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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] & [Coop] Kill the drug lord, version 2  (Read 3730 times)

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After learning a bunch more about scripting and triggers and so on for OFP, I noticed that the original KTDL on OFPEC was pretty crappily coded; so I set about recoding it. But not only that, I completely rebuild the mission from the ground up, adding far more detail to it. AI behavior should be greatly improved now; I've also got a multiplayer co-op version of it.

In particular I'd like the multiplayer mission tested - I've yet to test this as I haven't had the time (nor the other players; being in new zealand sucks for OFP multiplayer) to test it out yet.

The river ambush in particular is improved, there's more 'stuff' strewn around, and enemies should now scatter once they see the squad; there's also an M2HB at the druglord's house to spice the stuff up a bit.

Updated: New readme file (much flashier) and fixed multiplayer scoring.

Re-updated: Damn multiplayer map still wasn't fixed.

Re-Re-Re-Re-Updated: Like you don't know what the problem in this case is.

Edit: The Single-Player version of this mission has been reviewed and is available from the Missions Depot.
« Last Edit: 11 May 2009, 01:01:44 by Walter_E_Kurtz »


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Re:Kill the drug lord, version 2
« Reply #1 on: 31 Aug 2005, 14:00:13 »
Oh yah, I'd be eternally greatful for anyone who wants to play the voices in this thing.

Offline Mikero

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Re:Kill the drug lord, version 2
« Reply #2 on: 01 Sep 2005, 08:19:59 »
>being in New Zealand sucks...

Oh i dunno, it aint that bad. You get to wear the latest jandals and the sheep are quite attractive.
You don't mention addons or lack thereof and I can't recall from previous version.

Also think a moderator might move this to your original topic. They do that kind of thing. The above lack of info is a good reason why perhaps it should be plunked in the original thread. Anyway, downloading now.....

Just say no to bugz

Offline Mikero

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Re:Kill the drug lord, version 2
« Reply #3 on: 01 Sep 2005, 11:43:27 »
OFP1.96 bench 5685, vetmode no superai


sloppy. Done at a rush. A bit about you a bit about the mission a bit about (lack of) addons is needed.

HOWEVER, the important meat is there.


none. And to promote your mission a jpeg is needed.


An unusually crisp picture. Everything where it should be and some easy to read phrasing.

Missing modest author advertising and some idea of the version being played.


Intense. Music choice good. Dramatic, nasty. Text stuff is good, and an obvious need to voice actor this Intro to polish it off because it deserves it.

Lined up soldiers potentially a mistake. It appears to be either a firing squad or, a squad about to be slaughtered. Some pronounced way of showing they have shouldered weapons is needed because player's attention isn't on them, and the perception is there instead. Perhaps intentional, dunno. Very good, menacing shot of more squads in background.


Pretty damn good and very detailed.

I would change the phrase to "we need your squad to eliminate him", first impression is a lone black op thing.


some nouns like Russian, Europe, etc need capitalising. They spoil the overall effect of a very nicely written piece of blurb.

All links worked, all objectives first page, all extra pieces well presented on separate readable pages. Nice.

Noisy. Far far far far too much noise. It's plain ugly and almost indecipherable. Makes you want to turn your head away.

Gear/selection. For me, too much of everything. Clearly thought out selections, but for me, too much. I choose the m21 because I'm lethal with it. Perhaps a little too cute to include it. Perhaps not.

Group: None. Not good, seasoned players like to know what the hell squad you've landed them with.


umm. Personal opinion only/, but it appears to be one which others agree with. You make the mistake of describing how you made the mission rather than how it will play. Items like grenade launchers, who's where, what's what. Frankly, who cares? Let me, the player, discover these things. It's not subtle. It is however, tucked away out of sight in a buried note, but I think you should confine this stuff to readme.txt. Very well written and phrased but I don't like it. This comment does not apply to Victor's Background. /Personal opinion only.


Grief! That start is good. The retry is unnecessary, you're too cute there putting it in because you could.

