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Author Topic: addon list planes, buildings and ships  (Read 4534 times)

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addon list planes, buildings and ships
« on: 07 Oct 2002, 14:55:14 »
These aircrafts should be made I think
F-22, F117, mig-29 (that doesn't lagg like the other one), b2, b52, su-27 flanker, and badger bombers and other country special jets.

Buildings that would be cool
shops, supermarkets, Whitehouse, Kremlin, skyscrapers , villas, and military structures...Note you should be able to enter the buildings! And descent harbour areas with docks cranes concrete stuff ect.

carrier, cruise ships, destroyers, subs(can't made so that dive though but they would be damn cool to have one, it should be able to fire a special kind of missiles that can be targetted to buildings and other ground or sea units structures!, Oil tanker, transport ship that has a cargo door so that tanks and vehicles can drive down from the ramp to shore.
Well thats all


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #1 on: 07 Oct 2002, 21:28:45 »
"These aircrafts should be made I think
F-22, F117, mig-29 (that doesn't lagg like the other one), b2, b52, su-27 flanker, and badger bombers and other country special jets."

Most are either too fast or fly too high for OFP.

"Buildings that would be cool
shops, supermarkets, Whitehouse, Kremlin, skyscrapers , villas, and military structures...Note you should be able to enter the buildings! And descent harbour areas with docks cranes concrete stuff ect."

many have been made and we'll see a lot of these

carrier, cruise ships, destroyers, subs(can't made so that dive though but they would be d**n cool to have one, it should be able to fire a special kind of missiles that can be targetted to buildings and other ground or sea units structures!, Oil tanker, transport ship that has a cargo door so that tanks and vehicles can drive down from the ramp to shore."

We have a sub from Colonol Clink, a Kiev class carrier is on the way and a large landing ship which is fully interactable is on its way too



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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #2 on: 08 Oct 2002, 00:14:21 »
When will people stop asking for fast jets? The A-10 is about at the limits of how fast a jet should go in OFP, I remember getting the ITA Tornado from G8's site, and I covered all of Everon in under thirty seconds. Not enough time to point myself in the right direction, let alone find, target and fire at eight T-80s.

High-alt bombers would only be useful as eye candy, on the runways, but they're so big they'd take up too much space. If you want a bombing raid, use a script.

Ships are boring. Sorry, but that's my point of view. Carriers wouldn't be able to support jets unless they were static objects in the sea, but even then they aren't long enough to land jets. Plus anything much bigger than a big patrol boat will lag the game up.

Not being mean, just tired of everyone throwing these same requests up.


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #3 on: 08 Oct 2002, 05:15:38 »
not to be mean but that island is pretty small, that is why there are bigger islands and islands that take up most of the screen which would really take some time to get across.

I think the ships are all would be nice,

I think all the planes would look nice and a Dassault Mirage F1

and most of the buildings would be cool


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #4 on: 08 Oct 2002, 17:59:28 »
When will people stop asking for fast jets? The A-10 is about at the limits of how fast a jet should go in OFP, I remember getting the ITA Tornado from G8's site, and I covered all of Everon in under thirty seconds. Not enough time to point myself in the right direction, let alone find, target and fire at eight T-80s.

High-alt bombers would only be useful as eye candy, on the runways, but they're so big they'd take up too much space. If you want a bombing raid, use a script.

Ships are boring. Sorry, but that's my point of view. Carriers wouldn't be able to support jets unless they were static objects in the sea, but even then they aren't long enough to land jets. Plus anything much bigger than a big patrol boat will lag the game up.

Not being mean, just tired of everyone throwing these same requests up.
I only agree with you on the part about the big planes.  Ships can be very fun, and the ones being made right now will only lag the game if you have more than one or two, and about the flying over the island in like 30 seconds, try doing that over Nogova island...  Although I personally stick with ground troops, helos and tanks myself, they're much more versatile.

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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #5 on: 08 Oct 2002, 21:37:28 »
Have a loock in here http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?sekce=archiv&page=1 is the OFPZC News archive so it may had moved to the next page, is a news about a dock landing ship, and on todays news is a carrier that is in progres too. I noticed a few things around of the ones you listed. If you kip an eye in this links you'll come across a lot more stuff.http://ofp.gamezone.cz/ and this one its good too. http://www.opflashpoint.org/
 Remember the old say,  "Things come to those who wayt."
Later all.


