Here's several missions that show off one or two things. 10 maps in the zip. Here's the readme.txt:
dooammobox - Ammo box starts with weapons and ammo.
dooartyhint - Get in arty and you see a display of direction and angle.
doobuysys - Building you can buy vehicles from. buyarray.sqf makes an array so that all the time it takes to read config files is just done once for all the names and icons.
["Vulcan", "Vulcan" call _vehdisplayfunc, "Vulcan" call _vehpicfunc, 2000, "buytankheavy.sqf"],
This is vehicle type, vehicle name, vehicle picture, cost, optional script to call when you build something. If there is no optional build script then the one listed for the building is used (buytanklight.sqf).
buyarray = [["Land_garaz", [_westarray, _eastarray, _guerarray], "buytanklight.sqf"]];
Note when I make a vehicle I reveal it to the client so that they can get in right away. I also call setVectorUp on it so that it will be "activated" and drop to floor.
doocleanup - A trigger which will clean up dead vehicles and bodies. The program has to see something alive and then if it's missing in the next scan (every 3 sec) then it assumes it's dead and sets to delete. One issue is when a tank is hit and crew jumps out and then the vehicle explodes and kills everyone. So they don't make my scan list. To fix this I just scan for dead bodies near any wrecks when it's time to delete them.
dooenvironment - Sync time and weather with everyone joining. Sends server time to each person connecting. A day is two hours in game. For the time I advance it forward at certain speeds. During sunrise and sunset you need to do this very slowly or it is really noticeable that time is being skipped forward.
dooflagcap - Move in a cap zone and cap flag. Server side script sets flag texture. Client sets markers and makes announcement that someone capped.
doooccupied - Marker shows on map when your team is in a zone. Also include a trigger to kill anyone going into it.
dooradio - Simple way to allow clients to run radio without having it run on everyone's machine. Radio use is sent globally to everyone so this is a trick to limit it to local use. Example given is a script which will repair a vehicle if it has a flat tire or is overturned.
dooteamswitch - Click on a dot on the map and switch spots and weapons with them. Also has example of team markers where there's a dot for teammates and also any AI you command.
doovehrespawn - Simple vehicle respawn. If you leave a vehicle it will respawn back where it started in 10 sec.
You need ArmA 1.08 and no addons required. As far as I know these don't need beta testing. They're in one single mission already (my CTI map) and they all work great in MP Join-in-progress.