Hint's shouldn't be used in vetmode. I'd confine it to cadet. You're pulling me out of game immersion using them. Not criticising the thoughtful use of hints, criticising their use in vetmode.

SON OF A FEMALE CANINE! I'm dead. ME! A lethal sniper. Dead.

Repeat these comments for three retries. >:(

Eventually take over hill only to discover SmallTent area to my left. Nasty.

Sniper rifle makes short work of most nasties in first hamlet, but grief, it's like dealing with cockroaches. There's currently a nice mix of very alert and severely dumb enemy.

Good use of bluetext. Having trouble playing this mission and reporting it at same time. Phew.

Getting severely mauled by well placed hidden enemy. Lost a few of my people. Another good use of blue titletext. I like feedback that I'm making progress because in this mission, it's tough.

Started taking out everything twitching in last objective from hill before river with M21. Great use of this Island btw, I love it. Particularly that river.

Killed by some vicious horrible thing on other side of river. Retry. Killed again. Sigh, and THEN i notice the buggers. Hidden well.

Plenty of fairness in this mission. If I'm too stupid to notice small tents, I deserve all that comes my way.

Took out remaining stuff 6 and 700 meters behind last hamlet then moved to river. You could consider fog to toughen it for me.

Slaughtered as we cross over. Excellent.

Retry position was excellent, but not convinced you need that hint for vetmode.

Had a pig of a time crossing that river and thouroughly enjoyed myself.

Another pig of a time cleaning out the running loons trying to get over the top and around us (we were centre of valley). More troubles with well positioned nasties in hamlet centre area. Sniper rifle could only do so much. Ended up grenading front of buildings to make progress. Shot by Victor, sigh. Retry.

Did another grenade run and 'accidentally' killed Victor.

Nice ending sweep, sort of mini outro of the hell you put me through ;D.

Good use of barricades, tents and general eye candy. Completely pointless jeep, truck, and ammo stashes which is *exactly* as it should be. All in all Nice. I can see how an insane dash by truck accross the river might have been a better option <ahem>

Loved this. A great little mission. Tight, and very fierce. By no means an epic production, just all that could be achieved on a tiny Island was really well put together.

Took a glance at the group listing while playing, Unhappy that all of us were vets/experts and as I always argue, medics never need be. Also don't like the postion of the medics nor the fact there are two of them. No commander worth his paycheck would ever have them up front, and really, an M2 gunner is needed in this mission in the #2 position to protect the player.

Showstoppers None. Bugs None. This mission is ready to roll, but you might want to polish out a few of my criticisms, maybe not.
Just say no to bugz


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Re:Kill the drug lord, version 2
« Reply #4 on: 01 Sep 2005, 12:33:08 »
Aight, in future i'll put the medics in back and maybe cut it down to one; maybe swap the medic for a normal soldier in vet mode?

The vet mode stuff is a good point; I knew i'd missed something out when it comes to difficulty settings. I'll update the map to do a logictest for cadetmode for each message.

Say, can you see the tops of the smalltents as you cross the river? The idea is that an observant player will see the tips of these tents and be alerted of possible danger.

As for the map, what do you suggest? Should I remove the hatching or remove some of the text for objectives?

Offline Mikero

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Re:Kill the drug lord, version 2
« Reply #5 on: 02 Sep 2005, 02:48:21 »
It's your mission Dagon, medics in those positions dont work for me, but, it's YOUR mission. You could have an entire squad of medics if it feels right for you. (hmm, nice little theme that, I'll copyright it). Considering all the extra clever eye candy that took you ages to install (barrels eg) a medic tent, or better still, a medic cabinet would be preferable.


these were one of the best points about the mission. If was was stupid enough not to look (and yes, they were VERY noticeable, if i LOOKED), i deserved the hail of bullets. I thought they were the best touch you did because it counteracted the difficulty of finding all the single enemy hiding loons which would have otherwise been frustrating.

gridding the map the way you did is an example of describing how you made the mission, not how it plays. It's not a good choice, it's nowhere near subtle.

