ok, i got this version of the script which works, at least it worked with my editor placed radio.
_object = _this select 0
_pos = getpos _object
_dir = getdir _object
? (getdammage _object) > 0: goto "putback"
goto "loop"
_object setvelocity [0, 0, 0]
_object setdammage 0
_object setpos _pos
_object setdir _dir
goto "loop"
there were 2 problems i encountered:
if you setpos a object which is actually moving, a setpos command will not stop it's movement. you have to setvelocity it to 0
and second, once a object flies away, it also changes it's heading. so u have to use getdir and setdir it back to it's initial heading.
and last problem i encountered, depending on weapon used (i say LAW or other explosives), if you setpos it too early back to its pos, there might be an "explosion in progress" which will dammage the panel again.
So you have to play around with the wait lines i inserted, but this now should basically work now