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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] The Sahrani Run V2.0 - An Epic Mission  (Read 13492 times)

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Offline Arkon

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #30 on: 01 Sep 2007, 22:37:33 »

Hi megz

Thanks for the feedback

there is a patrol moving along the road
Ok, I'll take a look at this, lazy dudes :)
Can you be a bit more precise as to where you saw these guys please?

i sneaked in and waited and waited on x4
Were you waiting for the ambulance to arrive or leave? (let me know please)
If you was waiting for it to arrive then you need to download Version 1.06

Looks like a really good mission just needs ironing out and more life, like empty cars
There are empty cars around but you have to look for them - also as the story tells you the Southern part of Sahrani is mostly deserted.

Thanks again



« Last Edit: 01 Sep 2007, 22:39:39 by Arkon »

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #31 on: 01 Sep 2007, 23:23:16 »
hey, the patrol is on the northern main from cayo to dolores, at about point 61.

There was already an ambulance in the camp, just near the med tents and where 2 soldiers are looking at a map with an officer, i sneak in past the barrels, get in the back and nothing happens, i used the download link in your first post on this topic. cheerz  :good:

Offline louiscar

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #32 on: 03 Sep 2007, 01:05:26 »
Regarding "remembered" -> Yes. Sadly, whenever you save something using any of the "save" commands, they're saved until...well...forever (or rather until you delete the objects.sav in your Myprofile/saves/ca/campaignname). Which essentially means that if you revert back to a previous state of your campaign, all the saved variables will still be the same  >:( I suppose the only way to prevent that is simply to tell people not to do it! I'll probably have to find a way to bypass it in my campaign at some point, we'll have to see...

It's a real shame because all BIS had to do was provide some file operations within the scripting, then the objects.sav file could be deleted in the event of a retry. You could of course tell people to delete this file if they are going to retry but frankly I've not tested to see what other problems there would be if a retry is used. In theory any saved vars should still be there and should be picked up by the script.

One solution might be an auto save immediately after part 2 starts which I believe Arkon has implemented.

Weaponpools -> they're governed by these commands: "pickWeaponPool", "putWeaponPool", "clearWeaponPool" and "addWeaponPool" / "addMagazinePool". Finally there's also "queryMagazinePool" and "queryWeaponPool".
For your mission, all you really need to do is to call "clearweaponpool" the start of the mission (not before the briefing though, a trigger with a 1 second delay is good) : that will make the weaponpool empty for the second mission. If you want to get smart, and involve i.e. the players' vehicle or somesuch, you can play around with "putweaponpool" and "pickweaponpool". Try it out.  :cool2:

The script we used which was based on your script was to achieve the following:

1) Transfer any vehicle that the player was in or near including it's current state and weapons.
2) If the player was in that vehicle then put him back in it.
3) possibly transfer other vehicles in the near vicinity.

Other things were:

1) transfer the player's status including weapons and health packs
2) remember where he crossed the border and the direction he was facing.
3) set the correct time.
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Offline Arkon

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #33 on: 07 Sep 2007, 11:39:20 »

Hi megz


There was already an ambulance in the camp, just near the med tents and where 2 soldiers are looking at a map with an officer, i sneak in past the barrels, get in the back and nothing happens
I think the ambulance bug is solved now - you will need to download the new version V 1.08 (do not use old saved games though)



« Last Edit: 08 Sep 2007, 19:42:06 by Arkon »

Offline Arkon

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #34 on: 08 Sep 2007, 19:44:04 »

Hi All,

Sorry to those who downloaded Version 1.07 but I have had to issue a Hotfix as players
were getting stuck on the Map at the start of the mission - please use V 1.08




Offline LCD

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #35 on: 14 Sep 2007, 01:16:18 »
too much walkin 4 me :P but i have a partial review (gave up after da masacre cutscene....)


u still need 2 PBO da file... ask in da general forums how 2 do dat surly som1 will answer :P



mebe add some pics 4 da individual misions overview....