The biggest problem with the map is the ridiculously long text strings. Tiny island = Tiny words
Just say no to bugz


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Re:Kill the drug lord, version 2
« Reply #6 on: 02 Sep 2005, 06:28:35 »
Speaking of which, a little touch that you'd need to pay extreme attention to to notice:

You will face the six surviving officers in the intro sequence during the mission. The seventh, dead, officers' body can be found lying sprawled on the ground next to a mass grave on the hill behind the druglord's house.
« Last Edit: 02 Sep 2005, 06:30:00 by Dagon »

Offline wcrvieira

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Re:Kill the drug lord, version 2
« Reply #7 on: 06 Sep 2005, 01:32:07 »
Hmm... I was awaiting for this release!  :D
Gonna install OFP and report back with my review :P

Reviewing mission "Kill the drug lord, v2" - by Dagon

Specs: OFP 1.96; Vet mode, no Super Ai; no addons/mods; Benchmark of 4792.

Readme: A bit too short. No information about yourself, the mission, addons needed, nothing. Just installation procedure.  :-\

Overview: Nice as always. Picture is just fine (with border and not blurry). Text is fine.

Intro:  ;D (<-- guess that tells everything, heh?)


Briefing: Flawless imho. All links worked. Additional info was fine.

Map: Fine.  :)

Notes: Spectacular  :P

Gear: awww :( no G3A3? Ok... As you there in NZ use the Steyr AUG ill use it too in this mission.

Mission: Started... looked at map. There I was.
I was in Cadet mode... damn... [Restart].
Equiped everyone with G36 and off we go... (I dont trust M16)
Disembarked... (thanks for the hint) and scanned horizon. Saw a guerilla (or was it a gorilla?  ;D) running away... hmm weird... nvm let's go.
"All, danger!"
Damn... as soon as I said that... bullets start flying, lost 2 men and 1 injured.
Continued sprinting...
Took the hill and only killed one guy... one shot in the head... poor bastard.
Now onto the garrisson...
Fired all my rounds, killed almost everyone there. 6 died dunno why as I didnt see any bullets fired against us.  ???
But great job here... enemy concealed very well...
Picked up a PK, and lets FIRE!!!  ::)
Garrisson neutralised.
[Saved the game, just in case]
Went to the river... my stupid mates denounced the position... I got killed.

Outro: N/P

Until now, as the last version.
Simply great!
I love this mission, the atmosphere, the river crossing, no bugs or flaws...
For now... a 6
Report tomorrow with the rest, now I need to try to sleep and rest my eyes...

NBR Out!

« Last Edit: 06 Sep 2005, 02:32:52 by PTnbrvieira »


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Re:Kill the drug lord, version 2
« Reply #8 on: 07 Sep 2005, 14:08:13 »
Yeah ! Very nice mission ! I like the Hill, crossing the river under fire ...

But in multiplayer mode, why isn't possible to take the role of the Drug Lord   :)

Offline Cheetah

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Re:Kill the drug lord, version 2
« Reply #9 on: 08 Sep 2005, 15:10:06 »
I have played this map in SP and MP, I'll try to give a short description of what I experienced.

SinglePlayer (veteran, no super AI, 5338):

The title "Kill the Drug Lord", was a bit too long in my opinion. I didn't really like it, I would change it to "Drug Lord Assassination" or something. Not using "the" in the title of your mission. The overview was fine, except that you should take the picture of the Drug Lord while he has his facial mimic set to "angry". This would make him look a bit angrier, which is better IMO.

Well done, only one comment about it. That is that your intro should end a few seconds earlier. Right now, you've got to wait a bit too lang. Just check it for myself if you notice the same, I was like.. uh does anything else happen after this and was about to hit escape.

Fine, only noticed that I couldn't see my group (we were in the chopper). Something I don't really like, I don't know if my team is made up of recruits or experts.
Lots of weapons to choose from, equipement for my team: M21 + Ingram + LAW (where possible). I myself chose the same stuff.

