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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #30 on: 25 Jan 2005, 17:03:25 »
Haven't read any of the above, just hoping I've got the right version.   (0.90)    


(Name the readme after the mission.)   The second paragraph on the first page is no good.    The idea of "first here's the basic idea, now here's some detail" is usually good but not for an Overview - it lacks punch.    The story so far reads like a military history written 20 years later, not a quick update to somebody actually there.    Add a date to your contact page.


Very good.    Few minor details.    Don't put the mission name in text at the start, it spoils the graphic later.    Just have "loading" or blank.    The first cut, from tank view to tank view, doesn't work because the first lot of tanks are appear to be going out of town and moving from right to left, and the second lot appear to be already in the town and also moving from right to left.   Try a different angle or an intervening shot of something else.    There isn't enough movement of loons in the town - for example, there is a medic just standing over two bodies.    He, and more of the others, should be doing something.

The first AT loon is not in any kind of cover:  place a bush beside him.     The tanks don't fire back at all - even in fog (which could perhaps be thicker) they'd have an idea of the direction of the rockets approach and might fire the odd round or some MG fire in the general direction.    Would look better too, they are too static after the first hit.      For the second hit, have the camera closer to the missile - you don't get the full benefit of the slow motion.

In the second part there was no bustling once the sergeant issued orders to gear up.   The guys should start moving at once.    Also the Chinook is turning and burning for an awfully long time, better to start him up halfway through.

But overall I wish all Intros were of this standard.   Especially mine.


Plan - First para should be same size text as the others.   Not sure you need both second and third, consider combining into one.   At present the page says attack L'Espace Noir three times in four paragraphs, which seems excessive.

Notes - size thing again at the top.    Add "commander, 1 Platoon" so we know who Lt Morris is.      

comma after patrol

In Morris's notes have something like "As well as being in charge of supply you are second in command" to be consistent with the supply references in the Intro.

Gear - The grenadiers are both rookies, who should in fact probably be dispersed a little at the back of the squad.    It's a pleasure to see somebody get the handguns and bincocs right, so easy yet so rare.    I took a LAW and dished out a few bits and pieces.

Group - nice to see somebody actually thinking about skill levels.

Map - colour coding is not consistent.   I'd use green for friendly and blue for anything directly to do with 1 Platoon.  (Or the other way around.)   Maybe yellow for Buffalo if you like.

Overall its all good stuff except I don't really know how I fit it.    I seem to be commanding a rifle squad, which seems odd.   Surely I should be a member of the HQ squad, or commanding an element of it or something.    I'm assuming you have some medics kicking around somewhere since there are none in my squad.


The camera pans down and then moves up a little:  this is probably unavoidable as I know from experience that the chopper height will vary a little.    Think of something.   Also the timing is wrong:  the chopper should arrive sooner (to prevent boredom) or later (to increase drama).    Love the sleeping bit.    Try slower fades, and fading out while the fade in is only half complete.

Landed, followed the yellow dots.    Like the idea, but make the whole thing a bit more subtle and less obvious - this is not Cadet mode, at least not for me.   Maybe halve the number of little dots and make the cloud smaller.   They should last a little longer though.     Also mention in the hints that you can use command view to help keep position.

It appears that I am Alpha squad leader.   That's fine, but mention it in the Briefing.   Also that my squad will be on the left.


Well I've got my new squad and I don't much care for it.    That Scott Akin is really annoying for a start.   ;D   Anyway, the M60 gunners should be my 2 and 3, or 3 and 4 if 2 is my runner.     The assistant AT should be carrying a second CG missile and if there are supposed to be M60 ammo bearers they should have M60 mags.   (If the game will allow that.)   There should be two medics since there are none in the squads, I know that's not particularly realistic but if you have only one medic you should have morphine scripts for everbody.

We rearmed slightly from the bodies (Dragunov for me) and moved forward a little.   My first impression of the command interface is that it is good.   It's pretty clear and so far I have only two suggestions:  make it more obvious that the whole platoon is selected;  and place the platoons a little further apart.  We are in Wedge and the last man of the lead platoon is only 30m away.   I almost catch him up when we move.    Just another 10 or 20m would seem better, but we'll see.      Ah, you click to deselect squads, not to select them, that is what is confusing me.   I would suggest a button for "whole platoon" which is selected at the start, in addition to buttons for each squad.

