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Author Topic: Civillian team  (Read 1128 times)

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Civillian team
« on: 02 Dec 2005, 02:29:15 »
I made a civillian team in a map and in order to make the ai shoot at civillians and vice cersa I grouped the civs with a resistance colonel. When people join teams, the team is now resistance instead of civillian, even though the colonel has 0% probability of placement or whatever. Is there a way to get around this and make it so they join the team called civillians?

Offline Raptorsaurus

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Re:Civillian team
« Reply #1 on: 02 Dec 2005, 03:40:58 »
Unfortunatly, the "side" or (team) is defined by the initial leader of a group.  I do not think that you can get around this, but if you are not using Resistance units (if they are always at probability of presence at 0%), then just use resistance in place of Civilian for all your triggers.  This would apply also to the stuff I told you in the other post about your trigger setup.   Change the trigger that is set for Civian not present to Resistance not present.  Since the civilian sodiers are actually resistance (by virtue of their initial leader being resistance), they will activate triggers for Resistance units and NOT activate those for civilian units.


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Re:Civillian team
« Reply #2 on: 02 Dec 2005, 04:18:33 »
I dunno if i understand your question completely.....but this might help:

You can take a resistance soldier and give him a civilian skin by editing the missions.sqm, so infact you just "fool" the player into thinking the units are civilian when they are really resistance.
Here I'll give a quick example:

Place a resistance soldier on the map and name him DUDE. Then save and Alt+Tab.

Next, open your mission.sqm file, and use the FIND (Ctrl+F) funtion to enter the name DUDE and locate the soldier.  
Should look sumthing like this:
Code: [Select]
      class Item1
         class Vehicles
            class Item0
Now we give the soldier some civil clothes by replacing the Vehicle name with a Civilian one.
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
vehicle="Civilian";Now you can save and Alt+Tab back to ofp.
Reload the mission and preview.
If you did it correctly.... you should now have a Civilian, who has the heart of a resistance soldier.  ;D
Below is a list of ClassNames for Civilian units:

Civilian8 - Police(Sa61 Skorpion)
Civilian11 - Police (CZ75)

:( Only drawbacks i noticed while using this method was that once the unit has been transformed....you cannot edit the unit from within the editor without him changing back to resistance/original uniform.
ie. adding or changing anything about the unit, like Skill, Init field, Direction ect. will result in the uniform being reverted to it's original state.
I suggest using the resistance unit until the mission is fully tested and ready to be played before transforming the uniform.

:) You can copy and paste transformed units without them changing back to original uniform.
:) You can also edit a transformed unit's direction by holding down the shift key while clicking on a unit and then dragging the mouse.

Hope this helps and wasn't too long. :)
« Last Edit: 03 Dec 2005, 05:27:54 by ÐurbanPoisonâ„¢ »

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Re:Civillian team
« Reply #3 on: 02 Dec 2005, 17:37:32 »
There are already 'fake' soldiers in the game you might want to try.

Taken from my Model & Classnames resource in the Editors Depot.

Code: [Select]
Fake Units

Civilian militia unit ("Civilian") with an AK74, 4 magazines and 2 handgrenades.
Friendly to civilians and resistance only, if resistance is set to friendly with nobody.

Civilian militia unit ("Civilian2") with an AK74, 4 magazines and 2 handgrenades.
Friendly to civilians and resistance only, if resistance is set to friendly with nobody.

Civilian militia unit ("Civilian4") with an AK74, 4 magazines and 2 handgrenades.
He is also wearing a 'Flashpoint' T-shirt.
Friendly to civilians and resistance only, if resistance is set to friendly with nobody.

Resistance unit dressed as an East soldier ("SoldierEB") with an AK74, 4 magazines and 6 handgrenades.
Friendly to civilians and resistance only, if resistance is set to friendly with nobody.

West unit dressed as an East soldier ("SoldierEB") with an AK74, 4 magazines and 6 handgrenades.

East unit dressed as an West soldier ("SoldierWB") with an M16, 4 magazines and 6 handgrenades.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.