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Author Topic: Movie  (Read 19631 times)

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« Reply #30 on: 21 Apr 2004, 21:29:19 »
yeh we need a trailer. We have disscused several different types of starts. The trailer would obviously be the president with a shortened down version of the crash, some gun fights also mayby a scene about the POW's.


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« Reply #31 on: 21 Apr 2004, 22:54:36 »
Do u reckon we shud get a trailer dun first or shud we get the whole plot and script etc sorted so that we know wot we are doin. I wud go for the later.

Right so we have decided:
- It will be a Behind Enemy Lines type thing.
- The opening part will show a Blackhawk going down.
- The president will be doing a speech of sum kind at the beginning of the film.

Wot music we gonna use???


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« Reply #32 on: 22 Apr 2004, 05:15:34 »
I like the music for The Rock. That music should start out after the speech begins where he talks about how bad this country/person is and lead into showing the soldiers gearing up and getting into the Helo. This should be a kind of long speech to develope plot and allow you to see alot of the miltary gearing up. (I have some ideas) Then it should switch( the music should fade out/stop) back to the president when he gets to the best part of his speech say like "This is why with the approval of Congress I have auothrized the full use of United States Armed Forces to neutralize this threat..." or something like that. Then some good "Helo music" should start if you know what I mean. Show the helo take off and then......

I have a lot of ideas and would like to work with developing the story/plot.


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« Reply #33 on: 22 Apr 2004, 11:28:37 »
Hey, good to see that we've got another guy on board.
Those ideas you posted are real neat I must say, especially your suggestions about the president's speech.
To make the story better, pickup has to be denied, and if the States is at war with the country, they would surely have to move in to rescue them. We have to create some sort of restriction in the plot like maybe a brokered ceasefire deal that's preventing them from doing that.
Or perhaps this, the usual "area is too hot for pickup" kind of stuff which would allow you to go with the "at war" plot.
I read of some bulletcam script and thought of an idea. I would go along with the helo music, but why not cut the music suddenly as the chopper is targeted and everything's in slow-mo. The camera would pan to some valley and zoom in to reveal a missile site (could use the DKM SA-10 addon). The weapon fires and then we could execute the missilecam (or bulletcam) and watch as it closes on the chopper. I don't know if this is possible in OFP, but everything until the missile detonation sould be in slow-mo. After that, we'll accelerate the time and play some mood music as we watch the soldiers bail out.  :P
We might need some voice actors for the movie.


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« Reply #34 on: 22 Apr 2004, 12:12:59 »
We might need some voice actors for the movie.
I'd say you definitely need some voice actors, if it's gonna be a team of americans in the chopper.
I just thought I'd ask if you're gonna script the whole movie or if you'll do it the easier way and capture clips with Fraps and then edit the material with Premiere. This will make the movie one big package to download but I also know from experience that it's gonna be quite hard camerascripting cut-scenes that long; timing everything so OFP will do the same thing every time you watch the movie is extemely hard and timeconsuming.
And about the addons thing: PLEASE USE UNOFFICIAL ADDONS, as people have gotten tired of the official ones.
I would love to help out, but unlike The_Lone_Pariah47 I don't have much time on my hands. I fell sorry for you though; having to go to school at summer  :'(

Let me know if you need me!


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« Reply #35 on: 22 Apr 2004, 13:08:31 »
Thanks for all the feedback guys, we need all the help in developing the story as possible.

I agree with OrangeLeader, the music frm the rock wud be very good. I downloaded a song frm it and it is very "heroic" lets say. Its the music wen all them navy seals are gettin killed.

I also think, u know in saving private ryan or if u have played call of duty wen a shell drops near u i think i kind of slow mo sound wud work well like Pariah47 suggested. Hearing the slow mo sound sound of a heli like in Black Hawk Down.


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« Reply #36 on: 22 Apr 2004, 18:10:56 »
hey gr8 feedback, were getting somewhere.
We DO need voice acters, if your accent is American and/or sound like the president then dont hesitate to chat.
YES yes yes, COD is a great game, special effects ARE AMAZING, we should try to incorperate some ideas from that e.g. the shell shock.
Weve built up the fact that its gonna be a war time, the guys are denied retreval and need to get out. mayby:
come under morter fire;
find gurillas (ppl not the animals);
get specops squad sent in.


this is a gd place to get sound working e.g. radio chatter
« Last Edit: 22 Apr 2004, 18:12:01 by PaulRPG »


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« Reply #37 on: 22 Apr 2004, 19:35:10 »
With the specops bein sent in we cud do sumthing like in the Rock wen all the seals get killed, maybe that cud happen with these guys. Getting ambushed and slaughtered.