We headed west for a bit, then turned south to come at the enemy from the flank.   I spotted the tower but we kinda ran into it a bit because I couldn't figure out how to stop everybody.   The top left box of the dialogue needs a "whole platoon" box round it in the same way that the individual squads have boxes.  

Second time round it didn't go any better really.   We were further behind than I thought and consequently we were effectively flanked ourselves on making contact.  Charlie reported casualties and then getting hammered ... I brought Alpha up from the back to their position but before they even got there the C on the map was legging it southwards, I presume fleeing.     Ah, they have 8 KIA.     Now its all of them, like it.   ;D

Managed to get some kind of bounding overwatch going and the remaining squads moved in.     Alpha and Bravo have have 3 dead and one wounded between them.    

Cutscene.   No comment necessary.   :)

For the sake of tidyness I would recommend healing any wounded men in the platoon here.   I can make it happen by moving them in the right way, but it would be a real chore.  I only have 1 so it doesn't matter, but if I happened to have 4 or 5 ...

2 green ticks so far but no outstanding Objective at the moment.   Was having a little explore (the place looks great) when everybody started getting killed by a BMP so I hit the retry and got an error, something about

OfficerWHG counttype .... units _grp .... # == ... error zero division

That's it for now, more later.

Edit:  just skipped through the more recent comments.   No probs with anybody getting stuck.    The boss was killed in the first contact, a few hundred metres after we left the LZ.   I heard one Dragunov shot, my 2 called the sniper as I hit the dirt.  I didn't see anything but the squad on my right and the HQ squad were both popping away merrily as I headed to examine the boss's body.   (Which is correct btw.)    We appeared to have no other casualties which was surprising because there was a sniper with bizon, an AT4 loon, the sniper of course and I think one other.    I assumed at the time that the Lt getting it here was inevitable but apparently not.    


Picked it up at the retry.     The platoon was disorganised and there wasn't time to get everybody in shape before the armour arrived.    I pressed on anyway, passing through the roadblock just ahead of the first tank and walking straight into a couple of russkies.   We exchanged casualties.      I wanted platoon V, with Alpha and Bravo ahead of me on each flank.     Bravo was fine, ahead to my left (where I expected Alpha to be) but Alpha was to their left.   We were moving forward as I was figuring this out, staying close to the tanks.      Repeated attempts to get Alpha into some kind of logical place failed.   Eventually they kinda settled in behind me as if they were reserve squad.   I ordered them manually up front right:  there were four of them left now, Bravo was doing slightly better but calling casualties occasionally.    I had about 5 loons with me, two wounded, and the armour seemed to be doing ok.     Somebody took out the BMP.    We approached the village and I and most of my squad were killed:  the only mystery is that it hadn't happened sooner as I spent most of my time on the map and command interface.      

We need more time after the retry before the tanks arrive to get in shape.     You've taken away the normal opportunity to heal, rearm and reorganise with the cutscene, which is fine, but you have to leave us in good order positionally.

Retry.   Got that error message again with a hint "error in rearm".

I see we start in sort of line formation with me on the right.  A and B are charging forward without orders or reporting contact.   We advance again, all goes well on the combat front but the formation thing is a shambles.   A and B both move further and further left:  when I try to go with them they run back towards me.     Eventually I order platoon column and they get into the right sort of order, but there is something wrong with the V formation.   Possibly the complete absence of Charlie squad is confusing things.

Having established column I order V and A moves back behind me, with B out front left.   The map in the interface suggests A should be front left and B front right.   Anyway, at least I know where I am.    Since I'm buggered if I'm going in with only one squad up I order line, squads on line, and both squads head out to my left ... actually, its almost like what they were doing when they were mad, except now its a little wider out and more ordered.   Anyway, the tank dust has long since settled so we'd better go and collect the tankers dogtags from over the skyline.

Actually the tanks aren't that far ahead.   We move up, tanks doing the dirty work.   I pause to let A and B catch up, they seem to have fallen far behind.    While waiting, three US soldiers pass me on my right ... if they are in my platoon they are at least 70m from where they should be and 100m from where the map says they are ... anyway, they'll soon be dead either way.    Yep.   Fortunately one has an M203 which is more useful than my Dragunov.    A and B seem to have advanced past me and have taken a spanking from the infantry in the village, which you would expect given their beautiful reverse slope position.     My little gang is still intact, so we crawl forward cautiously.

