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Author Topic: Unloading a group out of cargo in a UH60  (Read 1904 times)

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Offline satexas69

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Unloading a group out of cargo in a UH60
« on: 26 Feb 2007, 23:51:45 »
I start my missions with PLAYER and 6 PLAYABLE in the back of a UH60, flying to a waypoint, to where the the pilot (and crew) have a GET OUT waypoint.

The PLAYER and 6 PLAYABLE start in UH60 because of this :   {_x moveincargo UHEntry} foreach units group this

I start out in the UH60, that works. The pilot and crew land, and get out at the GET OUT waypoint, That works.

However, PLAYER and 6 PLAYABLE are still in the back - in the cargo and I can't figure out how to tell them to get out and move.

I've tried putting a waypoint from leader to the landing spot with GET OUT, MOVE and other things, and the crew always stays IN the cargo... how can I tell them to GET OUT?

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: Unloading a group out of cargo in a UH60
« Reply #1 on: 27 Feb 2007, 08:31:37 »
Try putting a Transport Unload waypoint just before the crew's Get Out waypoint, maybe that'll work. ^^ Otherwise there're other ways to emptying a helo, but that's what first comes to mind. Or, you could simply make the entire crew one group for the duration of the flight, and then use the Join command to separate them into two groups.

Good luck with that.

Wolfrug out.
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Offline Terox

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Re: Unloading a group out of cargo in a UH60
« Reply #2 on: 27 Feb 2007, 10:47:01 »
this is a 5 year old (yeah thx BIS for taking the time to sort this out) bug
the easiest way to work around this in mp, is to have the group leader player ready an "eject" action before the chopper lands for the units in the back, then once the helo has landed, action the "prepared command"
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Offline sharkattack

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Re: Unloading a group out of cargo in a UH60
« Reply #3 on: 27 Feb 2007, 19:11:52 »
hi mate ��� try this ..
say the pilot is called bob .. ��� the heli is called bird .. and the group you are transporting is called zulu ..

create trigger
not (bob in bird)

on activation
[zulu,bird] exec "dismount.sqs"


Code: [Select]
_Group = _this select 0
_Vehicle = _this select 1

_listunits = units _Group

_A = 0
_B = count _listunits
_listunits select _A action ["EJECT", _vehicle]
Unassignvehicle (_listunits select _A)
?_B >_A:goto "KEEPSENDING"
MoveNext = TRUE

imagine the drop of point as the starting location for zulu .. position waypoints with drop of point as start ..

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Offline satexas69

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Re: Unloading a group out of cargo in a UH60
« Reply #4 on: 02 Mar 2007, 12:57:17 »
I'm having trouble understand "groups"... how can I assign a unit as a GROUP "zulu" as you specified?

I know two ways of getting men into a chopper:

1. Assign THIS under only the group leader's INIT:

{_x moveincargo EjectBird1} foreach units group this

2. Or put this under EVERYONE in the group's INIT:

this moveincargo chopper; grp = group this

... and of course the only way I know to group people is using the editor and dragging the green GROUP line :)

Offline Planck

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Re: Unloading a group out of cargo in a UH60
« Reply #5 on: 02 Mar 2007, 14:01:07 »
You only need to put the group assignment in one units init field, usually the leader of the group will do:

groupzulu = group this


zulu = group this

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Offline Woods

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Re: Unloading a group out of cargo in a UH60
« Reply #6 on: 12 Mar 2007, 04:55:45 »
I have found an easy way of doing this but you need the editing update from 6th sense,  http://trac.6thsense.eu:800/arma/trac/wiki/6thSense.eu%20EditorUpdate

this update gives you access to buildings and objects, first go to empty then in class go to objects and select a H (invisible) and place it where you want the helo to land. Make sure you have named your helo (e.g. bh1 for a blackhawk) then type in this in the init line - bh1 land"land"

Then place a waypoint for your helo in the area of this and make sure the waypoint is set as a TRANSPORT UNLOAD and place it over the H.

You should also have your group moving in cargo of the helo so set a waypoint for the troops by the H as well and give them the waypoint order GET OUT, you then want to move the waypoint over each other so they are on top of each other and the helo should land and the troops will get out, if you dont give the helo another move order it will land and turn its engines off but if you give it another move order it will fly off once the troops are unloaded and carrying on with the mission.

Hope this helps.

Offline sharkattack

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Re: Unloading a group out of cargo in a UH60
« Reply #7 on: 12 Mar 2007, 10:30:20 »
you should be ok without editor upgrade invisible h s are listed in empty objects without it.
"HOLY SARDINE" - see Shark-Attack meet his match