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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] The Radio Tower  (Read 7512 times)

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Offline greg147

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Re:The Radio Tower
« Reply #15 on: 26 Jan 2006, 19:25:05 »
Thanks Mikero, an.....odd but appreciated review. You made it sound like the worst mission you've ever played, but gave it a 7  ;)

Instant and intense dislike. It is not up to me to decide what weaponry to use. How the hell would I know?

What do you mean by this?
The idea of having the player with no weapons in the briefing came from a mission from the CSLA2 mod. In that one you had to arm 12 paras, so i didn't think 2 snipers was too bad.

However, I will remove that feature, and have the player and his spotter armed with default weapons and a satchel charge (maybe i'll give them a M82 and a M24. Those were the weapons I thought suited the mission best)

Very poor choice of lz spot, poorly thought out.

Hmm....when I first made this map, i chose that area because it was the closest flatish area to both the targets without practically land on top of them. I thought it would be slightly more realistic landing a distance away from the targets.
Was there a place you thought would be more suitable?

The retry was so if the player died, he didn't have to start again in mid air, waiting to land before starting again.

Typically I have supplied #2 with a bipod M21 but no proper ammo for it so he's reduced to a spectator. This is very very poor.
This isn't really my fault. I even put a whole section into the briefing so people would get the correct ammo for each weapon. Even if I had started the second guy with a default weapon, it would have been the M24, so in changing it to a M21 the ammo type still would have been wrong.

The extraction was a bit unrealistic now looking back at it. It should have been a kind of 'Getting out just in time as a hord of OPFOR desend upon your position', but looking back on it I see it was kind of hollywood-ish. I'll remove some of the enemy there, and also add a hint it you get to the extraction and havn't completed the objectives yet.

I can't really change the togography. Any closer to the target and it would be stupidly unrealistic, landing on the doorstep of your enemy and still hoping to catch them by suprise.

Anyway, i'll change those things, and change the intro.  ;)
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline Igor Drukov

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Re:The Radio Tower
« Reply #16 on: 26 Jan 2006, 22:53:22 »
Benchmark : 7389; No superAI; @ECP; v1.96;Veteran

Having already tested the mission, I'll focus on whatever changes I spot.


Top-notch pic, good text.


Still very confusing, you don't really get to understand who's who and who's shooting who IMHO. I'd just redo it all, or make none, I don't think it adds anything as it currently stands. IMHO, again.


Still a few typos ("destory", "avaliable"...). But the gear section kicks ass, you bothered to add pix and all :thumbsup: !
Consider centering the name of the weapon and the image.
I chose an M82A1 and a silenced SR25 for my mate.


As I did the last time, I rescued the hostage first. On relocating from  north to east of the village, I noticed there was a patrol in the mountains. I left them alone and killed everyone in the village. For some reason, the hostage wouldn't move after cleaning the village, so I just left him and moved up north to the radio tower. Took position east of the site, and killed'em all, which was fun as some of them climbed the mountains to get me. I rpg-ed the guys behind the building ;D, climbed on the roof, destroyed the "cell phones" (in one of the rooms, one sneaky bostord nearly got me), went back to truck, gathered my men went to extract zone, chopper landed, two groups of enemies were rushing to our position, killed as many as I could before getting in the chopper, mission complete.




  • Good plot.
  • Briefing.
  • Weapons .
  • Settings.
  • Everything works as planned.

  • You don't really need the other guy. He simply carries your ammo.
  • Radio voices not loud enough.
  • Enemy reaction is not dynamic : once one of the sites gets attacked, there should be movement. I suggest you use KeyCat's GroupLinkII.
  • This is a sniper mission. Please do not reduce SetViewDistance ! Part of the fun consists in killing enemies from as far as possible, and there are some really good spots to try to break our own personal records ;).
Final word

You can be more ambitious, you have something really good brewing here. Still, good job :thumbsup: !

Offline greg147

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Re:The Radio Tower
« Reply #17 on: 26 Jan 2006, 23:12:33 »
Thanks Igor.
I think you're right about the intro. Having read the last 3 reviews, and watched it again and again, i've come to a conclusion that it has to be redone, maybe even completely from scratch. Will update that in the next version.

Guess I missed some spelling errors. Will correct them.

The hostage has to be 'nudged' in order for him to start moving. This is a game limitation as far as I know. Not really sure how to fix it. The only way I can think of is to put the hostage outside, but i'll experiment with other posibilities, like editor placed buildings etc.

I think I may try to impliment Grouplink. I've used it before on a MP mission, so have a bt of experiance using it. Will experiment  ;)

I'll also raise the volume of the voices, and see what I can do about the viewdistance, but i'm pretty sure i didn't change that in the editor. Maybe it's your game settings?
Or I may have missed something. I'll check for any triggers that affect the viewdistance.
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline Igor Drukov

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Re:The Radio Tower
« Reply #18 on: 26 Jan 2006, 23:22:43 »
Hey greg

I play with ECP, but the random weather value is disabled as default when I start the game. Besides, I remember the sky becoming more and more overcast the first time I played the mission too. I don't think it's my game settings, though. Default sliders in the editor ? I don't know ??? :beat:.

But if this doesn't happen to you, and if it didn't happen to other testers either, well, then, my bad... :-X

* sneaks away to check settings *  

Offline Mikero

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Re:The Radio Tower
« Reply #19 on: 27 Jan 2006, 11:09:18 »
>Thanks Mikero, an.....odd but appreciated review. You made it sound like the worst mission you've ever played, but gave it a 7

It deserves a 7 I'm very confident of that. I didn't like certain aspects of the mission (as you noticed  8) but, my dislike of certain play styles should not interfere with giving it a rating it deserves. I didn't like a very good mission is another way of putting it.

The only items of any credibility on my part are how it played for me and what if felt like for me. And the only things that threw me were, the lack of initial armament, and, my mistake at not looking _properly_ at the briefing (sat radios) and information on the guns available. You can hapilly take my opinion with a pinch of salt, it's just  feedback. Not really, a technical critique, because tecnnically, there are no showstoppers.

As for the LZ it is dreadful because the hostage area is too close to it.

As for whether it takes too long to get from a-z, it's your mission.
Just say no to bugz

Offline rhysduk

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Re: (Review Please) The Radio Tower
« Reply #20 on: 09 Sep 2006, 04:11:24 »
This mission has been reviewed and posted into the Missions Depot.

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« Last Edit: 02 Jun 2009, 01:07:18 by Walter_E_Kurtz »
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