Little bit of usual urban combat fun.... Is Arudy clear?   Presumably not.   ;D   Damn.  Nope.   Try again.  Bingo.  Fade to black, mission accomplished.

3 green ticks
1h 3m
-800 *
2 kills


There's buckets of quality here, as ever.    It's not just the cutscenes, though everybody talks about those, it's the base layouts and force balances and dialogue and things like that, that make the difference between good missions and average ones.

As a command interface training exercise for both player and mission designer it works very well.     However, if you want to regard it as a stand alone mission, then I'd say take out the whole command interface platoon thing, thin out the opposition slightly here and there, give me a decent squad and let me get on with it.

The platoon thing is something which has always greatly interested me too, and in fact two of my three real missions are largely explorations of this whole idea.   (Lookout!, complete and in the missions depot, and Regina Proeliorum, beta tested on this forum a long time ago.)     There are always two core issues:   the physical control of the squads, and the value of those squads.

Physical control is the easy one, so it goes first.    The interface here is pretty good and functionally it works pretty well.   I've mentioned a couple of things already and there are a few other possible improvements - reporting number of loons alive rather than dead; listing callsigns somewhere; listing weapon loadouts dynamically so you know if a squad has any LAWs left or whatever; making radio (colour) callsigns easier to comprehend (maybe calling the squads blue, red, yellow rather than alpha bravo charlie) - but frankly its all pretty minor stuff.   The physical movement of the squads wasn't bad apart from that one terrible incident after the retry when it was a shambles.  

The hard one is the value of those squads.    The problem is that it isn't much.   An AI squad is a pretty weak force, we've all taken out a whole one on our own many times.      Giving the player a couple of AI squads doesn't actually strengthen his hand very much.    You drop a couple more squads on the enemy side to balance it and what have you got - a total of four squads that wipe each other out.    The problem is exacerbated by the fact that the player and his squads are normally moving and attacking, which is a huge disadvantage in this game.    In other words, you don't add two more squads to the enemy, you add one or less to keep the balance right.    (For example I approached the final objective with A and B at almost full strength.    To be true I didn't pay much attention to them but they were both wiped out by about three enemy loons just popping them as they came over the skyline.)   If this whole thing only results in the enemy being marginally stronger, why bother?   Why not just do that anyway and give the player a stronger squad or a better weapon?   That's the problem.

In order to make the interface manageable the amount of information that can be communicated between player and controlled squads is quite small.   This means that the player doesn't really have tactical* control of the squad.  (They are happy to run over the hill and get shot, for instance.)   Therefore, the best you can hope for is to give the player strategic* control of the squad.    Therefore, to make a truly satisfactory mission of this sort, it must be possible to give a squad a simple, discrete mission which it can carry out with a fair chance of success.    

Because the player is so much stronger than AI loons, this discrete (I hesitate to say detached) mission must take occur in a place where the player cannot excercise a direct influence.    

An example.     The player's platoon is ordered to attack a fixed position from a certain direction at a certain time.    He has no weapons with optics.    The attack axis is overlooked by a known enemy OP with snipers.    A direct attack will result in most of the platoon, and probably the player, being taken out before the attack really gets started.    Solution:   send one squad to flank and destroy the OP, while the main body conducts the attack.   Perhaps, depending on the ground, it may also be helpful to send one squad to act as fire support for the attack.

In any event, lots of time is required to allow the player to make his dispositions and correct the cockups which are bound to occur given the nature of the game engine.     Coordination with other groups is very difficult and I was very impressed in this mission with how the armour moved forward at the end.   They kept nudging forward, but kept in touch with us too.   No idea how you did that, it was either brilliant scripting or luck.

I have neither the desire nor ability to create a command interface and in my missions I have approached the problem in a different way.   In Lookout! the other squads were not really under your command:  they followed a known pre-defined path and all you could do was control their progress to some extent.  The mission was designed so that they would both take very heavy casualties whatever you did.    In Regina Proeliorum you have more control over timing, and if you get it wrong you find it extremely hard to win the mission.   It's not really a puzzle because the correct timings (and order) are fairly obvious.   Later in the mission you control your own support platoon, but that's about it.  

