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Offline 456820

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a final mission
« on: 01 Jun 2005, 19:53:30 »
okay im needing some ideas for my final mission in my camapaign

Story so far
You are Brian Sheplan who joined the army at the end of the first Russian invasion on everon and on his last day on patrol on Malden island before he is shipped back home, Russian choppers attack HQ and trigger the second invasion.
Therefore Brian cant be shipped home and is needed on Everon and Malden wich he goes through severalfull scale operations working himself through the Ranks.
One day Word comes in where Guba is so he goes of on his final mission

Okay so thats the story so far trying not to ruin the stroy too much.

So mylast mission is as follows well actuall that story tells you up to the second to last mission that's figured out anyway Russians pull back on to Kolgujev

And the plan is to take them out a bit like the mission Conter Strike from the 1985 campaign you parachute into Kolgujev and you must search seveal small Russian camp's wich are left and take anyoneout. What else cn happen ???


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Re:a final mission
« Reply #1 on: 01 Jun 2005, 20:06:29 »
Lets say you have to take an hold one camp on a hill top, for it was chosen to be the supply base for the rest of the operation.

So you parachute in, or fast rope or whatever, then you take the lightly defended camp. All of a sudden the hell starts when the Ruskies organize the entire island against ur foothold. they will attack with everytihng they have, tanks, apcs, choppers, arty, and infantry of course and u have to survive and hold the camp until the reinforcements arrive.

That was the first thing that I came up with, you can modify it however u want :)

Good luck with ur last mission


Offline 456820

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Re:a final mission
« Reply #2 on: 01 Jun 2005, 20:08:46 »
hhmmmmm sounds very interesting i just might use that idea but the Ruskies dont have much becuase the rest have retreated ack to Russia and the people left are just the unlucky few but i like the sound of that can anyone kind of expand on it


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Re:a final mission
« Reply #3 on: 02 Jun 2005, 03:59:32 »
Maybe the remaining forces attack in waves. Since they want to throw anything at you a soon as possible to prevent you from moving inland. Your team holds off the first wave when reinforcements come, lots of US soldiers, and you're sent to follow/capture/kill Guba. Sneak back to the shore and flank enemy lines. Try to not attract to much attention, most easties will be moving on the westies landing anyways.

Find Guba and have multiple endings.

1.) capture = kill everyone around him and your officer shoots him in the foot and he falls as he runs away, but you catch him and go back to your lines.... something like that....

2.) Follow = maybe Guba is going somewhere, kill the pilots of another Mi24 and follow Guba's mi24 to somewhere else to either kill/capture/reveal where abouts to command....
little sketchy on that idea.... :P

3.) Kill = as Guba's heli (mi17,mi24, or even stolen uh60, whatever) takes off, this is a cutscene, SHeplan comes up sets up the LAW or Carl Gustav and movie style, shoots the rocket. Camera follows rocket slow mo then cuts to inside cockpit slow mo as rocket speeds towards the heli....
BOOM and into the water to hide the nasty looking OFP heli wreck. MAybe at a port or something.

My favorite idea...
Requires some handy camera skills though. ;)

Offline 456820

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Re:a final mission
« Reply #4 on: 02 Jun 2005, 08:11:35 »
well sunds quite good and im alright at camera skills ive still got a little bit to learn.
i might incorpriate key cats ai script wich enemy follows the player so your getting chased with contact rears, left,s right and dead ahead whilst your runnnig to the camp

Offline macguba

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Re:a final mission
« Reply #5 on: 02 Jun 2005, 11:22:52 »
Start off with a boring normal mission.    Parachute in, attack base, whatever.   Then you are captured.   You'll need a cutscene.  Taken to Guba, interrogated.    Cutscene ends, you are in a room or tent:  escape is relatively easy.   The only guards are medics armed only with handguns, and some unarmed wounded men.    You find Guba, also armed with handgun.    Cutscene, with the two of you facing each other in safe.   Cutscene ends, setAcctime 0.5 for effect and the winner is the fastest gun on Kolgujev.