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #6 on: 08 Oct 2002, 22:46:04 »
www.operationnorthstar.com have made a carrier. You can take off and land from it, and the model and catapult script has been done, but it still needs textures. I think the ITA Tornado and F-16 are ok for ofp, but a B52 or B2 would be too big and fly too high. To see the B52 you would have to have viewdistance set to about 10000, which is impossible unless you have access to a cray supercomputer. I think ofp does need more buildings though. Russia needs a better tank (some guy was making a T90) and planes (MiG-29)


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #7 on: 08 Oct 2002, 22:50:04 »
www.operationnorthstar.com have made a carrier. You can take off and land from it, and the model and catapult script has been done, but it still needs textures. I think the ITA Tornado and F-16 are ok for ofp, but a B52 or B2 would be too big and fly too high. To see the B52 you would have to have viewdistance set to about 10000, which is impossible unless you have access to a cray supercomputer. I think ofp does need more buildings though. Russia needs a better tank (some guy was making a T90) and planes (MiG-29)


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #8 on: 09 Oct 2002, 01:30:51 »
i agree with him no large planes because of high altitudes, but 30 seconds going accross the from east to west not north to south.  but some new russian planes some new buildings, some new ships and i think a new russian tank T-85 or T-69 would do nice i think the americans or nato should have a M1A2 abrams now, faster, stronger, and better US tank.

Last night 10/7/02 the President Bush made an anouncment to Sadam and had a big meating, he told Sadam to deystroy his weapons by a certain date or we are coming in with or without support of other countries and deystroy them ourselves
« Last Edit: 09 Oct 2002, 01:33:01 by Desert Storm gunner »


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #9 on: 10 Oct 2002, 01:45:15 »
I love aircrafts in ofp! I really do, they need a lot of practise and a good cpu if yoy're going to fly without any problems.
About the airspeed......you can reduce it to the same speed as the a-10 on the b52 and it doesn't need to be real life specs all the crapy time! I just want it to be fun and well balanced and look good.  think the ships could be made much better than they are right now, just look at the aircraft carrier! And ofp is a game that is all about options and chioces I think. C'mon just face it some people love infantery and some like tanks & choppers and some love airplanes. ;D
I think that aircrafts should be used either to support groundunits or in AA combat! ps. Do you guys know that Bis is making the fly in height command to work with airplanes to in the next patch. hmm i just wonder if you can kill people with the bicycle...? It would be something to smile about... :)


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #10 on: 11 Oct 2002, 22:39:18 »
I've got a P4 1.8ghz and I've been playing flashpoint since it came out, but i dont like the planes. The helis are great, really simple to fly and fight with, but i think the jets just dont handle well enough. The only planes i use are the OV-10, A-10 and Su25 cuz they give you a good attack window even when you've got your toe down. If the planes handled like in a flight sim, they'd be all i used, cuz i love my jets. Just not in flash, not yet.

Just a thought, am i the only one who'd like to see realistic tanks? Proper gunnery in the older ones (t72, t55) with bracketing and aiming marks, really loud engines, but less resistance to fire. They should brew up after two (at most) hits, maybe put this up for the M1A1. Im sick of pumping sabot shells into a T-80 and having it take one shot back and hitting my Abrams and knocking it out with a fluke.


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #11 on: 12 Oct 2002, 16:59:16 »
most of those planes up there ive made but they need textures


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #12 on: 13 Oct 2002, 22:18:22 »
ok buddy do you have the F-117 nighthawk, if you do send it to me


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #13 on: 14 Oct 2002, 04:28:58 »
i think a good plane for ofp would be a b-17 flying fortress or a b-29 superfortress. they would get shot down easily but they could carry alot of bombs and they are very acurate. if i get the time i might make one of them but im normally bussy on one of our prodjects

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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #14 on: 14 Oct 2002, 04:47:30 »
THe B-17s and 29s were not at all accurate in bombing-atleast not by todays standards.  And no plane (under human control) could really bomb accurately in OFP unless they were using LGBs.