In other words, I believe that using any command system to direct a conventional platoon attack is unlikely to produce a really satisfactory mission.   This is a constraint of the game engine and not a reflection on the mission designer.    The trouble of controlling the squads is always going to outweigh the benefit of having them, given that the player is so much stronger than AI.  That's not to say that it shouldn't be attempted - on the contrary.   However, to keep it fun for the player, the mission ground and objectives must be considered even more carefully than for an ordinary mission.   Moreover, the mission designer should think of the squads more as strategic assets than tactical ones.    

Well that's enough wittering from me for now.    I'd be interested in your response though, we don't spend enough time talking about stuff like this.    And it's always a pleasure to play your missions Sui, the standard of workmanship is so high.  :thumbsup:  

* Tactics - how you conduct a particular engagement
   Strategy - how you link engagements

« Last Edit: 26 Jan 2005, 01:45:06 by macguba »
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

Offline Sui

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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #31 on: 26 Jan 2005, 06:31:47 »
Thanks Seal... good details :)

The other project is still in the pipeline... it's a mission much more complicated that this one and comes about 3 missions after this one in my 'sequence' I've got mapped out in my head. I'm still working on it, and if I can get it working how I want it it should be my best mission yet :)

The objective with the recon patrol... I might revisit that and make it a bit easier (or at least more reliable). They run away and jump in a UAZ, and if the UAZ drives through the pass the objective is failed. I might make them run a little slower or something.

Armsty, I think it's a bug with the Lieutenant randomly moving west, but not far enough west to activate the next part of the mission. I'll revise where I tell him to move to, and make sure that can't happen anymore. Thanks for spotting that for me :)

Macca... you wee beauty :)
I live for that kind of feedback... I'm writing it all down as I type... well, ok. Not quite at the same time as I type, but you get my drift.

Most of the issues with the 'platoon Vee' formation are due to me putting the wrong bloody picture in the interface ::) :P
Bravo squad should be top left, charlie top right and alpha behind. That's on my list of things that need fixing.

The errors in the rearm script are new... I'll have to re-examine my code as I've obviously b0rked something up.

Right, onto the meat of the discussion... platoon level combat in OFP ;D
I'm going to start a new post because I think it warrants it..

Offline Sui

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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #32 on: 26 Jan 2005, 07:00:26 »
Quick note for anyone thinking of beta testing this and feeling intimidated by us old timers talking 'military realism' or other shop talk... please don't feel you have nothing to offer me in the way of feedback.

I eagerly accept all comments, no matter how small :)
I'd love to hear your opinions if you'd be good enough to offer them to me.

Right, macca...
I've been developing (read: using) this platoon interface for more than a year now. I can confirm that it does get much easier to use as you get used to it.

Remember way back when you first played CWC and got a squad to command... taking 10 minutes to issue an order? Fast forward to now when you issue 3 consecutive orders in as many seconds using ~ and a few number keys.

My interface isn't that fast, but my point is it does get easier.

This mission is supposed to be part of a series, this being the first where you have any chance at all of command the platoon. I'm a bit worried that it's a little too much of a 'trial by fire', and that the player will have difficulty coming to grips with the interface before the platoon gets decimated :(
I try to keep the LT out of the firefight as much as possible (apart from the 'LT assassination sniper team' I have randomly placed at the start), but shit happens in combat ;D

I think OFP is the best platform for infantry simulation at this level on the market right now (VBS1 being the obvious exception of course), and if I can get around the AI limitations then I reckon I'll have a winner...

I completely agree with you about AI limitations, and the value of the squads under your command.
I tried to increase their value with the 'contact' script, as not only do the AI call targets, but the targets called are revealed to the other squads in the platoon. This means that squad on overwatch will engage targets other squads meet.

You're right about the discrete role the AI will play, and due to it's limitations it can't really act as an independant squad, more an extensions of the players. Unfortunately you can't give complex orders like "Go here, flank the enemy and cover our 3 o'clock". It's more like "Move here, stop."
With practice you come to appreciate what the other squads can and can't do, and use them as an extension of the platoon and not expect too much from them.

Because I'm trying to make the interface work in a number of different situations (it will feature in the sequels to this... I plan to make a few, time permitting :)), I tried to keep it generic and non scripted.

The tank advance was intentional, and had me tearing my hair out before I got it working (would you believe I had to use tank setfuel 0 to get the sods to behave ;D). However it was doable simply because its a linear scripted action. I've done the 'limited command' with AI squads sort of thing in the past (My first released mission, Wrestling with the Bear) and I was looking for a bit more this time round.

