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Author Topic: (Review Completed) [SP] Eye of the Pig  (Read 8300 times)

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Offline cornholio

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(Review Completed) [SP] Eye of the Pig
« on: 08 Jun 2003, 18:06:42 »
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Edit: This mission has been reviewed and is available, with required addon, from the Missions Depot.

My first mission; "Eye of the Pig"

The Nogovian Drug Enforcement Agancy (NDEA) is ready to clean house on the largest drug cartel on Nogova... You'll be leading a team of these ex-resistance commandos....

Mission features:

Cadet and veteran mode (I diden't put much effort in cadet cuz I hate those yellow thingys blocking my view)

Three OBJ's (two hidden)

Three endings (2 win, 1 loose)

Medium to hard difficulty? (Except for OBJ1, the whole mission is way too easy for me,
but hey... got to please everyone)

Custom music (in final version)

Mission requirements:

OFP v1.91

Kegetys editor addon.



Yes. In the final I will delete things as OBJ's are finished
(What do you want, this aint "desert island")

The mission is playable on a small comp if you lower everything and do the following.... Load the mission then exit the mission. start again and VOILA
You will see a big difference in lag. (An old trick)

English is not my first language so bear with me
on any grammer or punctuation errors :)

any constructive comments or criticism are
more then welcome ;)

Things left out for now are;


Frames around the pics.

still gonna change the briefing.

Known issues;
Sometimes one of the cut-scenes screws up :P

Thanx loads :)
« Last Edit: 23 Dec 2009, 16:40:11 by Walter_E_Kurtz »
Check out  "Eye of the Pig"
Mission download: http://www.freewebs.com/dikked/


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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #1 on: 08 Jun 2003, 21:08:34 »
Got it. Reply as soon as I've completed it. ;)

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #2 on: 08 Jun 2003, 22:23:52 »
I was forced to play this by... uh... the name actually :P. I suggest u change the name if u want a more serious amount of players. ;)

Good, but the picture wasnt found.
Please change the time and day. Friday, May 10, 7:30...
Some spelling errors.
I could use some more intel, since we got an agent there it should be easy.
Yellow marker is hard to read. Change it to some more suitable color.
I didnt see why u cant put in the armour directly but nevermind.
The civillians should act more scared. Like running out of town or put their hands over their head. Also the baddies should use some kinda surrender script though they are only terrorists, no military war-machine.
I think u used the same trigger/WP that told my men to go out and to save the game. Dont do that, cause the savegame will remove everything else in the on act field. And u activated a trigga after every1 left truck and when my soldiers was still in the truck due to savegame I of course shot the baddie that stopped us. When I later orderded my men out a text said that he was under arrest... when I killed him 30 secs ago... :P
After a couple of tries(mostly because of the lag) I sat myself in da truck and called in the tank. I thought it might clear the town for me while I wait. Actually, its quite stupid. Just stands there. Doing nothing. It aint shooting baddies, just a couple of em and then ignore the rest. This got me killed since I was in truck and u somehow disabled the disembark command for my guys when u are in truck, so when I jumped out I had baddies at my feet and lag so I had a very little chance of surviving :-\.
Uh? WTF happend? "Those BMPs could come in handy" to what? New Objective? WTF?
I got more soldiers... I didnt have many guys left since I screwed up(blame the lag)at the first obj but I hope u use some kinda script that checks how many soldiers there are left so I dont get over 12 soldiers :P.
I didnt really know what to destroy. Maybe you have to be more exact.
The hostage rescue was easy. Bomb the houses a bit and enter when there are 2 baddies left. Easy. Just to make it fun I called in da chopper. ;D

A good idea. Quite nice mission but it needs polishing. There was a lot of "mistakes" and the player(me) starts wondering "WTF? Why?". I suggest you head over to the missions: ideas forum and check my thread "Common sense versus Level Design" or sumthin like that. It is a nice mission, a bit(or maybe 2 bits... :P) laggy and it needs polishing but its a fine idea and you bring out the idea very nice.

