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Author Topic: LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)  (Read 4934 times)

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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #15 on: 23 Jun 2004, 04:01:57 »
Actually I just forgot dirty bombs ben, :P maybe I should be a country's defensive coordinator now whadda ya think? :D

Anyways I'm not gonna argue with you over my third idea since LCD is lookin for something manageable and passed up my idea.... :P ::) (actually I barely understand your post ben, i don't like guba missions, he lived and did stuff so irts more believable? I'm confused)

I like armstrong's idea, although it's like a MCTI or however its spelled with lots of AI. Probably a frickin huge mission even with creatunits and stuff. It'd take a long time too...

@LCD the player can choose if he hits the trigger or not? Alright I'll go along with it as long as he steals the SCUD or WMD or is a high in command who would actually give the command.  (Private Vlinski didn't just go, ahh well its hot out and the flies are biting me so just launch it, then I'm gonna catch some Zs in the cab during the CWC campaign.)

The sides thing changes it for the better. Maybe one side you launch it and the other you try to destroy it. Maybe if you launch it some kinda chase ensues where you get shot and bleed out. Has many possiblities. :)

PS Why does it take you 2 hours to post? ???

Offline LCD

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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #16 on: 23 Jun 2004, 09:57:11 »

bout da 2 hrs thingy...... friends keep popin into my house nd things ::) :D

as 4 da triger... dats da beuty in OFP ;) da player can do watevr he wants (i know dat deres som misions dat u can do almost w/o fightin if u go da long wayz ::) mision maker shud alwayz preaper 4 everythin) nd i like makin da player 2 choose ;) like in da movis :D

so after thinkin bout it heres wat u get right now

1) players starts as currupt officer...... drug deals thro da border (or somin like dat).... da island starts as peacfull thing

2) player is makin drug deal, wil have new soldier dat didnt do dat thing b4 nd will have 2 choose wat 2 do w/ him (makin him go, make him part of da deal etc)

3) da drug smuglers (wich r part of resistance group, drugs gives em money 4 poder operations) will try 2 get da player doin somin 4 em (w/ money, or mebe threatning his family ?)

4) da player chooses 2 do wat dey want or 2 report 2 base (or neither ?)

5) da player will get into da WMD place (facilty ? near a scud ?) nd triger its hapening somhow (i got som strange ideas) or he wil try 2 run away

6) da player will have 3 diffrent endings...... 2 (good ?) were da player dies nd da WMD dont make 2 much damage  1 (bad) player lives but his family friends nd everythin destroyed y da WMD

dats da things i think will get into da mision.... stil everythin is changable

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Offline dmakatra

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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #17 on: 23 Jun 2004, 09:58:08 »
I hope it's not gonna take 2 months 'cause I am making something similar. With very advance AI and stuff like that.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #18 on: 24 Jun 2004, 16:57:28 »
Opening cutscene:  player commits suicide.    Reason?  Well it turns out he was a corrupt officer, and when the WMD went off his wife was gassed.  His fault you see, couldn't live with himself.

Get somebody to do custom animations and stuff so that he can hang himself.

Asmo or Kali or somebody was working on a gas script a wee while ago.   Scud delivered, obviously.

Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

Offline LCD

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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #19 on: 24 Jun 2004, 23:50:54 »
tanks macca addin ur note 2 ma plans mebe ;)

also reply 2 my IM :P :D

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #20 on: 27 Jun 2004, 14:40:11 »
thats a nice (Well, odd use of the word nice.. But you understand :P) idea..
But don't let the player know it's them at the begining.. Make it a seemingly random suicide.. Then only near the end let 'em on to the fact it's you..
- Ben

Offline LCD

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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #21 on: 27 Jun 2004, 22:19:05 »
i like dat 1 :D

da player wont know ;) :D

"guess being the community has downsides .." - cheetah
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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #22 on: 28 Jun 2004, 19:17:17 »
Yeah, the "Start the player 500 feet underground, then.. don't tell them" kinda thing
Always works ;)
Maybe the player need to get the ransom money, and he resorts to currupotion.. But that leads him/wife into more trouble..?
- Ben


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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #23 on: 04 Jul 2004, 23:14:23 »
Could be something like the end of 'The Wrath of Khan' - your man is dying of radiation poisoning he sustained while disarming the dirty bomb the Russians were going to detonate as NATO forced them off the island.

Alternatively, go down the 'Bourne Identity' route - player wakes up in the gutter with amnesia, a weapon and a couple of loons trying to kill him/her.  Player disposes of the loons but doesn't remember why (s)he is so skilled.  Then a love-interest type turns up claiming they will help the player discover his/her past, but is (s)he for real, or working for the sinister agency that the player used to work for?  Who is trying to kill the player?  What does (s)he know (but cannot remember) that is worth his/her life?

Hope that helps

Ade   :)


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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #24 on: 05 Jul 2004, 12:51:54 »
I'm gonna throw in my 2 cents...LCD's got a great idea, and the suggestions are good too. I call this sort of thing a "spice" episode in TV - where they toss out the normal and really bring it to the edge, just for fun.

The player dying in beginning could be really cool Cutscene stuff, and make the rest of the mission all about fixing that, tying in to the family and corruoption, etc. I personally like the idea of the aleternates: dying and doing good, or living and suffereing. No "right" answer, but some interesting choices. I think keep it simple, the 3 choices is good. Realy play up with daram!


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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #25 on: 05 Jul 2004, 15:29:54 »
you're not still talking about just one mission are you...?  (ahhh!)

Sounds more like a campaign idea here.


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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #26 on: 11 Jul 2004, 13:24:31 »
I personally like the idea of the aleternates: dying and doing good, or living and suffereing. No "right" answer, but some interesting choices.
Exactly :)
So say (Not releated to the story at all), in the end, you can drive away, and live, rather than risk your life and defuse the bomb.. But say the bomb took out some evil group/person, you leving the bomb might have killed 23 inocent civillans, but it's saved the lifes of thousands, but if you defused the bomb, you get shot by the evil person/group
If you understand that ::)

Hows the mission, LCD?
- Ben


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Re:LCD is back (its still misoin idea so look in)
« Reply #27 on: 13 Jul 2004, 04:01:18 »
Yea LCD how's it comin?
Anyways when is that mission contest thing deadline? Cause if your still contemplating ideas still you're a little behind. :o :P

Anyways I gotta get to work on my mission too. I just have two scripts to implement and making the outro then the finishing touches and I'm done. No VSB1 for me, but I was hopin for a Tshirt or something...:hmm: 8)

PS: Can we have ppl beta test the mission if its gonna be entered?
« Last Edit: 13 Jul 2004, 04:03:21 by GuiltyRoachKilla »