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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Operation New Horizons  (Read 8242 times)

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Offline smoke52

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(Review Completed) [SP] Operation New Horizons
« on: 26 May 2007, 14:46:02 »
well i decided to have a go at my map and ran into some problems, they are fixed now and hopefully will be the last update.

    * A little bit about the mission itself
You go into Paraiso and repel an attack on the town with some strykers and m1a1. When the objective is complete return to base and grab a helicopter or jet to take out a convoy. Theres another objective to do but its only a target of opportunity.

    * What role the player will have
squad leader, 7 members

    * Single Player or Multiplayer (and if MP, which type)
single player only

    * Which island

   * Version of ArmA required

    * Size of zip file

    * Any specific points you want people to consider
mainly the balance/ease factor of the mission.

    * Full details of any addons
it will need an addon from mapfact.net, I've included it in the .rar file. (Map_MISC addon)

download v1.0.81 link: http://files.filefront.com/NewHorizons1081zip/;8166930;;/fileinfo.html

-Fixed an error

-changed how the second objective checks if its complete or not
-added some fade to black when mission is complete or fails
-minor tweaks and fixes

-Fixed some placements
-Fixed some text
-Fixed a scoring issue
-Changed Briefing
-removed some crew that were supposed to bring the jets closer to the hangers
-Other minor tweaks and fixes

check readme for other changes.
« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2008, 12:19:17 by Cheetah »

Offline LCD

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Re: Operation New Horizons
« Reply #1 on: 27 May 2007, 02:23:16 »
Im gonna test dis now... in da mean time read dis so u can make more ppl test da mision

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline LCD

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Re: Operation New Horizons
« Reply #2 on: 27 May 2007, 03:54:02 »
ok im back.. and i found a prob.... but lemme start from da begining

Overview : nice... i like da pic :P :D

intro : no intro

Briefing :

1) it will b nice if u cud add weapon selection in da breifing so we dont have 2 bother picking weapon individually for each of ma squad... im lazy so i went out 2 mision w/o AT launcher :P
2) tell me what bravo squad is doing... cuz dey said dey finished deir mision but dey dont mention it nywere else

Mision :

1) i know da mision is 2 take a look @ weapons and vehicles... but it can b nice if u actuaqly make da player stick t2 some plan or somthing so he will get more army like feel... u can also send anoder squad 2 help freein parasido... but da fight is not 2 hard as is so its not really necesary

2) it cud b nice if da enemy wud have more AT soldiers.. cuz i didnt bring AT from home nd got stuck searching 4 AT all around da city  :no: (i came dere w/ m113)

3) you shud make da 1st objective end even if we have one or 2 enemies still alive in da city... cuz it kept givin me da hint "OAV says more enemies" but i run around for somin like 15 mins w/ + accelaration turned on nd cudnt find noone... here i got bored nd left da mision... u shud really solve dis

4) make da 2nd objective time limited so if da plyear get stuck in da city hell miss it... it will give da player motivation 2 search da city fast... maybe encuarging him makin some mistakes

i aborted da mision after da 15 mins running around so dats all now

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline smoke52

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Re: Operation New Horizons
« Reply #3 on: 27 May 2007, 05:24:56 »
ok im back.. and i found a prob.... but lemme start from da begining

Overview : nice... i like da pic :P :D

intro : no intro

Briefing :

1) it will b nice if u cud add weapon selection in da breifing so we dont have 2 bother picking weapon individually for each of ma squad... im lazy so i went out 2 mision w/o AT launcher :P
2) tell me what bravo squad is doing... cuz dey said dey finished deir mision but dey dont mention it nywere else

Mision :

1) i know da mision is 2 take a look @ weapons and vehicles... but it can b nice if u actuaqly make da player stick t2 some plan or somthing so he will get more army like feel... u can also send anoder squad 2 help freein parasido... but da fight is not 2 hard as is so its not really necesary

2) it cud b nice if da enemy wud have more AT soldiers.. cuz i didnt bring AT from home nd got stuck searching 4 AT all around da city  :no: (i came dere w/ m113)

3) you shud make da 1st objective end even if we have one or 2 enemies still alive in da city... cuz it kept givin me da hint "OAV says more enemies" but i run around for somin like 15 mins w/ + accelaration turned on nd cudnt find noone... here i got bored nd left da mision... u shud really solve dis

4) make da 2nd objective time limited so if da plyear get stuck in da city hell miss it... it will give da player motivation 2 search da city fast... maybe encuarging him makin some mistakes

i aborted da mision after da 15 mins running around so dats all now


thanks for the comments.

im still learning with the camera scripting so thats why theres no intro. i may add one some day.

you are meant to take the tank and strykers but thats why i need someone like you who doesnt and instead takes the m113 :D
...so i will add the weapon selection.

bravo squad is nothing really they arent important to the mission. they are just there to add ambiance.