I noticed I had two medics on my team. I don't know why you choose to do this? And I didn't like the fact that they were my #2,3.
Thanks for the hints about disembarking etc, they're nice to do it fast.
We walked up the hill and all the enemies were eliminated pretty quick. Had one casualty and one wounded, who was healed very fast. So we continued up the mountain and I was shot in my head. I noticed that the enemy had a pretty high skill. It's good for the mission (playability, not too easy), but I don't know if a Drug Lord has these high skilled soldiers?

Retried and took the hill. We had it pretty easy with our sniperrifles against the 2nd objective. I noticed that the objective wasn't completed so I ran there with my team. Bad thing too do, I got hit in my arms and lost a teammate. An officer was still there, after he was shot the objective was cleared. What I noticed was that the soldiers under the sheds and in the tower didn't do much. The resistance there was really not enough, and it's a bit frustrating if they shoot you in the head with their AK47's from that distance. But okay, you can't really do much about it, except let them retreat or attack the hill (quite logical one of these two, instead of waiting in the bad position).

After this I stole the truck and ordered my men to get in. I drove to the hill to the north of the shallow water and used my sniperrifle to dispose all the enemy soldiers. After this (without much problems) I drove to the other side of the river and ordered everyone to disembark.

I used some explosive weapons (LAW, Grenade) and we ran to the enemy position. Went pretty easy and Viktor was killed pretty easy. Mission accomplished.

A good mission that needs some minor tweaks.

MultiPlayer (veteran, no super AI, 5338 (1st player), 5567 (2nd player)):

We were an officer and medic (positions #1,2) and both used the M21 + Glock17. I additionally equipped myself with a LAW.

Right off, the error "alpha addrating 5000; type group, expected object" and a big explosion.

I had played the SP version of this map so expected a lot of resistance from the beginning. But there wasn't even one enemy there, pretty weird. The trucks in the outpost on the hill had exploded and all the soldiers were killed.

We had little trouble with killing all the enemies in the garrison and proceeded towards the river crossing. Which uhm, was quite lethal on foot, without using the correct method of crossing (head towards the sky). We got killed a few times and some enemy soldiers came towards us (we didn't see them before).. The team was killed and the mission failed. We tried again.

This time I looked at the objectives right away and noticed that the first one was ticked off.

We made our way to the river quite easily again, but this time we took the truck with us. Three soldiers remained on the "safe" side while we took two of them with us (respawn soldiers). They were left behind at the truck while we continued on foot. During this, and before my partner discovered that the head of the soldier changed faces, quite strange.

The attack went pretty easy in the beginning and Viktor was killed after using most of the soldiers that we had left. I used one of the soldiers across the river, but this time crossing the river didn't kill me. Yes! I did it ;).

We had some trouble with the M2 gun, but eventually completed the mission.


Score: 5220
Time: 29 minutes (one star)
Objectives: all ticked off

All the addrating things gave errors, you should look into this. The 2nd objective is completed even if you aren't at the objective, this means that there should be a satellite mentioned to check if some enemies are alive maybe?
A mission not too hard and not too easy, well done. The only problems we encountered were the bugs I described above.
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Re:Kill the drug lord, version 2
« Reply #10 on: 11 Sep 2005, 03:28:10 »
Heh, my bad. To test "all are dead" type objectives, I usually drop a bunch of setdammage 1'd ammo trucks on top of the squad. It ain't pretty but it sure works - I just must of forgotten to remove that one in particular.

And the scoring should work better now; I found the "alpha" and replaced it with "(leader alpha)". In future I might change this to a Foreach instead.

Updated version attached.

Offline Cheetah

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Re:Kill the drug lord, version 2
« Reply #11 on: 12 Sep 2005, 20:54:22 »
MP testing (with my brother), Veteran Mode

I don't think that I need to do a whole new review, seeing that there's only some minor things that have changed. I'll point out the things that I think need more attention

There's still an ammo truck exploding at the hill. I don't know if there are some enemy casualties caused by it. Actually we had a pretty hard time once we were on the hill. Not climbing it, if we were being shot while climbing the hill, we would have been killed, all of us probably.

