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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [CAMP] Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)  (Read 13337 times)

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Offline bardosy

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #15 on: 08 Nov 2005, 08:00:23 »

a little off topic: it's a good idea to pin your location in the map. You are in the exact other side of the planet :-)

10 missions only, not 11
Wrong. You think this because you dePBO the campaign and the last mission name is freefreya10. But I start the numbering with zero (It's and old C-programmer's trick)

Mission 'Good Bye' endgame
Can you help me? I tried it at home and it's working fine for me. What does it mean endgame? There is no intro? (when Gregor said you must execute the three russian POW). There was briefing? And very important: there was DEbriefing? How did you skip to the next mission?

campaign isn't finish
Partially true. There was no campaign outro at the end, but there are no other playable mission. I fixed it, and finished the campaign outro and I put it in the fist post.

Please stop wasting our time as beta testers with this sort of stuff
Mikero, I respect you and your opinion. But please don't tell this. Because the other reader of this forum respect you and nobody will test my campaign. And belive me: I tested all of missions before, but I need comments from guys like you. But if you tell something like this nobody will help me. Please.

What does it mean?

retry kick
What does it mean?
« Last Edit: 08 Nov 2005, 08:06:06 by bardosy »
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Offline MrN

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #16 on: 08 Nov 2005, 23:15:23 »
Progress so far:

First mission: Top Secret

Interesting choice of target for the scud! Chopper didn't disappear after the insert but the rest of the mission went ok. 1 retry required at the base, they reacted quite well but there was one dude left standing by the officers tent even though I filled him with bullets.
Got to the officer and the story continuesâ€Â¦
Feel slightly robbed at the end of this but I see the need for the story to progress.

Instead of the scud mission, which is doubtful, why don't you just have "capture the officer" as the objective?

Second mission: The Change
Nice atmosphere in the truck and well setup ambush. Note, you used the player in the cutscene first then another character in the cutscene after the ambush. This is ok unless the player uses a custom face, then it looks a bit obvious there's a difference.

Third mission: Border Line
Wondered how you were going to pull this mission off reading the briefing and then find out you don't. Oh well, here's hoping.

Russian attack went to plan and on my way to the house it took a few retries due to several patrols around this area.

Fourth mission: Revenge
One of the timings is too quick on the titletext, just after Gregor says you are a professional.
Base reacts well and has taken me a few retries so far.  :)

So far so good. No showstoppers and a story that has potential.
In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

Offline Mikero

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #17 on: 09 Nov 2005, 02:21:43 »
>>10 missions only, not 11

my bad, I commented on two missions in one reply and therefore lost count

>Mission GoodBye

I won't play it. Period.

> But if you tell something like this nobody will help me

comment removed entirely.


slang. It means basically that its a serious bug. It can take the form of

mission wont end
crash to desktop
missing addon.

It's intention is to say, this is more than a niggle, or a minor bug, but something that stops game play. It should never be used in personal opinions. Items stopping people wanting to play, are not, showstoppers.

>retry kick (in)

A short form expression to say at this point in the game, an automatic retry save was encountered. Ie, the device you use as an author to save the game for the player at specific points without them having to.

Just say no to bugz

Offline bardosy

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #18 on: 09 Nov 2005, 08:58:36 »

Thanks for testing my campaign!!!

In the first and the 3rd mission I want trap the player. Like in the "real life". You plan, but God execute... (of course in this situation, the mission maker is the God.) I hope this is an advantage for the feeling.

This is the counterpart of Call of Duty 2: Did you play the Point du Hoc mission? In the History the soldiers fought for destroying the guns, but these guns wasn't there. But in the game there are. >:(

It was frustrate you as a player?

I'll check the quick titletext...

Thanks again!
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Offline bardosy

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #19 on: 09 Nov 2005, 09:06:07 »

I won't play it. Period.
Very strange...  ???
I played the campaign from begining to the 7th mission and Good Bye is working fine. I'm really sed you couldn't play this mission, because this is a great shooting!

Chopper problem.
I use a 3rd party script to chopper missions and I also saw the chopper doesn't want go back UNTIL I watch directly him and click the right mouse button. I don't know why. I'll check this script, but if I remember well: He (I don't remember his name) use the standard BAS fastrope script, which include in the BAS blackhawk's PBO.

And Mikero, thanks for the tiny english lesson!
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Offline Mikero

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #20 on: 09 Nov 2005, 13:02:49 »
standard BAS fastrope script,

watch out for this, I think it was Planck who alerted me to a real nasty with it. The script sets the units into engage mode.