Offline cornholio

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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #3 on: 09 Jun 2003, 03:23:14 »
Wow  :wow:

Thanx Armstrong (may I)

I'm still trying to figure out the quote thingy so this will have to do for now.

Overview pic + intro...I explained that in the thread.

You have a point about the intel :) I'll fix that.

Yellow marker...Just wanted to be different ( my vision is perfect, untill my 10'th beer)

The "support team" was meant for noobs that are choking.
(I've been around since the first demo, but I'm an editing noob)

Your right about the civilians. ( AHHHH HELP ME THE NDEA ARE SHOOTING EVERYONE!!! :gunman:

Lag? I tried this on my friend's lame ass comp with a bench mark of "1035". It was playable but for computer freakz......
C'mon man, this is 2003. a new CPU is cheap and easy to do!!!
How the hell you gonna play OFP-2 or Doom-3 or H-L-2..... ;D

That first trigger where I threw in the savegame...Your right.

I have to look into the BMP thingy. When it comes (if you need it to come), the dudes are supposed to jump out and open up a can of whip-ass (it worked on my comp)

I won't even comment on the last two objectives.
We both know they suck. I had to rebuild this friggen
mission so many times cuz....

A. It kept crashing to desk-top (at least that diden't happen to you)

B. I only have three hours a week to do this sh*t

But your right about the polishing thingy (to be honest, I just drank  my last beer and I'm gonna go polish my wife :-*

I think the final version might good for a "lunch-time, play one time, shoot em' up) :P


Edit: Oh yeah, the date and time...(Hmmm... cornholio tries to get a life)

The name of the mission....

If you don't like that, wait till you hear the MUSIC!!!
(It's all a matter of taste)

« Last Edit: 09 Jun 2003, 03:44:15 by cornholio »
Check out  "Eye of the Pig"
Mission download: http://www.freewebs.com/dikked/

Offline cornholio

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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #4 on: 09 Jun 2003, 19:13:13 »
Version 1.1 attached (above)

Diden't fix much except the savegame trigger at the start and added another medic at the base

The armour does indeed come and the "support team" jumps out.

All the OBJ's work. When you get back to the base, you do indeed get the second objective.

I'm at the limit (49.9kb) so I can't do much more. I think I'll have to look into the "freewebz" thingy

Even if you make it back to base with all your men, and more dudes join you...It don't do nothing like crash the game. they join you but they don't join you (if you know what I mean)
But I'll take care of that issue also.

Everything works for me on three diferent comps and it works
at my friends house on his comp. It all works. the final version is gonna be alot bigger and badder and I'll try to make it less laggy and of course "polished" ;D

My main concern is that the mission has no bugs and since
I'm a noob mission maker, ALL comments and suggestions
are welcome.

Check out  "Eye of the Pig"
Mission download: http://www.freewebs.com/dikked/


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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #5 on: 09 Jun 2003, 20:15:49 »
Sorry my reviews abit late, I've been bogged down in course work.

Good, to the point. Pic not found though.

A bit to brief, you should go into more detail about the enemy, expected resistance, ideal execution phase, etc

The gear selection was superb, spent ages customizing my team to my likings.

Very hard. There were alot of enemys and confusion with civilians running around and occasionally picking up a weapon and taking a potshot at you. I lost alot of men and havent yet completed the mission, I liked it how unarmed enemies will actively find a weapon from a dead comrade and put it to use. I also liked the fact how you used women with guns as well, for one second there was a moment of calm, before all hell broke lose and I followed targets with my sniper rifle, there was a women and I thought 'Aw, thats just a civilian'  :) how wrong was I  ;) the next thing I now she has brought a hunting rifle up to her shoulder  :o    S@*#!!!! and I put a few shots into her head. Generally, from what I managed a  good mission, make fewer enemies in the next version, take out a few not too many. And the Armoured Personnal Carrier takes eons to reach your position.

