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Author Topic: A few editing info requests from a beginner  (Read 1778 times)

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Re:A few editing info requests from a beginner
« Reply #15 on: 19 Oct 2003, 19:17:24 »
about the playmove, the farmer probably gets up because your telling him to move somewhere, use the dostop command while hes down and then when he gets back up use domove or maybe dofollow will make him go back to his original WPs....


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Re:A few editing info requests from a beginner
« Reply #16 on: 19 Oct 2003, 22:52:28 »
Ta guys, but I think I've decided to halt on the artiller. I figured out that the AI doesn't know how to use the Invasion mod's mortar anyway. Cheers Kyle for the playmove tip, I'll check it out. Two other issues have popped up though:

- How do I set the name of my mission on the setup page and at the top of the briefing? I know how to do briefing files, so I assume its not there.

- Secondly, how do I do multiple endings? I have 2 positive and 1 negative. Both positives require that the players trip a trigger to exit the map, but one of them requires an objective to met (blow something up) while the other requires the same objective NOT to be met.


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Re:A few editing info requests from a beginner
« Reply #17 on: 20 Oct 2003, 01:16:33 »
1. Click on the top right corner in editor, where all the weather information is and stuff, and put the mission name in the first box. The rest is in your breifing.html witch you can find some tuts on in the editors depot  ;)

2. In triggers, I forget what the box is called but its got None, Switch, Gaurded by east... and so on. In that box are up to 5 (or so) positive endings and one negative one called Loose...  ::) The debreifing message you get from them are once again defined by the brefing.html


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Re:A few editing info requests from a beginner
« Reply #18 on: 20 Oct 2003, 01:34:07 »
Ta. Inregards to multiple endings, what I really meant to say was how do I create two triggers of which only one of them will trigger, with which one depending on whether a specific objective was met or not? I'm assuming it would be involve something like:

Ending 1 - Objective completed
Condition: "1" obj "DONE

Ending 2 - Objective not completed
Condition: "1" obj NOT DONE

Am I right?


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Re:A few editing info requests from a beginner
« Reply #19 on: 20 Oct 2003, 01:59:54 »
well, what I do is, for every objective I either put obj1=true, or obj1f=true; obj1=false if its failed, then in the triggers:

obj1 and obj2

obj1f and obj2f

Notice I did not put obj1=true; obj1f=false... I did that because sometimes, after you have completed an objective and do something wrong later, the objective has been failed

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Re:A few editing info requests from a beginner
« Reply #20 on: 20 Oct 2003, 10:22:54 »
For each possible ending you need a seperate trigger, fired by variables.     When the trigger is fired it not only ends the mission but marks the various objectives completed or failed as appropriate.

Note that a numbered ending (End#1 etc) will fire when all the triggers of that type have fired.   However, the Loose ending will fire when any of the loose ending triggers fire.      The other difference between a numbered ending and loose is the outro that will play after the debriefing.   Also, the numbered endings each have a different debriefing text but loose has no debriefing text.
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