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Author Topic: a few concepts  (Read 3710 times)

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a few concepts
« on: 02 Feb 2005, 18:50:17 »
1.  How the cold war was won.

2.  Secrets of the cold war.

3.  Important battles of the cold war.

4.  Where the cold war was won.

5.  Secret weapons of the cold war.  

Do you guys like any of these concepts?
« Last Edit: 02 Feb 2005, 18:55:51 by BronzeEagle »

Offline XCess

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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #1 on: 02 Feb 2005, 20:02:44 »
The cold war was won?? I thought it was just the USSR collapsed and gave way to more western ideals and moved away from a very confused version of communism.

But then my history knowledge aint so great especially around that time.

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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #2 on: 02 Feb 2005, 20:22:31 »
I spend half of my life in the west, the other part in the former soviet republics. What is it that makes you western guys so sure you won the war?
But seriously... IMHO this idea has already been tried, and with great success. Virtualy all existing OFP missions could have these titles as appendixes or subtitles to their main title.

Cold War Crisis and Resistance are the best known examples I would say  
This is just a list of titles. What would the missions be about? How would you design them?!?

If you plan to base them on historical facts you will run into the problem Xcess mentioned. The cold war didn't end with one important battle. It sort of lost it's momentum when the Red Army eroded away into nothing and the russian economy did a vanishing trick worthy of Houdini himself.

Important Battles of The Cold War sounds like a good idea, though (because I like historical missions). But the the reason the cold war was concidered 'cold' was the fact that there wasn't any battles. A war with battles is concidered to be a 'hot' war.
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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #3 on: 02 Feb 2005, 20:34:10 »
Secret weapons of the cold war. Sounds like Secret weapons of the Luftwaffe.

I think this title would make the most and I can see a good opportinity of few selected addons to be used as the secret weapons.
The campaign would be fictional and the missions could involve investigation/recon, sabotage, assasination, prototype tests, ect.. all the sort that would involve around the secret weapons. I'm not saying the secret weapons would be 'ray-guns' or anything like that. Something fictional, that could be realistic like the German Big Bertha.
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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #4 on: 02 Feb 2005, 21:48:39 »
Okay here's what I got so far, im going with the secret weapons of the cold war theme:

Setting:  Africa, during the cold war era (1985) (Tonal Island)

Out of the blue one day U.S. intelligence receives information that the soviets are building an underground facility in
Africa.  They send a spyplane out to take photos and examine the photos to reveal that the reports are true.

Phase 1
A Marine special forces detachment is parachuted into the jungle at night to capture the southernmost airbase.
After a successful airbase capture, the marines are tasked with clearing the runway for the C130s to land.
That night the C130s arrive and land and supplies are unloaded.

I'd seperate this into two missions.  One where you parachute in and command a platoon of troops to take the southernmost tonal airport at night.  

The second mission is daytime and you play as a series of C130 pilots each landing at the airbase one by one.  Once you land one plane another plane is spawned and you have to land it ,but be careful of enemy gunfire if you stray offcourse too far.  It might just be land two planes because maybe one C130 has a really huge vehicle in it and the other has a huge vehicle in it.  For now I gotta wait till the recruitment depot is up, but the hardest part for now is making that second mission.  I don't know if i can spawn a plane and teleport the pilot into it, once the first plane comes to a stop.    

« Last Edit: 02 Feb 2005, 21:55:04 by BronzeEagle »


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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #5 on: 02 Feb 2005, 21:55:51 »
The problem with alot of the campaigns nowadadays is that they allways involve Soviet evil shenanigans. What would be original is a similar African or south western asian theme. The US establish a ICBM base secretly and without any official authorisation from the local government only promises of arms supplys. Anyway you could play a spetz naz agent scouting out the local areas asking around about the secret US base. You then have to infiltrate the heavily guarded base and relay info back to Moscow who establish if the base is really a threat.


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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #6 on: 02 Feb 2005, 22:01:47 »
You can do that one.  For me to make your idea would make me look bad because I'd be an american, making an anti american mission, for people who can read and speak english, during a time when america is engaged in a foreign conflict.  That wouldn't be very supportive toward my countrymen and women during its current situation and would be a bad idea in my opinion.  I'd rather go into a fictional account based on past events.  My briefings and missions are in english, not russian, so i can't make an anti american mission for english speaking people.   lol.  basically.  

