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Author Topic: Medic Idea  (Read 963 times)

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Medic Idea
« on: 11 Sep 2002, 14:45:47 »
Woulndt it be neat if for a player who is a medic, when you attend a wounded soldier; instead of auto repairing the guy you were presented with a script interface that indicated the treatment choices you had to make? I'm guessing that hits occur at specific parts of the body so if the script could hold off the auto-repairing and let the script run... the script would need to know where the guy was hit and you would have to go through a few script commands to troubleshoot his conditions and when finding the right script repair action for the injury the auto-repair would go ahead and the job would be done....!!? Great for learning field medic steps.

Things like:
Check for blood on torso?
Check for blood on legs?
Check for blood on arms?

returns location of wound when you ask the right question,
then have 6 treatment choices (2 choices for each of above, both correct, or 1 correct and the other requiring another complemtary treatment (3 treatments for torso wound maybe)) as next set of scripted steps to go through, if you get the correct one's the auto-repair works.... if not it would be good for the script to kill the wounded soldier   :)  or at least not allow the auto-repair for a bit.
