Thanks bedges
Exactly what I was looking for.
What I find strange that some people (claim) to have the different
behavior by default (unread;all). Is this a configuration in the profile
In terms of RSS. I am not interested in OFP nor missions threads.
Only scripting, configs, overall modding and general topics.
Right now I can only follow the complete forum via RSS, right?
As the rss items do not contain the sub-forum in some way,
I can neither filter them myself.
In a more general perspective as I left the BIF once and for all
and do plan to follow the OFPEC regularly again, it is very frustrating
not to find the comfort I am used to from other forums / places.
To summarize the two main points: least time spent do accomplish
it and only follow what I am interested in.
PS: My SMF2 forum has 'Show unread posts since last visit.' and
'Show new replies to your posts.' as button from the default settings.