1 like waypoints?  another squad would be too easy like you say, maybe ill send bravo squad :)

2 thats why you take the m1a1, but i think ill add some AT soldiers to your squad

3 yeah that what i thought someone would run into, ive played it so many times i know where they usually hide...so i shall fix it

4 good idea :D

Offline LCD

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Re: Operation New Horizons
« Reply #4 on: 27 May 2007, 09:09:29 »
1) actually @ da start deres another squad moving 2 city... dis is good... u dont need some1 2 help... nd no WP... just make da plan more specific... like da army usually have somethings planned 2 really specific... say (in breifing) bravo is doing dis.... you doind gat... and show bravo engaging enemy in oder side of town or something... just 2 add lil ambiance

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline smoke52

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Re: Operation New Horizons
« Reply #5 on: 27 May 2007, 11:55:18 »
-Compatible with ArmA version 1.08!
-Intro modified/updated
-Sounds added
-A-10 Warthogs replace the two Harrier jets that land
-Briefing modified
-Minor tweaks and fixes

-Intro changes
-Briefing fixes
-Objects added/removed
-Other minor tweaks and fixes

-Intro added
-Script added *
-Sounds added
-Objects added/removed
-Save points added after each objective
-Text messages changed/updated
-Briefing updated
-Other minor tweaks and fixes

* A mechanic has been added near the hangers, just park your vehicle in front of the hangers or at the east end of the runway and he will come to repair/refuel/rearm you.

-added shilka to convoy
-removed laser designator from weapons list
-added more time to kill the enemy in Paraiso
-bravo gets a medic
-removed some markers
-changed requirement for objective three
-removed alot of static objects and AI soldiers
-added automatic saves after each objective
-other minor tweaks and changes

v.1.0.2 changelog
-Added weapon selection (go to groups and click who you want to load and with what).
-Changed WEST soldiers guarding the airport to Independant soldiers to go with the story a little more.
-Changed requirements to complete first objective from killing all enemy in Paraiso to killing them down to 3.
-Changed Bravo squads waypoints to go to Paraiso after they finish their objective.
-Convoy now leaves 5-6mins after you enter Paraiso.
-Briefing updated and changed.
-other minor tweaks/changes

no outro
« Last Edit: 27 Jun 2007, 14:21:12 by smoke52 »

Offline LCD

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Re: Operation New Horizons -new version- please review
« Reply #6 on: 30 May 2007, 20:17:58 »
im gonna test this 2night i think... unless u want it reviewed by OFPEC staff already ?

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline Cheetah

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Re: Operation New Horizons -new version- please review
« Reply #7 on: 30 May 2007, 20:56:53 »
As soon as the authors marks the mission (please review) someone of the missions staff can step in and take the mission for review. He will then reply to this thread. From that point on the mission will be reviewed as long as there are no showstoppers and the reviewer finds the mission fit for review. He can reject missions, most generally he won't accept revisions of the mission.

Anyway, to the point. You can beta test this mission and the author can use that information to improve the mission. But, he has to keep changing the status to reflect the correct status of the mission. If he's working on a better version, it's better to remove the please review status. It won't influence the speed of the review etc.. so only put a (please review) in when it is 99% certain the last version.
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Offline smoke52

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Re: Operation New Horizons -new version- please review
« Reply #8 on: 31 May 2007, 03:02:46 »
yep its pretty done except the intro/outro, which i dont think i will add to this mission just yet. ill make a couple more missions first ;)

i need anyone to look at balance issues, is it clear what you have to do during the mission, etc, so i guess i still need some beta testing.