1) give da player a callsign... da name of his group...
2) deres 2 weapons w/o a magazines on weapon selection... a javelin and M16
3) deres a flag marker on rahmadi.. not realy explained (i guesed it marked da choper pos... but u dont realy need it as da player gets in durin da cutscene...
4) give da player da name he shud have (name of dat brit guy :P)... use da setidentity command :D


1) Some voice recording is alwayz nice ;)
2) da heli ride is realy long... u cud use a setpos trick 2 make it shorter... or some conversation bout nothin between da pilot nd player...
3) u have some extra spaces b4 da marker links dat apear in da briefing
4) u realy shud add some retry points... or mebe even give da player some free retries usin da radio... mision dat involves so much walkin... nd u may just get into a way of a patrol while on X4
5) Also mebe try n populate da towns around da area... just 2 make da island feel more alivish... even tho most citizens evaced dere shud b some... also mebe some more patrols actualy runin around... just 2 keep da player on his toes
6) in san pelegrino da reporter says he shud leave b4 it "gets too light" shud rephrase it :P
7) Da draco in picture doesnt have same face like draco in da mision (1s black oder is white :P) shud use setidentity on him 2....
8) I was walkin in arcadia and sudenly exploded ? i guess its a boby trap... but how did u want me 2 see it ?
9) have a beter reaction from soldiers 2 me getin detected... more movin around and stuff...
10) also when da guiner of A UAZ w/ MG is shot u shud have da driver get out....
11) add an animation 2 da health-pack... u can see it 2 done in dozens of 1st aid scripts
12) after goin out and getin back in i got an eror saying "eror on load value "/" class" somthing somthing (didnt realy write it down :P)
13) I took over UAZ.... soldiers dont shot em... only tanks... its a most fix....
14) da marker is not exactly on da bouy... it took me some time 2 figure dat 1 out :P (i didnt realy read da briefing of dat part :P)
15) da shiop placement is realy nasty... it came couple of times when i was in water... its 1 uinavoidable death 4 da player... not realy good thing in a mision
16) U shud tel 2 da player 2 stash his weapons somewere b4 getin da bouy... else he looses his weapon (realy tell him like in a hint or somin... b4 he enters water....
17) i loaded couple of times on dis part (i took my UAZ past da border)... nd in 1 of da timez da UAZ dat shud come towards da town w/ da bouy didnt move... it was just sitin onroad halfway 2 corazol...
18) i passed thro da border w/ da UAZ kinda easily... after i discovered were 2 avoid da tanks... nd were da AGS is (sniped da gunner)

part 2

19) I got killed just after i started... loaded nd sudenly didnt have my jeep... mebe have a save just on start so player can retry nd still have his stuff.... nywayz i run all da way 2 dat resistance base.... long long run on X4... nd didnt get 2 see ny1 on da way....
20) i think it sudenly became day when i talked 2 da general (who is in a shed... not a field tent :P)... but i think its an ArmA bug in da way it handels dawns nd dusks...
21) da attack on da resistance base takes really long time 2 arrive (i stayed 2 help)
22) u shud rearange da T72 navigation... couple of T72s got upside down nd stuf like dat....
23) I sugest turnin off da alarm sound after some time... it drove me krazy
24) Im not sure u realy intended da player 2 stay n help da resistance... i killed da RPG attack from da west... destroyed 3 outta 4 tanks (an M1A1 took da 4th)... nd w/ da remaining 2 soldiers (every1 else died) started attack soldiers on eastern mountains when paras arrive... after couple of retries i just run away usin a jeep from da base... dont tel da player 2 stay if u dont want him 2... or at least have som1 tell him 2 go on w/ da mision when it seems da resistance is loosing....
25) i think dat on da way 2 da castle deres couple of soldiers on careless... i moved pass em w/ da jeep nd dey didnt even look on me...
26) Da timin 4 da masacre cutscene was realy bad... i was on road w/ my jeep when it started... when it ended i was srounded by SLAs who just shot da hell outta me

dats all i played...

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Offline Arkon

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #36 on: 14 Sep 2007, 16:50:48 »


Thank you for taking the time to review the mission  :)

What Version r u using?

too much walkin 4 me
There are a number of means of transport available for the player to use, but you do have to look for them.

u still need 2 PBO da file
Ok... I will do that

give da player a callsign... da name of his group...

deres 2 weapons w/o a magazines on weapon selection
Never realised there was a weapons selection screen :blink:
When does that show up?

give da player da name he shud have

da heli ride is really long...
Ok, but did you not hear the music?

n san pelegrino da reporter says he shud leave b4 it "gets too light" shud rephrase it
Why is that?