After taking the hill we were left with only the two of us, all other AI teammates were dead or taken by us as respawn victim.
We proceeded towards the garrison, this is where I started using the sniper rifle and my brother his M16. We killed lots of the enemy soldiers, before my brother was hit by the enemy. He was KIA.

After completing this objective on my own, only had to kill two remaining enemy soldiers after my brother died. I got the error of "alpha addrating 5000" again. So you've probably forgot to change this one.

I think that the enemy skill is a bit too high, my brother was killed by an headshot (machine gunner). This is generally not giving the player a nice feeling. I'd like it it the whole enemy garrison would get up on the hill to attak us. That would give the player a "holy shit" feeling, well might give the  player this kind of feeling.

Why do I think that this needs to be done? The enemy is just waiting to be killed, or waiting to kill us with a headshot. I'd rather see them move a bit more, that way they might be a threat to us, and still keeping it fair. So I suggest that you make their numbers larger and let them attack, retake the hill.

After this the mission went fine and I completed it.
The mission is almost ready IMO, but some minor things need to be done.
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Offline wcrvieira

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Re:Kill the drug lord, version 2
« Reply #12 on: 18 Sep 2005, 00:02:06 »
Status: Reviewing Co-op mission by Dagon

Kill the drug lord, version 2

This is the first review of Virtual Simulation Squad [V.S.S.]!!!
Hope you like it!  ;D

|V.S.S. Info|

Date: 17 September 2005 1600 GMT +0

Players: SerialKiller and NBRVieiraPT

Reviewers: All players


NBRVieiraPT - OFP 1.96 no mods, Benchmark of 5338, Cadet mode no Super AI
SerialKiller - OFP 1.96 no mods, Benchmark of 4166, Cadet mode no Super AI


Intro: None

Briefing: We all liked it. Precise and with plenty of information. All markers worked :P

Notes: Massive! Maybe too big for MP version, but we spent some time reading it, and we both liked it.

Gear Selection: Fine.

Mission Options: AI Off, SerialKiller squad leader, I was Medic. We both equiped with G36 + Binocs + Pistol ;)

We started near island, above the sea in a Blackhawk.
We reach the coast, but weirdly the blackhawk was just hovering, didnt touch the ground, so we ejected.
As soon as we touch ground bullets start flying, I was hit in the arm and SerialKiller when started running, in a shoulder.
With cover SerialKiller healed.
Hill was taken easily. The place was well defended but we were better than them.
We proceeded to the ruins near tents...
Shoot everyone in the garrison, deploy smoke to fool the grenadiers hidden behind sandbags (nice touch  ::) those grenadiers are a pain in the arse), clear the place out.
We found the ammo boxes, SerialKiller rearmed with grenades, I picked up a SVD Dragunov  8)
We continued to the river, I took out the units from the right side of river, and a PK gunner.
SerialKiller was shot and killed by a soldier hidden in a bush while he tried to cross river.[DEAD][/B]
I crossed river in safety and survived, (I know how to swim muahaha ;D:D:P) shot an officer.
Moved to bushes ahead while SerialKiller was in recon mission with birdie.
Killed some soldiers, M2 Machine Gunner, but when tried to move position, a soldier from almost 200meters shot me. (What the... I was proned :-\).

-----Reviewer's Comments-----

Well I wont rate this mission because I didnt end it so it would be unfair.
But for now, I totally loved it, better than SP version...
Great mission to explore teamwork ;)

From my side, this is one more great mission, as you are used to make ::) trully nice work... nice theme, environment, enemies just right in "agressiveness" and they are damn smart :P
Well this mission is a must have for every MP server, and it is in mine.

Anxiously waiting for next mission ;D

Status: Over and Out!

NBR Out!