Offline LCD

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Re: Operation New Horizons -new version-
« Reply #9 on: 31 May 2007, 12:36:16 »
i started playin it nd tried it twice


1) da corazol marker link (in da convoy obj) leads 2 praiso
2) remove da lazer marker from weapon selection... its unusefull

1st time - i decided 2 go nd check da convoy 1st... took da camel took da convoy down quickly... nd crashed  ::)

1) da convoy is 2 easy prey... have one veh w/ AA capabilitis
2) wen finishin da obj have it say either "report 2 officers" or "go 2 other obj" depending on if da player made da obj

2nd time i took da m113 (again forgetin AT weaponery  :no:) nd went 2 paraiso just cleared da town nd exited... ill continue testing it 4 convoy part when im back from work

1) i had a plane crashing just near me on paraise... i guess da AA soldier got it down ??? maybe setcaptive da plane or someting ?
2) da mision is SP remove all da mp options (all player group is playable units) + option 4 teamswitch when dying
3) i think u shud give da payer a lil more dan 5 mins... im sure it will take me like dat just 2 get 2 paraiso and go back home 2 get da chopper... not mentioning fightin in paraiso
4) do bravo got support WP ??? it seems dey keep on orderin my units 2 heal at deirs... it distracts my soldiers sonetime
5) make da enemy groups come nd help each other... not only stand in deir place... i think guard WP shud do da work
6) i had a tank jumping on some car nd crashin into a building... kinda funny :D  ;)
7) i think u shud change da hint (more troops in vicinity) into somein else... mebe a chat from HQ or somin
8) have da convoy mision actually failing if da player is 2 late in paraiso
9) now da paraiso objectives checks out fine  :good: no need 2 run around searching :D

back from work... i loaded da mision nd continued... went back 2 base destroyed convoy dat was waitin 4 me in fuel station... den went on nd got da opt objective went back hoe nd spend lotta time looking 4 ma commandin officer... mark him... also after i found him i took alota time 4 mision 2 finish so comments

10) marker 2 bagango refers 2 marker in paraiso
11) i need 2 completly destroy da T72s in da opt objective... even tho dey no longer targets after i made em useless nd da crew bailed outta dem
12) put marker on were da officer is waitin 4 me 2 end mision
13) make it finish as soon as i meet hi

now dats all :D

« Last Edit: 01 Jun 2007, 00:26:52 by LCD »
"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Offline smoke52

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Re: Operation New Horizons -new version-
« Reply #10 on: 01 Jun 2007, 12:07:01 »
1. fixed
2. laser designator removed

1. shilka added to the convoy
2. its meant to be like that. when you destroy the convoy you can return to base and end the mission or go to the third objective then complete the mission.

1. thats good, keeps it random :)
2. its meant to be like that so you can go to the next team member and continue....or do you think thats too easy?
3. the timer starts when you enter paraiso (the trigger is the size of the diagonal red lines over paraiso in the briefing), but ill add 2mins. any suggestions of how much time i should give?
4, nope only move, getin, unload, load.... ill give them a medic
5. changed
6. :D
7. changed to sidechat
8. if any of the vehicles (not troops) reaches the gas station the mission will fail...it should anyway i will look into it
9. when you complete the convoy mission a marker should show up on the map showing you where to go. i say in the briefing to go to the officers near the trucks and they are the only trucks :) should i give a better description or something to show where?
10 fixed
11. yeah thats what i want you to do; completely destroy the tanks....is that too much?
12. should be one when you complete the convoy mission, ill check it out
13 added "mission complete" so you know when you finish

thanks LCD :)

Offline LCD

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Re: Operation New Horizons -new version-
« Reply #11 on: 01 Jun 2007, 14:45:07 »

2) aha... but tell da player 2 go2 paraiso if he did what i did (i got da convoy 1st nd den went 2 paraiso)


2. makes sense actually... i didnt know dat (not being big MP player myself)
3. actually it started twice 4 me just wen i got in da stryker... b4 reachin paraiso... mebe dats da prob ?... 2 more mins shud b fine i think
8. it didnt fail 4 me... nd i was very late
9. lol... i didnt really read or checked 4 new markers  ::) but mebe link da marker 2 da words in breifing
11. makes sense actually... dey cant fix em if dey completly destroyed... but cuz dey stop being targets b4 dey explde (sometimes) u shud probably mention dat

ur welcome ;) :D

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re: Operation New Horizons -new version-
« Reply #12 on: 02 Jun 2007, 15:02:33 »
Operation New Horizons


"Repel assault" -> "repel the assault"


Check the markers, right now there is a double white space at each of them. Plenty of info in the briefing, good thing.
There are too many markers on the map, please add them as the mission gets new objectives. Good that you delete objectives during play. All objectives get ticked off in the end.

