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Author Topic: Need some Help with CTI scripting  (Read 1935 times)

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Need some Help with CTI scripting
« on: 28 Mar 2007, 19:15:56 »
Well i just made some unit and gameplay changes to the standard MFCTI map because I don't like those custom made ones out there and rather prefer playing my own CTI map. I finished it late last thursday night, because I was having a LAN party on friday and I wanted to test the map. It all went well, all the units worked, at least the one on the West side; The problem was that the manned East vehicles spawned without their crew, well except for the ambulance. It didn't matter that much because we only played like 4 hours and I had beefed up the resistance, but next time we would like to play it until the end. I checked the map in the editor and found out that the entry of the BAS Motorbike were kinda mixed up a bit, because the description line was more some kind of code bit that the description I had definded.
My thoughts were that I have perhaps mixed up the arrays a bit, because East usually dosen't use it's LightVehicles array. So I checked the the stats.sqs and found a hell lot'a things I misstyped or simply forgot to add(probably because I wanted to get it finished before I go to bed on that thursday night around 2 AM). I corrected these and even managed to have the right name in the Motorbikes description, but the crew still wasn't spawning, west worked well all along. I finally changed a lot of stuff and now the bike's description is fucked up again. I would probably be able to fix the problem but it is quite time consuming to rewrite the whole stats.sqs.
So I was hoping that one of you guys, who has not stared at those arrays for hours, could find out what's wrong and how to fix it. I'm currently writing a tutorial for CTI edition and will release it some day, but at the moment only in german, maybe I'll have some time to translate it. Fell free to ask anything about that...

I attached the stats.sqs because thats mainly the part I changed(except for the defensive structures in the build section). If you need the whole mission just ask, I can upload it as soon as my brother is back home.

Best Regards,

Offline SEAL84

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Re: Need some Help with CTI scripting
« Reply #1 on: 29 Mar 2007, 19:03:09 »
Have you tried posting on the original MFCTI forums?  Mike Melvin stopped posting a long time ago AFAIK but there are a few people who still check it out from time to time and may be able to help...there are hundreds of threads on porting MFCTI and including new units.  You might find the answer there.


Re: Need some Help with CTI scripting
« Reply #2 on: 05 Apr 2007, 00:17:41 »
sadly enough there are more people asking stupid questions (and pretty much the same questions) all the time, then answering stupid questions. It should be just simple scripting, probably I got something wrong with the Arrays. I just need somebody to have a look, because that somebody perhaps might see something I've overlooked all the time.... c'mon guys! I know you can help me  :D

Re: Need some Help with CTI scripting
« Reply #3 on: 11 Apr 2007, 15:21:48 »
I checked the error message and finally found something:

Still i don't know how to fix that because everything seems to be where it should be.

€: That is so stranged. The problem was that I had typed a wrong name; SoldierECrew instead of SoldierCrewEast. I managed to fix it but then it broke again right after the second time I tried it, same Error. This is getting very creepy, maybe my OFP is haunted or something like that. Well now I spent almost the whole day working on it and nothing really happend which is kinda sad.
« Last Edit: 11 Apr 2007, 18:16:33 by General][Custer »