Overall verdict

Scripting 7/10
Replayability 8/10
Sound 0/10 (no custom music, or voices  >:( )

Altogether I'd give this mission 7.6 outta ten.


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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #6 on: 09 Jun 2003, 21:16:00 »
Thought I'd give this a try, sound interesting.


Good info here.  Your instructions seem clear enough.  Good use of links and they all worked.  I would change the color of that marker.  Yellow is just too hard to see.  Also, the name of the woman is a bit immature and you even forgot to capitalize her last name  :)  


The assault on the compound was interesting.  I got a hint stating that I killed a civilian but he was clearly pointing a gun at me.   The whole assault was fun.  Civies running around, never knowing if they were going to pull a gun on you.  Very good stuff.  I captured the bad guy but had a little trouble getting him out of the house.  I had to get behind him a "push" him towards the door.  Finally got him out, though.

Headed out of town and ordered the chopper in.  You should provide some confirmation that the chopper is on its way.  Also, the objective didn't check off when I arrested the leader.  You should add another objective.  First is on the arrest and checks off as soon as you get him.  The second one is to get him back to base.

The chopper didn't land anywhere close to where I told it to.  It was over 300 meters away.  What's the point of clicking a map location if it doesn't go there?  You could place an invisible H at the map click point and then order the chopper there.  Also, don't issue the "land" command until the speed of the chopper is below 10 to 15.  The distance to police headquarters is far too short to justify a helicopter ride.  It's only about 1.7Km.  We had barely got started when we landed.  

The HQ is really too close to the bad guys locations.  Why would they setup shop so near the police?

Back at HQ, you might want to consider a short cutscene showing the bad guy getting transferred to another officer.  

Ok, next objective.  Headed to the opium lab and killed almost all of the bad guys from a distance.  Blasted the barn and completed this objective.  Headed for the next one.

I like the layout of the prison.  Simple but looks nice.  Only one problem here.  There are prison guards that have a clear shot at the hostage takers but would not shoot them.  Not very realistic but, then again, the player (me) is supposed to handle this situation.  I took shots at the bad guys from my BMP.  Too easy.  The last objective didn't check off, however.

This is a nice mission overall.  I like the concept.  I think you should spread things out a bit and maybe get rid of those BMPs.  You don't really need them.  I never called for backup because I didn't need help.

Offline cornholio

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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #7 on: 09 Jun 2003, 23:23:01 »
@ all three of you guys

This is what beta testing is all about. I'm gonna use all the suggestions and make this mission better. I just wanted to throw this out here and see if the basic idea would "sell"

The confusion at the first OBJ is what I was trying to create to
make it, well... confusing (and exciting). I threw in the other 2 OBJ's just to make the mission longer and diden't plan them very well. (as you can see).

You all three made some very good points and now that I have a few days off from work, I'm gonna get busy on the mission and post it again prolly on wednsday.

« Last Edit: 10 Jun 2003, 14:04:35 by cornholio »
Check out  "Eye of the Pig"
Mission download: http://www.freewebs.com/dikked/


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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #8 on: 10 Jun 2003, 14:53:43 »
Hey there cornholio!  

I had some spare time and gave this mission a try real quick.  (keep in mind this stuff is just my opinion as always)

I want to start off saying that I really enjoy your originality and execution of ideas in this mission.   ;D

The briefing is good, lots of info there and such.  Couple suggestions that I have though:

Make the pic of the Cartel leader and the girl fit the space it has available.  In the briefing.html just change it to 200 x 90 and it should be perfect.  (the pic has to start as a 2^ number, but you can change it in the briefing)

Use more paragraphs, especially in the notes.

It's a good idea to either have everything link back to the notes section, or move the links for the detailed info to the notes section.  Reason being is that if you link back to the plan section your objective disappears unless you go to notes and then back!   ;)

I sugges moving the savegame option to the last one on the radio available  (can't remember which exact one it is right now, but it's number 0)  This would allow the player to save more quickly in the heat of battle.    ;)

Speaking of the heat of battle, whoa!  That first part is intense!  I also really enjoy seeing the "civvies" pick up weapons and start shooting me!  Fun, unexpected stuff there!

