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Author Topic: Air to Air Combat  (Read 1632 times)

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Air to Air Combat
« on: 16 Oct 2002, 23:48:17 »
Okay this is kinda like that pilot school, but this would focus only on the art of dogfighting with jets(with aa missles). Sort of like the movie Top Gun, without that stupid song that plays for half the movie. I have been tinkering around with a mission like this for sometime. I got the idea like a few months ago while trying out one of the F-16 addons with a couple of my friends and we started engaging eachother in air and it turned out to be a lot of fun. I am working on a full mission like this and was wondering what you guys allthought and if it was worth my time.


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Re:Air to Air Combat
« Reply #1 on: 17 Oct 2002, 21:11:12 »
officially i say go for it.  any new mission is bound to have it's strong points.

Personally, dont get me wrong here it would be cool and all but OFP doesnt simulate dogfighting worth a hoot.  for straight air to air combat your better off buying a dedicated flight sim.  CFS2 comes to mind.  OFP best simulates small realitivly slow attack jets/bombers.  The OV-10 Bronco(DKM), A-10(original), SU-25(original) all work well in this catagory.  The BAe Hawk(Kegetys) is a good plane but the armament didnt allow much in the way of combat more a point defense interceptor.  Planes like the A-4 Skyhawk(Colonel Klink i believe made one) and the A-6 Intruder(still lookin for one) would and are good planes for OFP because they are slow and agile.  Sure adding some Sidewinders to deal with other aircraft and helicopters is a very good idea.  but the whole idea of making a dedicated flighter mission for OFP isnt really my idea of what OFP is good for.  I am not saying dont make the mission.  if you make it i will download it and mess w/ it but since it is hard to loop, roll, and do other basic ACM moves the winner would be determined by who is quicker on the release trigger.  
When some WWII planes come out this could be a better possibility because WWII planes were slower and since they carry guns only it would be a better test of flight skills.  

have a good one


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Re:Air to Air Combat
« Reply #2 on: 18 Oct 2002, 04:15:09 »
Just do it and then post it beta testing ;)

Of course this is not "CFS2", but If you choose good quality addon's... or even use BIS stuff ( I chased an A-10 around with a SU and it kept me busy for hours :joystick:

Looking forward to fresh wind  :)


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Re:Air to Air Combat
« Reply #3 on: 18 Oct 2002, 05:31:42 »
I found a good F16 addon that will take a few hits before it goes boom. I also found a mig29 fulkcrum that will take about one missile shot but all you have to do is turn and it willgo right by you. The fulcrum is so much faster and those addons rock, im gunna use them for this mission.

BTW i know that the OFP engine isnt the greatest flight simulator but its so much fun when you have planes everywhere and performing all sorts of manuevers.


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Re:Air to Air Combat
« Reply #4 on: 18 Oct 2002, 13:59:03 »
Hey use the F-14 addon to that hellden team has made, it rocks and the top gun theme isn't stupid..
Me and a friend love AA combat in ofp even tough it isn't a superb flight sim engine :) It works very well and a hint the F-14 is better than the F-16 because it is faster and more manouverable and its misiles can atrget ground units as well.
There's way to little air missions .. >:(
Good to see that some ones going to make some hehe :)
Make a good custom music in it to and try to make a short but nice intro to..hint hint.. ;)


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Re:Air to Air Combat
« Reply #5 on: 18 Oct 2002, 14:16:31 »
Yea, i just saw the F14 which had not been said it was released yet when i posted the thing last night... SO, i am just going to make a Mig 28 and have that face off with the F14, then it will really get like top gun. ANd im not talkin about the top gun anthem when i say that one song is stupid. That one whenever maverick and charlie get in the same room.


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Re:Air to Air Combat
« Reply #6 on: 19 Oct 2002, 05:05:47 »
The F-14 your talking about is still beta and although it flys ok, the textures still need work and the cockpit ( important )
is nowhere near done. Now thats just my guess cause the same team made the C-17 and although it's at beta vers.6,
it's still a bit rough on the outside but the cockpit ROCKS!
if you plan on releasing this mission soon...There are alot of other aircraft out there that are done ( for instance the tornado from G8 and a few others from Them )

Just somthing to think about ;)

edit; but I guess the tornado woulden't fit in to the "Top Gun" thing. ( there is also the g8 F16 )
« Last Edit: 19 Oct 2002, 08:10:05 by EX_GRUNT »