetah »