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Author Topic: FOUND SOLUTION! "Missing" BAS addons in multiplayer missions  (Read 1021 times)

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On start of MP mission, "Cannot load mission, missing addons: jam_magazines" or "bas_weap".

Open your mission.sqm in notepad, and where it probably currently says:
Code: [Select]
class Mission

add whatever addons it is complaining about to the list, be careful with the commas, here is an example:

Code: [Select]
class Mission



I am currently working on a large multiplayer mission for use at a LAN party this friday, but I am having the following problems:

When I had all my normal addons on (both the c130's, a few of vit's planes, the AGS construction kits, a few of the PC things like the nuke bunker and ship, a skiboat and snowmobile) I got the following error whenever I placed the Tonali OPFOR on any map, exported to MP missions, and tried to run it on my box as the server or on my LAN dedicated server: Cannot load mission: Missing addons: jam_magazines. But, I had that addon.

So this morning I removed all the addons except the BAS ones (all of which are in the Resistance addons folder) and tried it again. I put down a BAS Ranger Officer and a few Government HD Guards, exported to MP missions, and fired it up. This time it said: Cannot load mission: Missing addons: bas_weap. But, I've got that one too! I noticed my filename was BAS_weap.pbo, so I renamed it to bas_weap.pbo and it still doesnt work.

Next up I'll try running OFP without the ECP mod on, hopefully that isn't it though, I really like ECP with the DR sounds. EDIT: I just tried that, and it didn't fix it... I'm almost glad...

Then I'll try backing up my Tonal island files and trying it without applying any of the patches (to the island and OPFOR). EDIT: I just tried that too, and it still gave me the error.

Thanks in advance,



I forgot to add that the missions will load and work for me when I host the server, but the error will still come up. However, when I transfer my mission to my dedicated server, it doesn't work - and yes, I have tried other missions on my dedicated server, even ones I made... but just not with the BAS Tonali OPFOR.


Also tried unPBOing my exported mission, deleting the addon and autoaddon entries, and rePBOing it, that just changed the missing addon to bas_deraw.

I am about to try unPBOing again except adding the bas_weap and jam_magazines to the addons entries in the sqm. This is what fixed it, see explanation of solution at the beginning of this post.
« Last Edit: 27 Jan 2004, 00:18:39 by KyleEasterly »


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Re:FOUND SOLUTION! "Missing" BAS addons in multiplayer missions
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jan 2004, 03:13:02 »
So it is completely fixed?  I'm kind of confused by all your edits.


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Re:FOUND SOLUTION! "Missing" BAS addons in multiplayer missions
« Reply #2 on: 27 Jan 2004, 04:33:04 »
Read the first part (start of post to ORIGINAL POST:) if you are having the problem and want the fix.

I kept everything after ORIGINAL POST: incase anyone wanted to see what all I had tried (to prevent "well i bet you have conflicting addons/did you try this/try that" posts.)