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Author Topic: UK Special Forces  (Read 6258 times)

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Offline KevBaz

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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #15 on: 31 Oct 2002, 23:26:16 »
Us at the falkalnds mod are making SAS and SBS units, they will not have berets or helmates but their normal wollen hat, also the proper webbing will be made, along with rigid raiders and geminis, canoes was talked about but their aint a padle animation


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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #16 on: 01 Nov 2002, 06:54:24 »
The Viking SAS addon is based on one of my first addons...well before Oxygen was released and well before we even had the ability to edit p3d files...All we could do is edit the texture files, hence the black ops model and russian beret model. I've been speaking with Viking and a few others and we're putting together a little team to release not only UK special forces but also regular infantry...


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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #17 on: 01 Nov 2002, 19:00:19 »


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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #18 on: 01 Nov 2002, 20:42:51 »
exellent news


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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #19 on: 02 Nov 2002, 14:33:33 »
Well, the SAS have once worn there Beige Beret on the early operations in Northern Island, patolling ops though

Not being funny, but I doubt that very much. It's dangerous enough patrolling NI with british DPM, let alone a beret which anyone with a little knowledge of the Regiment would recognise... The SAS rarely patrol in the provinces, if they do it's in civvies and they're looking for someone, or very occasionally they tag along with regular patrols in normal gear so they can slip into OPs without getting any unwanted attention.

The problem with making SAS addons is that they have webbing however they want (stemming from Malaysia, I think) and they often carry much more than could be simulated in OFP. Look at the Bravo Two Zero patrol. They carried:

-Either a 203 or a Minimi
-LOTS of bullets, both in mags and links for the Minimis
-One WP and one HE grenade (typically)
-Trauma kit
-Specialist kit (Medical, Demo, Sigs)
-Equipment for making an LUP
-Fighting knife/bayonet
-A 66 rocket (LAW)
-203 bombs (if carrying a 203, otherwise more rounds)

All this added up to about 15st. Now look at OFP grunt, wheezing like an 80 year old asthmatic ant with heavy shopping, just carrying his rifle, six mags and four grenades... poor lad  >:(

Offline woofer

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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #20 on: 03 Nov 2002, 03:48:58 »

Not being funny, but I doubt that very much. It's dangerous enough patrolling NI with british DPM, let alone a beret which anyone with a little knowledge of the Regiment would recognise...

The problem with making SAS addons is that they have webbing however they want (stemming from Malaysia, I think) and they often carry much more than could be simulated in OFP.

I would like to see photographic ervidence that the regiment patrolled in their lids...

without critisisng ofp, which is the best by far, everyone carries what they like these days and it is generally more than is simulated. For instance, how do you simulate your arms going dead from the weight of your bergen?


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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #21 on: 03 Nov 2002, 13:26:50 »
Good point.

Just a thought, but who is bothered in a game about dying, and not the prospect of restarting? I think that if you had something like a car battery wired to your nads and got shocked when you were hurt, everyone would play to win online  ;D

The Falklands mod Marines look good. Nice work KevBaz et al  :D

Offline woofer

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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #22 on: 03 Nov 2002, 13:46:43 »
Good point.

Just a thought, but who is bothered in a game about dying, and not the prospect of restarting? I think that if you had something like a car battery wired to your nads and got shocked when you were hurt, everyone would play to win online  ;D

Your turn to me laugh out loud :cheers:

Taking it a stage further, you could have replace the squad piccy on the side of vehicles with a webcam piccy of said nads. Then you could instantly see how well you were doing as you see smoke rising from the seared flesh of your opponent... :P

[woofers gfriend stops reading over shoulder, says something about sick b*stards and goes off to iron noisily]

Back on topic, are the Arctic Mountain Warfare Troop still on the books? Talking to a Royal last year who said they'd sacked it.
« Last Edit: 03 Nov 2002, 18:39:05 by woofer »


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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #23 on: 03 Nov 2002, 15:24:27 »
I hope they are, those lads are some the hardest b****rds in the world. Anyone hear about that thing in the Falklands where they scaled an impassable ridge and then caned the Argies? If that isn't hard as nails then what is?

Bloody governments. I almost hope we get invaded so Tony Blair can see what a mess he's made as our three-strong army gets rammed by the enemy hordes...


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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #24 on: 03 Nov 2002, 16:57:10 »
Maybe the ratio of US addons to SAS reflects real life.

US "Special" forces - 46000
SAS - 350

But then again they call the rangers special forces.