Whether or not it's accepted remains to be seen, but I like it :)

I think it can be used tactically, but simply relies on the player knowing the limitations of the squads. I often put them in formation and make sure the HQ squad is the one mostly in contact. From there I can order the outside squads to move to flanking positions, or stay put on overwatch while my squad manouvres. I have to say it does take practice.
I've made it so you can keep one (or two) squads in formation with you and use the other(s) to overwatch, or flank (well... move :P)... it works, but takes a time to learn.

I've got another mission in development where the platoon moves over a much vaster area (and isn't as limited by terrain), and the platoon formations really shine there. I've engaged similar sized OpFor with excellent results, both from ambush and assault sort of perspectives.

Anyway, I've tried to make it intuiative as possible, and put in features that will get use. I've taken your suggestions on board, and any more you have would be greatly appreciated :)

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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #33 on: 26 Jan 2005, 12:28:01 »
Yeah, I sometimes feel a bit guilty about these long posts in case it puts people off.      But if you write a beta review that makes only one point, then that's still helpful to the mission designer.   I know, because somebody I've never seen post before or since has made one really good comment which has led to a significant improvement to themission ..... more than once.

Anyway I have no doubt you're right, this would become much easier to use once you get used to it.   It is a thousand times better than the horrendous hierarchy of radio (or action) menus that you sometimes see.     As I say, I think the remaining improvements that could be made to the interface are mostly pretty minor.

I bitterly remember using the CWC command interface for the first time.    You remember you have to defend that village from attack?    Well, I got sent to Col Blake and kicked out the army every time.     I was stuck there for days and days, I've never been faster on the menus than I was then.   Finally I manged to repel the attack with no casualties to my group and virtually no casualties to the other US troops.    It was a virtuoso ballet of commands, movement and firing laws.   And Col Blake kicked me out the army.     Only then did I realise that I would have to go back a couple of missions and collect gold stars rather than red crosses.......

One of the things I thought of but forgot to mention last night was the stuff like reveal.    Taking some good ideas from the "enhanced AI scripts" out there is probably a sound idea - the more sophisticated you can make the AI in your platoon the more fun it is going to be to play with them.     You can easily use the same stuff on the other side if you want to make it "fair".    The more communciation that can be done silently by the mission designer, the better.  It was clear you had done something along these lines but I wasn't sure what.  

The calling of contacts by the squads worked very well.   The calling of casualties was not quite so good ... certainly for a first time use it was a bit vague.    I found myself frequently wondering just how many loons they had left.    I like that you can only issue one command at a time, but would suggest a button for "all squads, report status".    Otherwise getting everybody to report - for example during a lull in the fighting when you're not sure if the contact is over or not - is hard work.     Yes I know you don't want to overburden the interface with buttons .... but it's so good and so simple to use that I think you can probably have more buttons than you might expect.   There's no question that you can have more than are currently available.

I suggest you write a "users guide to the workings of the command interface" so that players like me can have some idea of what's going on.

As a training exercise for the CI I think this mission worked very well, particularly the way it panned out for me.   With the Lt gone early, I had plenty of space and time to get used to the basic idea.     If I hadn't been lost by 100m (which was just me rushing rather than taking my time to do it right) we would have destroyed the main garrison with few casualties.     The final Objective is easy, given the tanks you could virtually do it alone.   However it teaches you to look after your boys.  So overall I'd say the difficulty level is about right.    If you were experienced with the CI it would be too easy.

Are the infinite savegames just for beta or are they real?  I used one on taking command, one halfway between there and the main attack, and one just before going over the top at Arudy.

Oh yes, something else you have probably already considered.   It would be nice to be able to control the direction in which a squad is facing.   Tricky I know, and possibly not worth it.

Another tiny detail:  when I was ordering a squad to move a small distance, say 50-100m, I found the movement of the map irritating.    I can see how it would be useful for larger movements.    If you can be bothered, consider scripting it differently depending on the distance.    

I'm very impressed by your control of the tanks.   It worked extremely well.  8)

OFP is the best game AFAIK.    And I think you do have a winner - certainly I've never used a CI that was both this sophisticated and this easy.    My point is that to make it feel like a winner it has to be used in the right kind of missions.