It means that whatever you tell them to target, they 'engage' eg attack. Probably not a good idea at any time :D
Just say no to bugz

Offline bardosy

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #21 on: 09 Nov 2005, 14:07:32 »
Can I set off them from engage mode after the landing?
setCombatMode "YELLOW" is OK?
« Last Edit: 09 Nov 2005, 14:09:40 by bardosy »
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Offline MrN

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #22 on: 09 Nov 2005, 21:04:59 »
Call of Duty 2: Did you play the Point du Hoc mission?
Nope, first game put me off.  :P

It was frustrate you as a player?
No, I was interested how you were going to make that mission. As soon as it started I realised things were going to be very different!
In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

Offline bardosy

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #23 on: 10 Nov 2005, 08:43:53 »
The script sets the units into engage mode.
I inserted a setCombatMode "yellow" and I think it's fine. A little bit poor the "engage at will" and "disengage" commmand in very short period, but I didn't want modify the BAS blackhawk.

Could you continue the campaign?
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Offline Mikero

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #24 on: 10 Nov 2005, 13:24:38 »
>A little bit poor the "engage at will" and "disengage" commmand in very short period

far better that, than you getting hate mail because the player's squad massacre themselves


am looking forward to playing a revised version Bardosy (no hurry), some of the best missions I've played are in this campaign, you deserve a lot of praise.

>You are in the exact other side of the planet :-)

that's odd. Most people tell me I'm OFF the planet.
« Last Edit: 10 Nov 2005, 13:29:34 by Mikero »
Just say no to bugz

Offline greg147

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #25 on: 10 Nov 2005, 22:45:46 »
I've been playing this campaign for about a week now (sorry I havn't posted any reviews. To be honest I couldn't see much worng with any of the missions, plus I completely forgot ;) )

Anyway, I've reached the mission 'Free Howarth' (I think thats the name. Not sure.) Anyway, its the one where you have to ambush the convoy to rescue the major. Upon completeing the mission, I get the debreifing, then the game goes to the main menu (but the mission continues in the background as the island has no anim) When I do the endmission cheat the same thing happens. When I tried the 'campaign' cheat, the missions unlocked up to that one, which remained the same.

Is this the last mission? It didn't seem like it as we still have to attack the training camp etc.
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

Offline Mikero

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #26 on: 11 Nov 2005, 03:49:17 »
Top secret

chopper remains suspended in air, you need to fix that.

an annoying double-up of actions with raise/lower nvg, and put on/off nvg. Something wrong here.

2 x sentry at officer tent are un-realistic. If I shoot at any of the tank crew, most of them spring into action. (one did not, the bmp driver i think). All of the camp in fact go alert except these two sentries who just stand there.

Move the officer into clear view still sitting down, but well away from tent sides. He tends to bleed out and is therefore shot by me. He needs to be center of tent so that he is clearly, visibly, unarmed. (the ammo boxes in tent current disguise him. You cant move the boxes, you can move him.

I don't know these weapons too well, but, if AKS-74 means silenced weapons (and ammo), then that is silly. These ground troops would have standard issue unsilenced stuff.

A black op *always* has binocs. It's not good that I don't have any, this is not realistic for what is expected of me. You should remove the M21 for that reason.

Also, suggest you remove the law from gear selection (and anywhere in mission). A player can make a real mess here if you let him. They will, take on the T80's and general disaster will happen as a result. You want me to sneak in and not make too much noise, so, remove the LAW ability altogether.

Have provided a briefing html for you that fixes the grammar without changing one word of what you meant to say.

also included is a stringtable.csv to fix up the various titletext spelling errrors in multiple sqs files. ONLY those text that needed correcting are inside.

reccomend you use a single csv for your campaign so that these are easy to get at.
« Last Edit: 11 Nov 2005, 04:12:52 by Mikero »
Just say no to bugz

Offline Mikero

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #27 on: 11 Nov 2005, 04:45:12 »
The Exchange

please fix the title to above (or similar) 'change' is wrong.

Have provided corrected briefing and csv similar to 1st post.

If I don't grab a weapon, the cutscene shows me as if i were holding a rifle. Change me to safemode eg.

I got into driver's truck and drove away, you might want to do something about that 8)

also. The theme isn't developed enough for WHY we were 'freed'. You say so, but don't show so. Suggestion. Disembark us instead as if we were going to be shot. Ie some sort of 'turn off here' and stop, something clear, we aren't going to the american zone, then, introduce the resistance, rather than them just ambusing us. Just a suggestion.

Just say no to bugz

Offline bardosy

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #28 on: 11 Nov 2005, 07:47:24 »
Mikero, please download the newest version from the first post. This is the 1.04. And overwrite the YankieStalker.pgo in your campaign folder.
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Offline bardosy

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Re:Yankie Stalker (DF campaign)
« Reply #29 on: 11 Nov 2005, 07:53:37 »
Is this the last mission? It didn't seem like it as we still have to attack the training camp etc.

@Greg: Thank you for playing with my campaign!

Sorry for the v0.9. 'Free Horvath' is the last playable mission. After this, there is the campaign outro. (spoiler) the BIG wise - Mikero guess it - there is no training camp, because who terrorist for someone, he's freedom fighters for someone else...  ;)

If you download the newest version (from the first post) and overwrite the campaign pbo and choose the last mission (free horvath) and 'continue' button and finish the last mission again, you can see the outro.
Fix bayonet!