Da draco in picture doesnt have same face like draco in da mision

He should - he has the same "Setface"

I was walkin in arcadia and sudenly exploded ?
Must have been summint you ate  :)
What you exploded or was it the car that was booby trapped?

have a beter reaction from soldiers 2 me getin detected... more movin around and stuff...
Where was dem lazy soldiers?

add an animation 2 da health-pack
You can see it in 3rd person

after goin out and getin back in i got an eror saying "eror on load value "/" class"
Yus, nobody seems to know what this is  :confused:

da shiop placement is realy nasty...
Depends what version u r using - changed in version 1.08.

U shud tel 2 da player 2 stash his weapons somewere b4 getin da bouy
In the Readme  :)

oaded nd sudenly didnt have my jeep... mebe have a save just on start so player can retry nd still have his stuff.
It does an auto-save as you start Part Two - see "SAVING, RESTARTING & BETA TESTING NOTES." in the Readme.

I sugest turnin off da alarm sound after some time... it drove me krazy
It does go off after a while - but I will shorten its length :)

i think it sudenly became day when i talked 2 da general
What!! Do you mean it was dark all the way to the Colonel's Camp?

Im not sure u realy intended da player 2 stay n help da resistance
Well, that is part of the RPG (role playing) in the game - the player can choose for himself - what happens later depends on his choice :D

i think dat on da way 2 da castle deres couple of soldiers on careless...
I will find them and they will be court-marshelled  :)

Da timin 4 da masacre cutscene was realy bad.
Yup - i gotta to change this bit

Thanks again for pointing out all those things :)

Sorry that you did not get any further - I hope that you enjoyed what you did do.


« Last Edit: 14 Sep 2007, 22:59:44 by Arkon »

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #37 on: 15 Sep 2007, 01:20:42 »
var 1.08

Never realised there was a weapons selection screen
When does that show up?

in da briefing.... group tab... click on players name...

Ok, but did you not hear the music?

I may had.... :P dont remember  ::)

Why is that?

donno... im not english man bet "gets too light" just doesnt sound right 2 me... shud b gets too bright or somin like dat ? donno tho :P

He should - he has the same "Setface"

didnt work out 4 me  :confused: he was wihte... and going bald... mebe i shud recheck ???

What you exploded or was it the car that was booby trapped?

i figure out it was da car... wasnt realy lookin at it... was lookin more in da direction of da motocycle

Where was dem lazy soldiers?

in da city w/ da bridges (cant remember da name)... ArmA soldiers in general seem 2 have probs w/ bridges  ::)

Yus, nobody seems to know what this is 

dis errors sounds like somin inda description files... mebe u shud look dere...

Depends what version u r using - changed in version 1.08.

i was on 1.08 nd its still 2 nasy 4 me :P

In the Readme

alwayz have somin in da mision itself... 60%+ dont really read da readme....

Do you mean it was dark all the way to the Colonel's Camp?

i think it was... mebe its a bug in ArmA... nd da thing w/ ArmA having no real dawn... but I didnt remove my NVGs all dat time (till da cutscene...) nd everything was lookin fine (so it shud have been dark... else i wudnt see nothing ?) nd den sudenly after da cutscene it was day nd da NVGs didnt help at all...

Well, that is part of the RPG (role playing) in the game - the player can choose for himself - what happens later depends on his choice

but da mision still seemed impossible (or can I realy fend off da attack ?)... does it realy detect if i stayted dere or not ? how ?

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Offline Arkon

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #38 on: 15 Sep 2007, 13:13:05 »



Thanks for replying :D

Never realised there was a weapons selection screen
When does that show up? - in da briefing.... group tab... click on players name...
How the hell do you get rid of these extra weapons  ???

but da mision still seemed impossible (or can I realy fend off da attack ?)... does it realy detect if i stayted dere or not ? how ?
As I said earlier, you do not have to get involved here (as the Colonel points out) but you can certainly affect the outcome of the attack depending on the many different things that you can do (and yes it does go on for a while, but it is meant to - things continue whether the player is present or not). Yes it does detect if you stay - a simple trigger checks for the players presence after a given time - there are quite a few things that the player may or may not find and some of these affect future events  :o
The idea is that the player is in a dynamic world that carries on around him as he travels through it  :-[

I know this may seem a bit hopeful to achieve, but this is what we r trying to do.