Sorry, this post is probably a little bitty, since its a mixture of response to yours and things I've just thought of.
Plenty of reviewed ArmA missions for you to play

Offline macguba

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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #34 on: 26 Jan 2005, 13:15:56 »
A new post for my second attempt at the mission, from the top.

After debussing we went on a much more southerly track than the first time.   Variety of minor contacts that were nothing much to do with me, then orders to encircle the OP.     First time I followed my orders and got a "we're ready to go message" but then got myself killed through sheer bad play.    Second time it all got fucked up:  I advanced a little from my ordered position, but only 20m across the road to get my loons facing the right way and they were on hold fire.  Anyway, an enemy loon wandered out the of the back of the OP.    He was probably about to see us - my loons had been standing up and milling around - so I shot him.    His mate came out to investigate so I shot him too.    Charlie are mincing around away to the north somewhere.     I suggest a trigger so that if contact occurs early, the boss shouts something down the radio.    

Moving in ... ah "I think they spotted us".   I run in, shooting one loon near the entrance and another inside the fortress.    Like the Russian radio sounds.   But too late, red cross on the Objective.    We get back into formation, but two of my loons are stuck in the OP.   I go back and get them out successfully, the Platoon waits for us and there is a retry.    

The yellow dots are a bit idiosyncratic.   Sometimes they appear on the map but not the ground, and I've just had one appear before me for just one flash.    Maybe the others did appear on the ground, but not long enough for me to see them.    In general they should persist a little longer, or until you are a little closer to the big yellow.

Ordered to move up for recce.     The ground is as bare as Kojak's bonce but the yellow balls lead us further in.   We are on hold fire and crawling with pauses but eventually we are spotted.   "attack now"   I drop several, as do my loons, but some bastard gets me from behind the field hospital ... 226m is his next target, presumably my number 2.

Try again.   This time I ignore the yellow balls of death and come in from a more sensible angle, a little further south.   Ah, this is much more like it, from much further away we get the "I see them .... want you to be base of fire"  sequence.    Retry.    I move forward 5 yards, peer round a rock and there's a whole fucking squad not 50m away, facing my direction.   I manage to give the go order and drop 4 of them before being killed.

Next time I peered very cautiously round the other side of the rock and the enemy went on alert.   It was almost as if it was scripted because they didn't see me, though they may have seen one of my loons.     Go go go.    I and my boys dropped a couple then Bravo came through us like suicide cavalry.    Charlie are charging off up the hill somewhere.   We get orders to move forward and do so, taking and giving casualties.   Suddenly I'm in command and the whole of HQ squad is down.

I order everybody to hold position and take cover while I take stock.  I'm wounded, Bravo is gone and A and C have just one or two loons each.    I seem still to be on A's radio net - I'm hearing "9, target soldier".     We keep still.   A Ural comes in and drops off spetz natz.    There is the odd shot.   I drop a couple of loons.   Somebody throws three grenades at me which fall short: I fire a whole magazine through the smoke, knowing he can still see me.

At this point there are only 3 or 4 of us left from the whole platoon.     There should be some kind of system of consolidation into one squad.    We're Airborne, and anyway we can't retreat back up an open slope - there's no option but to go on.

I'm killed but pick up an infinite retry.   Charlie has flown - 8 KIA and he is 550m away.    Something should happen when the squad flee - he is just responding like nothing has happened.    Maybe let him flee, or have a "rally" button.

I crawl forward, dropping the odd loon, and swap my last few rounds of M16 for a 6G30.   9 (of A) calls a report and I pump all 12 rounds in the general area.    Swap that for an AK74SU and crawl to the road.   Four loons run out of the bushes on the other side.  I shoot three then the dreaded click of an empty mag.    As I scrabble for the R key the fourth loon turns and runs away.    I shoot two more then the position is announced clear.    B is dead, A has one man left, I am alone and badly wounded and the last remaining loon of C has made it safely back the LZ on his own.

And we don't get the chance to go on.  Shame, I was looking forward to it.

1 red tick
2 green ticks
6720 *
25 kills

Well you certainly get ten out of ten for replay value - this was a different mission.    Excellent, well done.

What would have happened to Charlie had the mission continued?   Say if A and B were still at good strength but C had fled as he did?

