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Author Topic: Cargo...  (Read 624 times)

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« on: 10 Apr 2004, 07:27:11 »
I recently thought of a addon Idea; i dont know if it's been done but I was thinking of a ship capable of carrying tanks, helicopters, cars, troops, etc. in it's cargo hold. Bassically, a cargo ship using a simmilar cargo script as BAS's MH-47e cargo helo.

I was thinking of a ship like a LST (only a bit bigger) that can carry alot of troops, as well as secure helicopters on it's deck and hold tanks in the cargo hold. animate ramps and such so you can drive the tanks up into the ship, then secure them in place.

Also, it would be useful to aplly similar scripts to a cargo plane such as a C-130 with the abillity to air-drop cargo. That way you could deliver suplies (or vehicles like Humvees) SF units already on the ground... And you dont just have to apply it to suplies, take a look at the post on Daisycutters and you'll see what i mean... ;D


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« Reply #1 on: 10 Apr 2004, 17:52:07 »
Also, it would be useful to aplly similar scripts to a cargo plane such as a C-130 with the abillity to air-drop cargo. That way you could deliver suplies (or vehicles like Humvees) SF units already on the ground... And you dont just have to apply it to suplies, take a look at the post on Daisycutters and you'll see what i mean...

Check out Snypir's Support Pack in the Editors Depot, it has this function.


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« Reply #2 on: 10 Apr 2004, 22:47:53 »
Hmm I like the idea since I have no thought as to how the Russians and NATO guys go all their tanks, APCs(well some could float across, but west coast of Cali to Malden is an awful long M113 trip!), trucks, hummers, cars, and supplies.

LSTs are kinda worthless and are only for show.
Their was a jumbo jet that carried 6 squads so a big ship could be done. I'd suggest allowing you to launch boats off it like a PBR out of a wet dock inside the rear of the ship or something.


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« Reply #3 on: 11 Apr 2004, 01:49:00 »
Cool Idea, I hadn't thought of that. Also, if your going to do a wet dock, have it so you are able to launch M113s, BMPs, etc. as well. That would be very usefull for rapid troop deployment and such.

One question though: Would this be compatible with any addon? or just the origonal vehicles? And if it could only be done with specific Vehicles, why not throw in some addons that would be fully compatible? Add a AAV7 for Marine insertions and such