The Ghurkas in my opinion are one of the elite services even though the Army tried to screw them over. Mainly because they are loyal, fitter than your average squaddie and gifted in warfare - look how badly they f***ed us up! lol

I would call the SEALs and Delta special forces, but not rangers and marines. I saw a program on American TV about their Special forces. They are taken from infantry like ours then taught how to mapread and use a compass! these are skills that are bog standard in the British infantry. If you cannot run 26 miles up and down then back over Pen y Fan at a constant pace of 5 mph while remembering series of numbers and grid coordinates which you have to recite at checkpoints to get your next set of coordinates and numbers so that you can get to your next RV!

I hate the SA80 too, the balance puts too much weight in your right arm, it doesn't jam much but the firing pins sometimes break and the safety has diabolicaly stupid design.


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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #25 on: 03 Nov 2002, 18:12:54 »
Personally, I think that the US/UK Special Forces addons reflect the casualties taken... no matter how hard they think they are, the Yanks just aren't bullet proof...

(That wasn't a serious comment, by the way. Keep your skirts on)

Most of the [sarcasm]elite[/sarcasm] US units are pretty average. And after reading Blackhawk Down, I have no sympathy for any US soldiers getting blown up because I thought that was a dull, annoying, terrible book. Just my POV.

Offline woofer

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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #26 on: 03 Nov 2002, 19:27:38 »
I was on an excercise when we bumped into some USMC.

We got chatting, and started comparing command kit. Their squad leader had the radio, a map and a notebook. No compass.

Brit Section Commander. Radio, 2 compasses, bino's, model kit, orders book, etc: Approx 10lbs of command kit, give or take the odd pencil.

My point is that the corps squad leader was just that. He got pointed in the right direction and off he went. He gets artillary from the attached Forward Obs Officer, AT from the attack helo, bombs galore from Ground Attack, and there is even a platoon medic to stick tubes in you if you bleed. An american soldier also gets the best logistical support available. It is a different way of going to war. This all goes to rats when the personalities who are there for the guy with the bayonet start going down.

In my opinion The Blackhawk Down episode went bad because the plan was flawed. No-one thought that the Somalies could bring down a helicopter because they didn't have AA missiles.

But then again there are British cockups too. The military tourism that ended with the death of a SAS trooper. And don't get me started on B20. Another patrol commander got off the chopper, looked at the ground, got back on and scrubbed the mission because it wasn't like the ground they'd planned for.

Respect to all of the troops that were in the sh*t in Iraq and Somalia. They did the best they could when the baloon went up...

Back to Brit Soldier addons. My opinion is Helmets and floppy hats, unless you have a story to tell about a regiment, then you put lids on them.

But do we need a different addon for every unit? We could end up with an SBS op with black CRW kit and a SAS op with black CRW kit and very little difference apart from the title. An Army Cadet gets a uniform that isn't much different to the DPM uniform issued to a SAS soldier.

Wetsuits (either SBS/SAS) Black balaclavas (CRW - either) and good old DPM in normal and desert should just about cover it.

At present I would encourage the contstruction of Brit Weapons - SA80, LSW, L96, GPMG, GPMG (SF), Milan - OFP provides the M16's, M203's and (a tactically piss poor) .50.


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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #27 on: 04 Nov 2002, 01:49:58 »
The yanks just haven't got the experience yet. They've only been around for a while. No worries though, with GWB in the lead they're gonna get loads of practice in!

Yeah the SAS guys should either have long hair or hats with grass in. You basically want anything on your head that cannot be recognised as a head, break up your outline and lie in DPMs and you're fine.

If we do have SAS units i would like to see some good ol british choppers like gazelles, westlands and pumas. Don't bother with the deathtrap chinooks, they'll rip themselves apart before they get from A to B.


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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #28 on: 04 Nov 2002, 06:41:11 »
Guys,...lets keep this addon related and not let it degenerate into my special forces are better than yours....or it gets locked  ;)

woofer, with regard to the textures...they aren't really an issue...subtle differences can be made in the cpps that alter the skills and proficiencies of a unit...hence your SAS units would be superior in a firefight compared to your average soldier. Hence the number of pbo's and then there are the finer details that people tend to remark on...correct insignia or lack thereof, LBE, etc...

The use of berets may not be "realiistic" but help to make that unit standout. But fear not we plan to add a beret model as well as helmeted model for the RAFreg, RMs and Paras...as well as some other surprises... ;D


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Re:UK Special Forces
« Reply #29 on: 04 Nov 2002, 18:20:32 »
Making the DPMs have a hood like the falklands war mod has done adds to the realism. (Some of you are probably making/helping with that mod)

Fine to have berets with just DPMs and say a pistol but not with full webbing, m16 law launcher, camo face paint and then have a nice and clean sand coloured beret perked on his head!