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Author Topic: Execution of 10 Civilians  (Read 2702 times)

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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #15 on: 14 Feb 2004, 20:09:26 »
There must be something really strange, i tried it and the whole town keeps walking around in safe mode lol. It doesn't work here, i really don't understand why

Offline Planck

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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #16 on: 14 Feb 2004, 20:17:54 »
Well......I only constructed a very simple mission.

Desert Island
10 Civvies grouped to a west officer.
West officer had deletevehicle this in his init field
2 east soldiers standing next to the civvies
Me as a civvy spectator

I had the east soldiers skill level up full also.

That was it, although everyone lay on the ground, including the east soldiers, they did eventually kill all the civvies.

« Last Edit: 14 Feb 2004, 20:19:03 by Planck »
I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #17 on: 14 Feb 2004, 20:23:06 »
Only difference i can see is that the civis in my mission join the west officer (using the join command) and then the officer gets deleted. all done my a trigger.

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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #18 on: 14 Feb 2004, 20:23:53 »
If you have the civvies set on setcaptive = true, do you setcaptive = false, when the time comes to execute them.

If they are not setcaptive = false, the east soldiers will not shoot them.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #19 on: 14 Feb 2004, 20:28:22 »
I had them setCaptived, but i removed that part a while back, now they are olny in setUnitPos "UP" to prevent them from dropping to ground. Mmm, maybe civis are setCapitive by default??? I'll try to force them into setCaptive = False.


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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #20 on: 14 Feb 2004, 20:39:32 »
no way, it just doesn't work....too bad


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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #21 on: 15 Feb 2004, 04:01:56 »
Wow I'm not here for a few days and I miss so much... :)

Well I can't script it right now but here is an idea.

You could incorporate this into your script also, but it deals with the west guy and the delete vehicle.
So you put the civvis down and group them via editor to the west guy with a higher rank then them and put delete vehicle this in the west guys init field. Then name all civvis you know bob1 bob2 bob3 and maybe put in Their init fields     setcaptive true.  Then have your script be activated via trigger when west is present or something. Your script could then say like bob1 setcaptive false bob2 setcaptive false and so on. Then I think the east dudes would attack the civvis after the script goes.

Then add like a arguement, that asks if the civvis are dead and if they are use a force end or something...

Hope it helps ;) :thumbsup:

Offline Raptorsaurus

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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #22 on: 15 Feb 2004, 10:11:40 »

Ok I modified the script to work with your senerio (is it "senerio" or "senario"?).  Anyway, I did a test mission sort of how you discribed, except I made the spetznats guys hold at the first waypoint until I did radio alpha (I did not want ot make a huge mission out of it when it was just to test the script).  At their second waypoint I put the execution line for the script and it worked great.  They will start shooting the civies and they will chase down any that try to run and they will not stop until all are dead or they run out of ammo (even if they run out of ammo they keep chasing survivors - I tested it by removing several of their magazines)!  It worked for me even if I made the civies captive!  I hope this will work for you.  Remember, the civies must be grouped together in one "squad".
Here it is:

Code: [Select]
; In the init feild of trigger or waypoint put:
; [executioner, victim] exec "execution.sqs"
; Where, executioner is any member of the execution sqaud and victim is any
; member of the group to be executed.

_Killer =_this select 0
_hunted = _this select 1

_KG = group _killer
_huntedgrp = group _hunted
_huntedunits = units _huntedgrp
_count = count _huntedunits

_counter = 0

_hunted = _huntedunits select _counter
?(_Killer distance _hunted > 10): "_x domove (getpos _hunted)" foreach units _kg
"_x doFire _hunted" foreach units _KG

; make sure program halts until "domove" position is reached
@ unitReady leader _KG
; make sure the curent victim is dead before turning on the next victim.
@ !alive _hunted
_counter = _counter + 1
?(_counter < _count) : goto "loop"

« Last Edit: 15 Feb 2004, 10:13:06 by Raptorsaurus »


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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #23 on: 15 Feb 2004, 10:48:10 »
lol....here it doesn't work....obvisously, i tried with versione 1.91 and 1.96 (maybe a new bug).
I'm using: [Exec01, Prisoner01] exec "test.sqs" in the WP onActivation field, where Exec01 is the executioner and Prisoner01 is the civis team leader.
As script starts Exec one moves to Prisoner01 and opens fire, kills him and then stops doing nothing.
I belive the game just screwed, all the triggers and stuff made the game react crazy, maybe cause of some sort of bug....who knows.

Thx GuiltyRoachKilla for the idea, i already thought of that, but i need them to be civis (cause i use the side comand to start some triggers) until they get evacuated.

I appreciate all your help, sorry for wasting your time, i really hate the game when it behaves like this...

Offline Planck

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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #24 on: 15 Feb 2004, 14:37:30 »
Just to clear things up a bit, or make them even muddier........I'm also using patch 1.96.

@ Raptorsaurus..........its 'scenario'

« Last Edit: 15 Feb 2004, 14:39:01 by Planck »
I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #25 on: 15 Feb 2004, 19:19:15 »
Rain_man, can I e-mail my test mission to you?  You can then see if there is anything different in the way our scenarios (thanks Planck) are set up.  Are you using a script or init line to group the civies, or are you physically grouping them by making connecting lines in the editior (I used the connecting lines in the editor to group mine)?  I also have this in the init line of the civilian group leader:
Code: [Select]
civgrp = group this.


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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #26 on: 15 Feb 2004, 19:26:58 »
Sure, you can mail @ rainman@ngi.it, thanx
I grouped them using the Group button (F2) in the editor and i didn't use the goup comand in the init field. I'll try that but i fear that won't change anything


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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #27 on: 17 Feb 2004, 00:01:26 »
Solved.......i simply created a new mission and merged with the old one. In some way the mission.sqm got screwed. Now it works....
Don't ask me why, ask BIS lol...

Thx for your help and time guys

Offline Raptorsaurus

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Re:Execution of 10 Civilians
« Reply #28 on: 17 Feb 2004, 03:08:34 »
Great!!, Glad we could help!!