Now, in the immortal words of Richie Benaud "And that's lunch."
« Last Edit: 26 Jan 2005, 14:10:04 by macguba »
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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #35 on: 29 Jan 2005, 00:29:41 »
Thanks for playing again mate :)

Plenty of changes to make... all good.

I think I'll need to let the player know when one of their squads is running...
When ordered to do something they still acknowledge the command as if they're going to do it.

It wouldn't be hard to make changes like you've suggested to the interface... when I wrote it I tried to keep it very simple, and put in only the basic command I thought would be needed. I'd be very keen to hear what else everyone would like the platoon to be able to do.

Anyway, plenty of changes to come by the looks of it :)

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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #36 on: 02 Feb 2005, 09:55:48 »
Right... just got delivered another batch of voice files, so I'm well on my way to having the next version ready for testing... :)

Since I'm going to be recoding a bit anyway, I was looking to get some input into the command interface.

In an ideal world, (ie. not worrying about OFP practicalities), what would you like to be able to tell your platoon do to?

I'm thinking about putting an 'establish base of fire' command into the interface, and a couple of other ideas. Any more couldn't go astray, and I'd appreciate the input.

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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #37 on: 02 Feb 2005, 16:41:55 »
Right... just got delivered another batch of voice files, so I'm well on my way to having the next version ready for testing... :)

Almost done with mine...lots of other work to be done, but I'll send them over soon.


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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #38 on: 02 Feb 2005, 22:14:28 »
Had to check this mission out. All stuff to learn from your missions.


- Good as ever, i cant pick out any errors here.
- How do you do those linking buttons? There really good.


- Now i think it was my comp but this was really stuttery and jerking all over the place but was still very well made. Nice angles and it all works well.
- Nice!! Like the slow mo RPG's, very nice. At first again dunno if it was just me but the camera seemed to be so close to the AT guy it looked rather odd for a few seconds.
- Very nicely shown, wen RPG hits tank.
- Dialogue works well again, adds to the scene and atmosphere.
- Nice opening and then we get back to the good old air base with its great set up.

- Reading the dialogue, nice...... you WOT!!...... Sgt Gooner!!!!!! ..... great name  ;D but im afraid your gonna have to pay me for the use of the name  ;D .

- Fine intro, building up the mission. One thing how do you do that map thing, thats really cool.

Firstly i didnt finish the mission, i just had a quick go. I'll finish it wen i get more time. So sorry if its a little short.

Well can i say you've dun very well to build an atmosphere in this mission. You do get a very strange feeling when playing it. It feels real and your always alert to everything. The fog i guess adds to this, having to constantly scan the horizon makes every step more tense not knowing whats there.

Like the chopper ride, i thought at first there was summin wrong, everything kept blacking out. But lol it was really cool, falling asleep on the helicopter. Again the dialogue keeps you interested and never seems to drag on.

Ok so i land and i see summin new, the yellow dots and yellow blob thingy which help you get into formation. Very good, well thats what i thought at first  :-\ . Well so i'm told to go here then there, i stand around for abit, the other AI groups move here and there. I wonder if nething will happen but eventually were told to move on. The yellow dot thing was startin to get annoying, i know its there to keep the platoon in formation but i cnt be bothered to keep having to go back, i wanna move on and get to the objective.

After a while we meet some contact, couple of guys on patrol easily taken out by the AI dudes. I decide to forget the yellow markers and just go on myself but i dnt run off on my own, i stay with the rest of the platoon. Finally we meet our first objective, an enemy OP. This is where the yellow dot thing is useful, means i dnt have to keep flicking between the game and the map.

So i encircle the OP and get into position. Couple of greandes does the job, not a shot fired  ;D . I like the nice touch in the OP, with the radio. Nice touches like that make these kind of missions special.

K so now we move onto the real target. Nice radio messages tell me to flank the enemy postion. So i move out to make sure we dont meet any enemy patrols. After another long run to position im told to go towards the big clump of tress. Where? maybe you cud use the yellow dots here to clarify where to go.

Anyway the rest of the platoon moves to position. Were spotted, bullets start flying. I take my squad down the hill, i cant see shit. In the distance i see a little camp or is that part of the main enemy encampment. Well i see some trucks and tents, i get my LAW out, bullets still flying. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!! Massive explosion as i take out the fuel truck, must of taken sum enemy troops out there.

