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Author Topic: How popular is Tonal?  (Read 2255 times)

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How popular is Tonal?
« on: 27 Nov 2004, 07:34:40 »
Tonal's a great island with different terrain and a nice politcal history/bg. But how popular is it? If I made a Tonal misison, would more than 3 people d/l and play it?

Any ideas/comments/opinions?



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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #1 on: 27 Nov 2004, 08:25:05 »
I love this island, and there's quite a few people that play MP coops, so that must mean something.  I think a lot of people got it since BAS made it, which is a good reason  ;D.  I know I'd play it, as this island needs MUCH more missions for it.


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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #2 on: 27 Nov 2004, 20:06:43 »
I'm in the planning stages of creating a Tonal campaign based on the real background. could use some help too ;D ;)


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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #3 on: 28 Nov 2004, 02:25:56 »
Blunt - thanks for the info. I think it's worth it then.

Vulcan - I would like to discuss some ideas with you.

I made my 1st OFp m,ission ever on Tonal but haven't released it because I consider it practice. Also when I made a location change some waypoints stoped working, and I had a lot of addons. Had voice and mini cutscenes integral to plot. BAS Deltas. Terrorists setup training camp, supported by Rebels. Govt denying knowledge but reluctantly offering some feeble aid. Thought it an interesting play of the politics and world situation. I would like to make come changes and redo it, and explore any of the Tonal poltics.


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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #4 on: 28 Nov 2004, 02:51:13 »
We have a similar storyline to our campaign if you would like the complete storyline just shoot me a PM ;)


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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #5 on: 28 Nov 2004, 02:52:29 »
Give it a go mate, I'll happily beta test for you. Tonal's a top addon and really atmospheric.



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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #6 on: 28 Nov 2004, 07:53:26 »
Thanks Ade. I'm going to restructure my test mission and make it "real."


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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #7 on: 29 Nov 2004, 23:20:41 »
tonals too big, use mungari.  i wouldn't play on it.  though mungari requires more addons, it allow for much more based on the fact that theres a power plant, industrial places, harbors for incoming shipments, stuff tonal just don't have, and when you look back at tonal you wonder how the people even live.  mungari is much more realistic.  It's one of the COMPLETE islands to where every question that would rise about the people and the conflict makes sense.  They have an unusual source of power and income for the middle class with the power plant, source of economy(the many shops), and are involved  in international trade (the harbors) so there you go its a complete island.  money circulates, people have real jobs, there is a poor class, and in the jungle where things get scary is where the rebels camp so they don't have to wear masks.  There is only one church on the island and its christian so that makes for alot of mistakes in moral decisions.  There's your war.  It's a perfect island compared to tonal.  It's more real.  plus all the addons required for it are in the objectpack2 addon over at ofpnews.info
« Last Edit: 29 Nov 2004, 23:22:58 by BronzeEagle »


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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #8 on: 30 Nov 2004, 10:17:55 »

Hmmm, Imust have been living in a cave , I wasn't aware of Mungari! D'oh!

I know about several islands except this one. I will def check out. I really appreciate your "complete/real" comments, and thanks for the Heads Up!


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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #9 on: 30 Nov 2004, 10:30:21 »
Mungari - its probably cool, but it requires Tonal anyway, plus more addons, and it's a Beta. I like the BAS rusky OFPOR pack, and Tnal reuires a few BAS addons, but still, I'm not sure many folks will d/l 4-5 additional addons... maybe in the future.

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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #10 on: 30 Nov 2004, 11:11:34 »
If there's not a mission idea coming up soon, I'm moving this to Addons Discussion board.
Not all is lost.


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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #11 on: 30 Nov 2004, 14:05:35 »
I would download and test it, if good enough mission and fun enough i could get some of my ofp inrested friends playing it next time when i have lan , but there needs proper timing and stuff like that  :P can't have all my friends at my place when my parents are staying home with my little sisters  :-\

sidenote the bas tonal pack is really cool and i have all the other addons  to because they have made some really high quality and good stuff  8) A ofp installation without BAS addons is a poor ofp installation  ;D
« Last Edit: 30 Nov 2004, 14:06:58 by Commando »


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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #12 on: 30 Nov 2004, 14:11:02 »
there are many stuff released as beta and they kind of never gets any where else so i dl stuff anyways because they look good , have nice scripts built and are missing from m game  ;D Mungari isn't better than Tonal me thinks but its more modernized for sure  ;)
But me as a mission maker things that you can use setpos to get some harbour and stuff to fit well  :) would be cool to see some more tonal civilian vehicles and stuff being made tough, The Dc-3 by martin suits the island well.


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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #13 on: 01 Dec 2004, 11:01:18 »
Artak  - Apologies, it's just my small brain and the grayness of the issue choosing this as a post category - I do have a misson I createed to learn on for 12 months on Tonal, and would anyone be interested in d/l and setting up the huge island... It never occured to me to think of it as an addon. Moving is OK, tho I still say it's gray...

Commando - interesting comments about Mungari, I do like the completeness..but will others bother? I just like the jungle/desert and politics. My learning mission takes advantage of the desert and the Deltas and throws in some bad luck, but I think the distance I was forced to use was bad. There has to be a compromise between fun frustration, realism, and action.

My new idea is to keep it small, near a remote shanty town. If the story develops then maybe more missions in a campaign or sequels. I liked the idea of playing gov as a reluctant ally.



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Re:How popular is Tonal?
« Reply #14 on: 05 Dec 2004, 01:52:18 »
Thinking of changing things a hit: a Delta mission, bu they must kidnap a terrorist leader for interogtaion.

Maybe give player choice of infiltration (air/vehicle, long walk, short walk), throw in some bad intel and unexpected enemies, fuel low, and innocents in the way.

Still trying to think of a "hook" for the team - some kind of wepaon/procedure that will give them en adge. The 1940 German commandos that took the fortress in belgium had 2 - they dropped from the sky from black gliders, and they used shaped charges to blow the artillery. This gave them more than just surprise, it scared and demoralized the enemy and gave them "relative superiority".