We need to recruit or get at least get help frm sum really advanced cutscene makers and mission makers if we wanna get anything decent.

Lets put down wot we r gonna do then, cos we have talked this much and it is only for the opening 10 mins of the film. So we have to make sure we do not getlost and confused in wot we r writing.


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« Reply #38 on: 22 Apr 2004, 22:52:21 »
I was think making the speech kind of long so you can show fighters launching from an aircraft carrier, C130's taking off, tanks rolling out, etc. Not to complicated, but an interesting kind of intro.

As for the Helo. Let's say they are at the head of the charge. The orders are to set up a forward observation post in an area that is believed to be lacking enemy activity. Yeah that intel was wrong and so they get shot down(possibly when they are being told to turn around becasue of the change in the US advance). The believed strenght of the enemy force was underestimated. The US force is being pushed back and everything is going crazy. A rescue mission could not be lauched in this choas unless there was confirmation of thier survival. then it would still be hard. They would be on there own for the most part until and oppurtunity would arise.

An idea I had for after the crash:
The main character would be the officer, a Lt. of the men. Some would have died on impact, but him and a few others survived. Some are injured. One guys says they should leave the injured behind. The Lt. says no. An argumanet insues.
Options for what happens next:
1. They get in a fight that is broken up when they come under attack.
2. They argue and then Lt. pulls his gun and says he will shoot him for insabordination.
3. the Lt. allows him and another guy or two to leave (later in the story they become the POW's)

If #3 which I like best the the rest of the guys, the Lt., and the injured would continue on their way slowly of course. They would be trying to get to high ground to use the radio or too find friendly forces(which they believe to be right behind them/wrong).

Option after this:
1. They come across a large force of enemy tanks and infantry and using the radio alert HQ. Possibly corrdinate an airstrike(would look good in the movie)
2. Find a friendly town where they can hide out till whatever(other options after that/ would be able to get help for wounded/allows everyone else to do possible combat while injured stays behind)
3. Try to save POW's (kind of out there as an idea)
4. Work with resistance.

Tell me what you think of the ideas. I can give more details if an idea is really liked or picked.

Also something we need to decide is the movie going to be centered around one person or the group/conflict as a whole.


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« Reply #39 on: 22 Apr 2004, 22:54:13 »
Something else a good original script will be needed for the helo to show a lot of jerking and turning like a real chrash. Not the regular spin that has already been made.


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« Reply #40 on: 23 Apr 2004, 15:01:07 »
Gud ideas Orangeleader. I like what u have put.
I think definetely we need the speech - so thats in. Also i think we shud have the speech + music ova the action of the troops etc.
I like the point that they get shot down just wen there told they have to go back. We cud do a little convo on the helo with the troops unsure of what happens and being nervous, then wen there told they have to go back they are suddenly more relieved. From that u cud then show an AA soldier or woteva cuming out the forest and firing.
It wud b neat if u cud put a camera on the rocket to see it fire towards the helo. Upon impact the screen flashes white and u hear the shouting and screaming of the troops and the sound of impact.

I like the idea of finding a friendly town where they can rest up, get ammo, food etc. Realising that they are resistance they ask for help in finding the POW's.

Then u can have a whole chunk of the movie where the resistance show u the area, mayb get in a fire fight with enemy and then breaking out POW's


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« Reply #41 on: 23 Apr 2004, 17:18:28 »
Maybe we should move this diskussion somewhere more private, otherwise everybody will know what the movie is all about. Or maybe you're still recruiting.. ???
Btw. all of Hans Zimmer's work is great! (The Rock, Armageddon, Black hawk down)


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« Reply #42 on: 23 Apr 2004, 17:51:47 »
We are still waiting for sum experienced cutscene makers and mission makers to turn up, but eventually we will i think have to move sumwhere more private.


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« Reply #43 on: 23 Apr 2004, 19:43:21 »
yeh we definitly need a forum somewhere to disscuss this but we also do need adv cut scene makers.
btw OrangeLeader very very interesting AND indepth ideas


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« Reply #44 on: 24 Apr 2004, 13:15:09 »
Im glad were getting such a good response with this, i wudnt of imagined of getting this far but we are gettin sumwhere.

Im gonna have a little play around with the editor and see wot i can come up with.

Where cud we get our own private forum??

Keep coming up with ideas. Lets put down sum names for the characters.