[OFP] Un-Impossible Mission by Macguba

Un-Impossible Mission by Macguba

Mission details

Type Single Player
Player side East
Island Kolgujev
Time of Day Dawn
Weather Foggy
Filesize 4.7MB

Mission requirements

Game OFP v 1.96

Overview - 9
Briefing - 9
Camera - 9
Scripting - 9

User rating


06 May 2009





The hardest mission. Lead your Spetz Natz team to the top of The Hill.

Review by Tyger


Short and sweet. An interesting picture to say the least, half Guba and half Angelina. The second pages just had contact information on it, etc.


While the Intro was nothing overly fancy, it did give you a small overview of what you were facing, and showed a short paradrop into Kolgujev. Macguba scripted custom fonts and colors into the intro, which made it seem original.


The briefing was well developed. Besides Macguba's hints in the notes section, the briefing gave a detailed storyline of whyyou were here. Also, there was a nice piece of music Macguba scripted into the briefing, a major plus. Macguba also made all BIS weapons available, which would instantly come in handy.


Ten seconds into the mission, I turn and find a squad of the Amis on my tail. My squad mates open fire, but in the end, we are wiped out. Time for a fresh restart and a different plan. After restarting for the second time, I begin a long and length ordeal. The fight out of the starting area was very tactful. My firing drew the attention of other Amis squads in the area, leaving me with the only option of fighting my way out. I spent at least twenty minutes just trying to leave my starting position, finally withdrawing after my team drew in a Bradley, and I retreated to the south - one of my team mates dead. I halted after a fair ways, radioed my team mate for our position, then shot an azimuth for the civilians, planting mines on any road I crossed.

Finally, after hours of running, I stumble upon an Amis squad near the civilian town, and we cut them down where they stand, losing another team mate. I talk to the civilians, and gain two extra men - one of them a Spetz Natz soldier left behind. Curious, I use the save game I am given and cap the woman who I talk to. Bad idea. The mission ends with an Outro-Lose. I am hung from a tree near the town with plenty of civilians watching. After I reload, I get in the chopper and fly to the north side of the mountain and quickly run up the side, engaging the a squad or two on the way up.

Bullets zip past me as the fog begins to clear, and I pray for my mates to spot the snipers. We clamber to the top and I find myself up to my arse in alligators or in this case the Amis. There must have been at least a platoon, maybe more on that hill, and by the time it is cleared, I have lost two more men. I quickly change the flag then run down the mountain to the motor bikes on the NW side. We motor to near the old base and I use another save game. Picturing a few squads of infantry, and trying to avoid the forest with mines, I scurry toward the Old Base from the south. For the first time in my life I felt fear as I collide with at least ten M2A2 Bradleys and two M1A1s. LAW rockets begin to fly, and by miracle, I life, although another of my squad mates give their life for the otherland.

Now I have an option to eradicate the map of any remaining Amis or to stop where I am. Continue. The fog has cleared completely now, and my meagre squad makes short work of the remaining Amis. We have won...


Outros "We have won..." Or so it seems. Adrenaline still pumping from the mission, I watch in awe as two A10s break over the forest and destroy my chopper as it lands to exfil my team. The major kick from this is a fake 'You are dead' resource with options such as 'Laugh' , 'Cry', and 'Punch Macguba'. The twist was very interesting, too. The scripting was excellent, with no flaws and plenty of good shots, and none of the angles are what could be called even remotely poor.


The mission itself is special, but Macguba actually included custom Resources, voice acting, several savegames, and excellent scripting to make this mission special.


(Review Date: Mar 2005) While the difficulty of this mission is horrendous, causing it to not earn a perfect score, the mission is otherwise flawless. I spent a total of over 28 hours on the mission, 6 of those trying to pull any bug whatsoever from it. My attempts were fruitless. The whole point of this mission was to test the limits of difficulty in Operation Flashpoint, and it definitely succeeded. Unfortunately, the mission might be near impossible for new players, but even taking a hack at it would be fun. This is definitely a 'Must Play'. Hence ends my rant.

You can view the beta thread here.

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