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Author Topic: RTO Scripts  (Read 1654 times)

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Offline Captain

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RTO Scripts
« on: 13 Sep 2007, 10:52:56 »
I started a thread a while ago in the ArmA - Editing/Scripting Multiplayer about having a radio man in your group. I've (for the moment) given up on ArmA (due to lackluster performance of both my machine and ArmA itself) and am revisiting this topic for OFP.
     RHS/Chaos Battlefield Communication System does exactly what I want which is to have a unit in your squad equipped with a radio (either LSR_R109 or BAS_Satcomm) and an addaction command added to said radio so it can only be accessed by either carrying it or standing within 2m of the person carrying it. However, as it stands it's a very modular system that I can't seem to break apart, all I need is the script that checks for the radio and the addaction (I want to add the Coin2 dialogue to the addaction.
     I believe the files I may be looking for are SATCOM.sqs, SATCOM_CFG.sqs, SATCOM_menu.sqs and SATCOM_POSCHK.sqs but as I may have previously stated I'm scripting crap. Any help to make this standalone would be much appreciated.

edit: If you would prefer I post the listed scripts rather than having to d/load it, I can do so.
       Also if the mods are wondering why this in the MP section is because every map I make for 2 or more people.
       I've also tried to contact the authors with no response.


« Last Edit: 13 Sep 2007, 10:56:11 by Captain »

Offline Mr.Peanut

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Re: RTO Scripts
« Reply #1 on: 13 Sep 2007, 19:35:31 »
Easy. Download from OFPEC here and get the addons included in the package. The script gettings called are part of the addons IIRC.

Offline Captain

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Re: RTO Scripts
« Reply #2 on: 14 Sep 2007, 12:07:55 »
lol Mr.Peanut, either you misread my post or I was more drunk than I thought last night when I posted that (though after reading it, it still makes sense to me). I already downloaded the afore mentioned BCS files and assoiciated addons, my issue is that I want to remove 95% of the functionality of this script set and be left with simply the scripts that check for the radio and the addaction command.

If you chuck the editable no addon version into your OFP for a quick test you could see what I mean. I just want it so that if I have a unit in my squad with a radio (or I'm carrying one) I can approach them and within 2 meters I get an addaction to load a dialogue (a heavily modified version of Tacrods CoIn2 dialogue to be exact). They say a picture is worth a thousand words but I don't think this pic is worth that much...

Anywho, the scripts I mentioned in the first post should be the ones I need to get what I'm after but don't quite know how to break the system apart. Which is where I'm hoping the helpful people at OFPEC will come in handy.

Thanks again.
« Last Edit: 14 Sep 2007, 12:34:57 by Captain »

Offline Mr.Peanut

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Re: RTO Scripts
« Reply #3 on: 14 Sep 2007, 15:42:42 »
Ah... I see now...

Take the pbo files and run them through pbo decryptor, which you will find in Editors Depot/Tools. That will unpack all contents and you can then pick out the script you want. You will have to be careful with the file paths. In the unpacked pbo the scripts and function syou want might be under other folder names. You will either have to preserve the folder names in your mission directory, or edit the files in the CBRS and remove the folders names from the references to the scripts and functions.

You will have to include a radio addon. Which radio addon will you use?