The 3rd optional objective needs a better trigger activation, right now all the tanks have to be completely destroyed. You might want to change this to "tank not able to drive".


The whole mission suffers from lag on my PC. You might want to reduce the number of objects (tanks, normal objects, choppers and planes). Especially the choppers/planes could be reduced.

First objective is easy to complete. Are you sure that you looked into the possibility of the last loon hunt? The force in Paraiso is about at platoon strenght, in my opinion too few to defend a city this large. Would be better for my PC (lag) and the amount of enemies if it would be a smaller town (Somato?).

I'd like to see a few automated savegames. You might want to mention that the player has to go back and take a chopper for the 2nd objective. 2nd objective is somewhat easy with the chopper, you might want to include a Shilka in the convoy.

It's weird for me that I have to switch between tanks/choppers. Not the most logical choice, or the most realistic one.
There are no waypoints in this mission? Custom sounds would be a good addition.

3rd objective is optional, nice. The objective link points to the wrong marker. Shilkas do their job, making stuff harder.
As mentioned, it is hard to end the 3rd obj.

Don't get why the readme states that you have to switch to the other guys of your squad to respawn and to complete the mission? Yes, you can play multiple teammates. But you can also load the game - something I prefer.


Enjoyable, but it isn't too realisitic. You might want to look into a few things mentioned in the beta report. Feels almost completed.
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Re: Operation New Horizons -new version-
« Reply #13 on: 03 Jun 2007, 14:05:44 »


changed trigger from repeatedly to once
they should start around 6mins from entering paraiso
its failed every time ive let them go to the gas station, so i think its fixed
added to the briefing
using "canmove" instead of "alive" now


thanks for the input.

do you mean in the briefing the spaces between the highlighted words that point to each marker? if so i fixed it...its because im running widescreen and 16:10 so i thought it looked messed up to everyone...but i guess its just me. i removed a couple arrow markers, but should i remove more?

the tanks needing to be completely destroyed was my intention but i changed it to "canmove" now instead of "not alive"

i reduced lots of objects and i think it should run better now. it seems the squads in paraiso are the main cause of lag now. i want to keep the planes and helis for more of a "used" base feel, and i think reducing the clutter helped out with that.

do you mean that you should have to hunt every single one down with the last loon hunt? i wanted it to be in a main city and the SLA arent supposed to be smart enough to not over extend themselves :D

im not sure how to get automated saves but ill check it out. i added to the radio message when you complete the first objective to "Return to base and get in the AH1Z Cobra", is that enough? i thought the briefing would make it clear enough. a shilka has been added to the convoy.

yeah, i agree... it was meant for someone who bought the game to just jump in and go test all the weapons and vehicles. im not sure what to do there except to make the player use the tanks and strykers for the whole mission but objective 3 is a pretty far drive :P

no waypoints because i think it takes away from the realism, i would like the person to use their map. custom sounds? like music or enviroment sounds? if so any examples you could give?

3rd objective fixed

yeah i meant, for example; you and 2 dies. if you accidently switch to 4 instead of 3 the mission you wont be able to finish the mission because you have no orders so the AI just sits there if it becomes leader...i will try and word it better :)

i will post the updated version later today or tomorrow.

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Re: Operation New Horizons -new version-
« Reply #14 on: 03 Jun 2007, 14:43:40 »
i removed a couple arrow markers, but should i remove more?

Maybe a marker in the city itself.

do you mean that you should have to hunt every single one down with the last loon hunt?

Do you prevent it from happening?

im not sure how to get automated saves but ill check it out. i added to the radio message when you complete the first objective to "Return to base and get in the AH1Z Cobra", is that enough?

Use saveGame. Yup sounds good.

custom sounds?

Voice overs of the text. Always sounds good ;).

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