I move forward slowly, shit my men are getting slaughtered. I take out a spetznaz and a soldier. I try and desperately get to some cover but sadly im spotted and killed. Damn.

Well sorry i stopped here as i had other things to do. But so far i hope this helps, i'll be back to finish it ( if i can  ;D ). Looking very good, as ever Sui.

To be continued.............


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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #39 on: 08 Feb 2005, 08:43:46 »
No hurry on the voices, Seal mate :)

It's going to be a while before the largest part comes in...

Thanks for playing Gooner.

The linking buttons are simply html links. It's exactly the same as making a text link, except you throw an image in instead ;)
The map thing's done with mapanim commands... check out the comref to see how. They work just like camera scripting commands.

Sounds like you had a pretty good run at the mission... glad you liked the fuel truck ;D

I'm not too far off releasing an updated version. I'm just playing with my interface and adding a couple of features...
More mission testing is always welcome if anyone can find the time :)

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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #40 on: 08 Feb 2005, 17:45:07 »
I thought of something to add to the interface, in addition to my comments above.   A big red button saying

  • Win mission
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Offline 456820

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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #41 on: 08 Feb 2005, 18:10:42 »
hey what can i say apart from great mission

good intro i like the bit wher it shows the russian at soldier but if you could show down his sights when he fires would make it look abit better. some conversation i cant read mabye cause im a slow reader but you could add an extra second of reading time aapart from that it was great.

good overview the pic was alright.

i didnt like this breifing there were to many sections on the plan page i dont mind when it all seperate but oh well. gear selection was good lots of weapons and stuff.

now the begining when youre running throught the valley i found alitlle dull but good use of waypoints but i prefer the original. if you added another recon patrol to make a bit more firing. i didnt like being in charge of the plaoon at all i dont even like taking command of squads but great idea. right when i got to the something majig passage forgot what its called, i didnt like this bit it didnt feel like you were in a battle but it was still pretty good i liked when the truck came with reinforcements i was at the top of the castle wich i liked. then that cutscene great cutscene but it showed some men die of mine so i was anoyyed. but going up to aruy was good i ran into the bmp before the tanks did and i had only one law luckily i took care of it waited for the tanks to come then the battle started lots of bangs and shootings here it was great possibly the best part in the mission. i saw the oficer surrendering i ewent up to him and saw the search menu i decide neh so i shot him then another soldier came in fired a shot at me whilst i was reloading. then he stood there i shot him before he thought of shooting me then then mission complete i was like yay.

good outro nice and simple.

great 9/10 if not a 10/10 lots of action new ideas like the platoon thing.good cutscenes and good conversation a superb mission.

keep up the good work

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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #42 on: 14 Feb 2005, 09:34:30 »
I thought of something to add to the interface, in addition to my comments above.   A big red button saying

  • Win mission
Hehe... I used something like that in early beta testing ;D
Maybe I should put it back, huh?

Thanks for playing, 456820.

The speed of the text still has to be finalized, as I'll get the timing right once the voice files come in :)

When you say there were too many sections on the plan page, you mean the notes page? You think it could be organised a little better?

LOL... sounds like someone finally found the officer easter egg in Arudy... so you shot him huh?... nasty ;D

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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #43 on: 11 Mar 2005, 23:25:34 »

Maybe someone would like to party with this...

I'll try to get on and put some testing in to others missions once I get home from work... ;)

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Re:Out of the Ashes...!
« Reply #44 on: 16 Mar 2005, 13:59:00 »
well! I think anyone playing this would understand why the AvonLady website rates you among the master mission makers. I would say master craftsmen.

This mission was not for me. I find it too difficult too confusing to control large bodies of troops. I dont enjoy being led by the nose either.

Be that as it may this mission has faultless cutscenes, intro, excellent dialog, perfect use of limited music. And what attention to detail you use. Small things like green flares while landing.

For some odd reason I found the scenery beautiful, no other word for it, the chopper ride, the rain,,,

Your use of cutscenes to tell a story is the best out there, superb use of map dialog, who NEEDS a briefing <grin>

I've obviously played a fixed up version vs previous comments of others. I lost all my squad, all others went kia too, but I got through it. Think I would have done far better with my own devious methods than following your 'plan'

Yes, ok, I like the technique, the yellow nose pull, but no, this mission style is not for me. It will be for many, and what a superb craftsman you are.

Just say no to bugz