About the story:   I want the americans to be apprehensive to any possible further buildups after what happened during the cuban missile crisis by immediately investigating any reports of buildups in foreign countries.  Then it leads to the secret weapon.  I know when you got something good, stick to it, and this is good.    
« Last Edit: 02 Feb 2005, 22:26:29 by BronzeEagle »

Offline Triggerhappy

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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #7 on: 02 Feb 2005, 22:27:11 »
1.  How the cold war was won.

3.  Important battles of the cold war.

4.  Where the cold war was won.


a COLD WAR is one that there is no actual war, persay.

small conflicts broke out because of the cold war (like vietnam, although it wasn't that small) but there are no battles or winners in a war that isn't fought. unless of course you are talking about the competition over more advanced weapons (ex. nukes). but that would'nt make a very exciting campaign

cold war

   1. often Cold War A state of political tension and military rivalry between nations that stops short of full-scale war, especially that which existed between the United States and Soviet Union following World War II.
   2. A state of rivalry and tension between two factions, groups, or individuals that stops short of open, violent confrontation.

so, I'm at a loss as to what you plan on making this mission about


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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #8 on: 02 Feb 2005, 22:51:43 »
Secret weapons of the cold war.  I'm sure don't ask me if I'm sure or try to see if I'm sure because I'm sure.  It's going to be a fictional story about a classified military operation that took place in 1985, kinda like flashpoint, but different, in many ways.  In more ways than one.  Just read the previous posts for the story next time or whatever your trying to do.  
« Last Edit: 02 Feb 2005, 22:54:33 by BronzeEagle »


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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #9 on: 04 Feb 2005, 11:52:36 »
I want to make a love story, and have two nations be caught up in it.  I want to do it like, theres this guy in tonal, africa.  Tonal is a poor nation.  He knows this girl who doesn't attend school anymore.  She's african girl, and always is seen walking a few steps behind this white guy named louie and her name is fantasia.  Louie does drugs big time.  He's into methamphatamines and he has a girlfriend and two disabled children at home.  He's known around the hood as a crazy dude, who will whoop anyone's ass, and goes crazy in a fight.  One day on your motorcycle, you decide to pull over and do something about the situation, as this young man who cares for fantasia enough to step in and try to talk some sense into her.  That's when you find out that Louie is Russian.  As a young african your job is to make it to the Tonal government forces to seek help on the situation, and thats how the story starts.  You play as the african motorcycle rider.  

Offline XCess

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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #10 on: 05 Feb 2005, 02:47:23 »
call in the governemt to elp him get laid? Hmm, this dude goes to pretty extreme lengths for a bit of p*ssy  :P

Matt Walter

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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #11 on: 05 Feb 2005, 06:51:26 »
I will be blunt, the mission...well it makes no scene. You are talking about U.S. Marines taking over airports then loves stories between a man, and a girl with some russian druggy...whats going on, what is the mission you are doing? Is this campaign form 2 perspectives? Who are the Marines taking the airport from? It wouldn't be the russians because the U.S. wouldn't risk nuclear war with russia just to check our an underground base. If we didn't invade cuba over the cuban missle crissis, we sure wouldn't invade Tonal over a russian underground base. If you are clear about what you are doing, I could try to help. Please enlighten us about your campaign. Don't take what I am saying the wrong way, if i didn't want to help, I wouldn't have said a thing.  ;)

*One more thing... I like your mission idea DSGizzmo, you should try and do it DSGizzmo, I totaly agree with you about the russians in campaigns. People need to get over the russians being the bad guys.  ;)