BTW. I guess u did not take the ambulance ride through Corazo, but did the troops there not try to stop you?

Thanks again.



Offline LCD

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #39 on: 15 Sep 2007, 15:30:26 »
How the hell do you get rid of these extra weapons

its in da description.ext of da mision

As I said earlier, you do not have to get involved here (as the Colonel points out) but you can certainly affect the outcome of the attack depending on the many different things that you can do (and yes it does go on for a while, but it is meant to - things continue whether the player is present or not). Yes it does detect if you stay - a simple trigger checks for the players presence after a given time - there are quite a few things that the player may or may not find and some of these affect future events 

we realy got mowed down.... i think i run away w/ only two soldiers still alive... unless dere some rienforcments comin in, in wich case dey take too long.... i think da objective is too hard...

I guess u did not take the ambulance ride through Corazo, but did the troops there not try to stop you?

i took a UAZ over da border...

only da tanks and AGSs attacked me(i avoided da tanks nd sniped da gunner in da AGS)... all regular soldiers do not shot on friendly vehicles even if deres enemy driving em (a strange ArmA bug if u ask me...) but i think deres a way 2 solve dat... ask in da forums :D

« Last Edit: 15 Sep 2007, 15:32:55 by LCD »
"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline Arkon

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #40 on: 15 Sep 2007, 15:56:30 »


its in da description.ext of da mision
Ain't got any weapons in the description.ext file ???

we realy got mowed down.... i think i run away w/ only two soldiers still alive
Take a note of what the Colonel tells you as to what you can do to help.
Yup, well, this is quite a long battle (but not an objective, its up to the player to decide wether to stay or go)
Reinforcments, do arrive as you are told over the radio  ;)
Wait and see if you want to as the senario unfolds or get on with the mission objectives (Alcaza Castle)

all regular soldiers do not shot on friendly vehicles even if deres enemy driving em
Not sure about this, once you use an enemy vehicle, I thought it became tainted. The enemy certainly attack it if you get out.  :blink:



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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #41 on: 16 Sep 2007, 03:21:43 »
class Weapons
  class M24
      count = 1;
  class M16A2
      count = 1;
  class Javelin
      count = 1;

class Magazines
  class 5rnd_762x51_M24
      count = 10;
  class 30rnd_556x45_stanag
      count = 0;
  class 30rnd_9x19_MP5SD
      count = 0;
  class PipeBomb
      count = 0;
  class TimeBomb
      count = 0;
  class Javelin
      count = 0;

dats part of ur description in ver 108...

Take a note of what the Colonel tells you as to what you can do to help.
Yup, well, this is quite a long battle (but not an objective, its up to the player to decide wether to stay or go)
Reinforcments, do arrive as you are told over the radio 
Wait and see if you want to as the senario unfolds or get on with the mission objectives (Alcaza Castle)

I think u shud make it slightly easier :P

Not sure about this, once you use an enemy vehicle, I thought it became tainted. The enemy certainly attack it if you get out. 

when u get out dey shot u... but wen ur inside u can move thro unengaged by soldiers (tanks nd static weapons do recognize u as enemy)...

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Offline Arkon

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #42 on: 18 Sep 2007, 00:03:29 »


dats part of ur description in ver 108...
Gosh! erm... thanks for that, its sorted now...

when u get out dey shot u... but wen ur inside u can move thro unengaged by soldiers

Hmmmm... I don't get it, when I try to drive through Corazo in a UAZ everybody shoots at me  :o

How come they don't shoot at you  ???

I know u r on the Missions Depot Staff and all that but...  :D



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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #43 on: 18 Sep 2007, 00:07:15 »
read dis thread.... also da cheat doesnt work against tanks and oder vehs (i think its conected 2 dem having a radar view...)

da only thing dey gave me from da MD is dat blonde secritery....  :cool2:  ;)

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Offline louiscar

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Re: [SP] The Sahrani Run - Mega Mission - Please beta test
« Reply #44 on: 20 Sep 2007, 13:11:10 »

da only thing dey gave me from da MD is dat blonde secritery....  :cool2:  ;)

I wondered where she went!

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