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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #15 on: 14 Oct 2002, 09:28:34 »
well, since the F117 uses the (among others) J-Dam 1500 lb laser guided bomb, then i reckon it should be ok...

this plane is summit i really wanna see in game.  :P
Proud Member of the Volunteer Commando Battalion


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #16 on: 14 Oct 2002, 15:41:15 »
Humans can control planes in ofp!
Its only the matter of practice and about your joystick(Yes my joystick works with ofp!)or mouse and keyboard.
Im quite good at airplanes in ofp, their actually my favourite part of the game. And I don't understand one thing...why use LGbs when you have mavericks or other missiles like AA on ITA_F16 where you right klick on a target an press left mouse button.... either its a tank or aircraft. I just wonder..why hasn't anyone made any choppers with aa missiles?
Only thing I miss in airplanes are that when you fire on somebody and he starts to make turns the rocket misses...
In movies and probably real-life to I guess they head staight to the target even if the plane starts turning..
And can't some one make a o2 made aircraft with 20 AA missiles? And does anyone know any good aircraft missions out there both mp and single and co-op where you can fight it out with planes? Im trying to make some missions but i haven't got so much time anymore because of my studies...and the fact that any mission I make it says missing addons for my friend even though I only placed org addons...anyone else had that problem?


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #17 on: 14 Oct 2002, 20:12:10 »
Realistic carrier flight operations should now be possible.  Patch 1.85 introduces a "setVelocity" command that should allow for scripting of catapult shots and arrested landings.  Hopefully it will give us the possibility to model VSTOL flight characteristics as well, for you Harrier and Osprey fans out there. ;)

Offline Messiah

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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #18 on: 14 Oct 2002, 21:36:13 »
yeah, just got 1.85 and have been toying with the setvelocity with a script...

seems like aircraft carriers are very possible - as Schoeler said, with a bit of clever scripting then catapults are easy and realistic arrestor wires are slightly harder (trying to add some type of 'missing' the wire) - although i worry for the AI as im not sure how they will react to a sudden change in speed...

we'll see  :P
Proud Member of the Volunteer Commando Battalion


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #19 on: 15 Oct 2002, 23:39:52 »
Jets are very easy to control in ofp, and the physics become more normal when you are moving at a higher speed. The Mig-29 fulcrum is cool, but they start flying at 800 which is hard to catch, and most addons are made with poor armor standards. For example the ITA F16(i think) can get shot with a sidewinder and still be able to fight, the mig 29 fulcrum is wasted in 1 shot. The carrier will be great and i hope to see F-14 and F-18 addons out for it to get some of them up in the air.


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #20 on: 16 Oct 2002, 14:48:32 »
right, here i go again...

I think that planes are good in operation flashpoint. I really think that the f-16 should fly faster. It flys about 600 (km?)
In real life it dose somthing like mach 1. High altitude bombers are a bit Iffy, due to there flying height. Carriers sound good, i can't try that one out yet because my copy of ofp is in storage  ::), but as soon as i get it back i will try it. f-14's and f-18's sound good, how about a behind enemy lines thing?? I agree with more ships, and more buildings would be good as well. Two personal requests to add to the ever growing list:

An mi-8, i should be able to find the specs for it somewhere, and i am a big fan of the v-22 osprey.


« Last Edit: 16 Oct 2002, 14:49:58 by rancor_man67 »


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #21 on: 16 Oct 2002, 15:18:25 »
Don't say i don't find good pictures.

The mi-8.

« Last Edit: 16 Oct 2002, 15:19:23 by rancor_man67 »


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #22 on: 17 Oct 2002, 06:54:49 »
More pictures, this time of the v-22 osprey.


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #23 on: 17 Oct 2002, 09:48:55 »
There is a Polish mod that made an excellent looking Mi8, but they say they will only release it with the mod.  What we need is some sort of Russian equivalent of the C-130 so we can do proper Russian airborne operations.


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #24 on: 17 Oct 2002, 14:00:08 »
How about an An124? Seen it this morning on opflashpoint.og news, due for release this weekend apparently.


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #25 on: 17 Oct 2002, 15:06:50 »
Right, my osprey pics didn't work.

What was the name of that site with the mi-8??




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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #26 on: 18 Oct 2002, 05:28:38 »
Yeah, if you think those bombers are too big for flashpoint, You'll probably scream when they release that Antonov.

I really like the jets in flashoint, the only problem for me is that there isn't enough competition for the West planes out there. The Shilka kind of sucks at shooting down planes, and their really aren't any jets for the Russians. When DKM releases the Tungusta that will hopefully change a little. That ADATS tank really tore up air units.


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Re:addon list planes, buildings and ships
« Reply #27 on: 18 Oct 2002, 05:37:05 »
I agree with you there, there are like no russian plane addons. I would love to be out flying missions in an F-16 or something and have a Mig-28 start engaging my aircraft.