It's the last mission of a campaign.   You want it to be different from any mission you've every played.
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

Offline 456820

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Re:a final mission
« Reply #6 on: 02 Jun 2005, 12:38:34 »
thats given me another great idea if you have seen black hawk down the true story it shows Mike Durrant saying that he head the convoy wich was collecting the wounded from the first crach site, he heard them literlally right outside the wall but they carried on and faded away.

So your idea Macguba reminded me of that just thought i would share that with you all fro no reason. lol

Anyway an idea so far
Tomsaz's idea you must capture a base nearing dawn (with a day script wich makes it dark) then once captured you are to wait for M113's to pick you up and take you to the next camp but whilst there coming up the hill several choppers come out of nowhere and waste the transport and thats when the whole island turns on you, several waves of infantry, apc's and choppers pin you down you must hold the base as long as you can until (cutscene)
   The whole squad is running out of ammo rapidly, reinforcements are on way but still several minutes away this is when you are wounded and you drop your rifle then are surounded by russians and are captured (who ever is left of the squad) and is taken to a small hide out in Kolgujev then the camera shows the reinforcements ariving at the hill where its all desocrated everything torn down with dead bodies every where (ends cutscene)
Reinforcements are told to serch for you with several choppers and so on. So you must now escape when you do you must get to the radio tower around 100metres away and tell papabear your position, or steal a smoke shell and signal a chopper either wa.
When you do M1A1's, Blackhawks, apaches and apcs sow up depends how you call if you throw a smoke shell a black hwak havers to pick you up and is shot down.

If you throw a smoke shell tanks and so on come to secure perimeter whilst the black hawk picks you up wither way a black hawk is shot down now a few more waves of infantry squads come and you and the reinforecments must secure the crashite for a while then after a while, apaches come and bombard the place with Hellfires and FFUR's then you are lifted away into the sun set well actually at that time it will be the next morning.

that should be it hopefully i can get a very big mission from that 40 mins + with lotts of action and maybe even alternate extrctions like Pbr boats and your a gunner ive never seen that done before. Any other ideas to pad this story line down a little would be great

Also about the slowmotion face to fac with Guba that wouldnt really work Guba will pull his gun out about 10 seconds after ou do he will target you relise hes got no ammo reload target you for a nother 10 seconds then fire you know how AI are lol.
Anyway ill see what i can do about that idea becuase that would be a bit of fun at the end of a long frustrating campaign the only thing with this idea im going t have to use Jam mags but i dont want to use any unofficail addons.

Offline 456820

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Re:a final mission
« Reply #7 on: 03 Jun 2005, 15:09:40 »
what do people think ?


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Re:a final mission
« Reply #8 on: 04 Jun 2005, 16:52:49 »
Are you using Jam in all of your missions?

Either way I recommend it because using HD weapons for the enemy, allies, and player makes the mission that much more fun and interesting. Not to mention the nasty firefights. The only problem is AT men can't hit crap when armor rolls in and then the tanks blast everyone away. :P

Offline 456820

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Re:a final mission
« Reply #9 on: 04 Jun 2005, 16:59:28 »
im actually using a trigger wich damages everyone around 0.2 or 0.3 depending on the mission that  makes the little marker a bit harder to get in the center but yes there is a downside they can go heal them selves and get pin point acuracy again lol im trying to keep the campaign addon free and so far ive done it


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Re:a final mission
« Reply #10 on: 05 Jun 2005, 00:34:27 »
Yeah, the setdammage trick works to a degree, but its more affecting your hand/arms. The JAM2 way is to affect the actual bullets which I like better since you can aim fine at something and not hit it. Compared to having your arm shaking about like a nervous old person.

Heeeyy the ice cream truck.... .......  .....


I'm serious, the ice cream truck just came by. Off topic whoops...
No offenses meant to old people either.  :P