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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #12 on: 05 Feb 2005, 14:34:59 »
NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOO.  That's a different story.  Not the same one.   The problem is, i already know how to do a super weapon of the cold war campaign story, but, im just kinda scared to do it.  One night I was thinking about it and i couldn't get no sleep.  I was worried.  I have a few ideas though, as far as the directing goes.  I just go to figure out, if i put alot of hard work into this will i get assistance and willl people play it.  I got to plan on making it so that its advertised so well that alot of people will talk about it, i want to make a mission that inspires talk.  I don't even have a name for it yet, right now im going through the process of trying to figure out how names catch.  I know three movies with the word metal in them, and all with war themes and they are all successful.  Now I'm thinking, how do i fit metal into my campaign name?   I believe theres energy behind certain words, like in martial arts theres energy behind certain sounds.  Theres even energy behind certain sounds in the ofp world, you see all these sound packs that come out, well im trying to master the idea of power in words, so i can come up with a good name, then , basically inspiration....and ya'll killing it the way ya'll talk....but I can't find inspiration from you, i got to find it from something else.   I guess thats what I came here for.  Right now im just doing a lot of research into old war games and guns and just trying , i might not even do the eighties, but i know that theres a few secrets ill keep to myself about certain things that will ensure a successful idea, but uhhh, i been researching special forces and how they operate, and shit like that.  Certain things I need to research like radar zones n stuff like that.  I could avoid all that, but im basically studying war.  If a twelve man team of special forces is going to do deep recon in a hostile country, at this base, then hows it going to happen, thats what i gotta try to figure out without any military training.  So I'm looking into speaking with some military advisors.   Alot of you who are russians may feel like they are being picked on but lets not forget the reports that came in before gulf war 2 of the russians providing the iraqis with night vision goggles.  Also the fact that though we have what seems to be peace right now, mr. putin does manage to have some totalitarian style put into his democracy, from some of the changes he's made this was determined by most news and government reports after the changes he made as far as control goes became public.  Russia is shaky ground, and theres bound to be some corruption just to get by such as weapons sales.  Maybe you mean to tell me that ak 47s are actually made in africa then, eh?      
« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2005, 16:47:12 by BronzeEagle »

Matt Walter

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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #13 on: 05 Feb 2005, 21:34:52 »
...just to tell you SOME (not all) AK in afirca are not the same as the Russian AK-47...but the majority are Russian. And don't tell me america didn't supply Iraq and Afganistan with weapons (more nations do have old russian stuff then old american stuff)....just had to say that.  ;)

Anyway, what you could do is special forces are getting ready for an invation. You are sent in for like a week in advance to
clear out some obsticals, like anti air unit and such. Air attacks could already in progress. I think that would be kpretty cool...I would play it.

Next step is who are they invading... In the cold war, a Russian Soldier never fired a shot at an American Soldier... you could get real tecnical and prove me wrong, but there was never a battle that was a Russia vs America (which you most likely know). As I said before, if america didn't go to war with russia of the cubain missle crissis, then some russian involvement in africa wouldn't have US troops there... unless it is WW3 or you pull off some metal grearish thing that something goes on but the public never will know (which will rule out my invation idea).  But all i know, you might not have this campaign against Russia.  ;)


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Re:a few concepts
« Reply #14 on: 05 Feb 2005, 22:09:58 »
I'd like to put some type of future weapon in the game like the new xm8 rifle.  I'm constantly coming up with ideas about this whole commando idea i came up with.  It's tough.  I realize you can't do much without voice actors though.

I want to do a quasi realistic idea.  I make a story that seems very real, but isn't real at all.  I'm talking, it seems so real, that I have the soldiers talk about metal gear solid and the war in iraq and all that stuff in the mission.  It's kinda hard to do a fake but believable mission when you got islands named the way we have islands named in ofp.  Thats why its best to go completely off the wall with these mission names.  I mean Tonal?  Theres no place in Africa called Tonal, and if I make a Tonal mission that says "SOME PLACE IN AFRICA" then i know some people will just whine and say, well why didn't you just say tonal because....you mission editors like me, when you present an idea, gotta ignore guys who pop up and tell you to do something else, because that'll just set you off course, let your idea come about through many failures, don't just let someone pop in with their idea and you give up.  That's what i always say.  Thats why I'm ignoring some of these posts from now on.  Word to the wise.  Contuining on...  hehehehe.  Um, I would love to do a semi-realistic mission, but all the realistic islands, are chechnya, cubas not realistic enough, afghanistan is well depending on what version, the orcs one is pretty realistic.  Maybe I'll do something there.  
« Last Edit: 06 Feb 2005, 00:14:57 by BronzeEagle »