I killed almost everyone in the town that chose to pick up a gun and had 1 guy left on my team.. We stormed the house and killed everybody but the 2 objectives.  

I suggest having the cartel leader not follow you unless you are close to him.. This will give the impression that he's looking to run away if you let your guard down.   ;)

The copter came, landed and waited for me.. I started running, getting a little too at ease because I hadn't been shot at in awhile and neither had my remaining guy when.... Thunk!  Got shot in the head by a guy in a courtyard type place of a building on the West edge of town!

And that's as far as I got for now.. I didn't call the backup, mebbe I should have.   ;)   :P

Fun stuff so far!  I'll play more when I get the chance!


P.S.  I highly suggest you get freewebs so that we can see the overview pic and whatever else you had to take out to sqeeze it on here!   ;)   8)

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #9 on: 10 Jun 2003, 17:17:51 »
I have to look into the BMP thingy. When it comes (if you need it to come), the dudes are supposed to jump out and open up a can of whip-ass (it worked on my comp)

Yea, they did, but they got massacared the first time I tried to call in the support cause the BMP just stood there and didnt gave any support.

And I think my comps pretty good, no HL-2, OFP 2 or Doom 3 comp but it is an 1 GHZ, 512 MB RAM with a Geforce 128 MB. I think a virus or sumthin is eating my CPU. :-\

Offline cornholio

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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #10 on: 10 Jun 2003, 18:01:26 »

You, like the other guys, have also made some very good points.
Don't worry about playing the rest cause I'm gonna change all that (it sucks bad). I'm REALLY NEW AT EDITING and have alot to learn. (but a helluva imagination)  ;D


The waypoints for the BMP and the dudes in it are badley placed.
I might even have it insert right after the "suprise raid". like you suggested. I just don't want the first OBJ to be too easy.

As for your computer, thats more then enough power for this mission. But in the final (beta) I will try to delete stuff as the player leaves that area of the map.

Now for the bad news. I think I need more time cuz I want to make the next round of testing damn near the last.........

« Last Edit: 13 Jun 2003, 07:43:45 by cornholio »
Check out  "Eye of the Pig"
Mission download: http://www.freewebs.com/dikked/

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #11 on: 11 Jun 2003, 12:50:10 »
I suggest u remove all BMPs in the mission and maybe give me a truck for the second and third objective.

Offline cornholio

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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #12 on: 11 Jun 2003, 17:08:05 »
Not a bad idea Armstrong ;)

Check out  "Eye of the Pig"
Mission download: http://www.freewebs.com/dikked/


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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #13 on: 11 Jun 2003, 17:46:44 »
Just completed it, massive casualties though. I dont no what every1 is going on about the BMP problem, all the time the guys jump out and run off in search of enemy, but quite alot of them get mown down by a hidden sniper, dunno where he is. I think he is on the church roof, cos I saw one of their teams shooting at something above the ground in the direction of the tree.

Another thing, is there a way to make the men in ur team to use their first weapon and not their pistol unless they run outta ammo for their primary weapon, for instance when the reinforcements arrive, one of them emptied a few rounds of his HK and then switched to his pistol, and I was thinkin 'Mate wot the hell r u doing?', ONE more thing give the guys in the BMP a more varied weapons load out, I personally h8 to see silenced weapons used in a firefight, change the ppl in the BMPs weapons, to like AK47s and a pistol. Or and M16 and pistol, scince SWAT team quite often use the M16, scince there isnt a decent MP5A2 addon out there . . . . . *hint, hint to any decent addon makers*

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Eye of the pig beta
« Reply #14 on: 11 Jun 2003, 23:34:14 »
Instead of the BMPs, why not add a few of these towers to aid the player? ;D