[OFP] Body Grab by Tyger

Body Grab by Tyger

Mission details

Type Single Player
Player side West
Island Nogova
Time of Day Dawn
Weather Cloudy
Filesize 3.43MB

Mission requirements

Game OFP v 1.96

Overview - 0
Briefing - 0
Camera - 0
Scripting - 0

User rating

Not yet rated

31 May 2009





Intelligence has recently intercepted communiques from the Russian forces here on Nogova that they are preparing for a large scale assault. Do something about it. Kidnap enemy tongues. Simple. So it proved.

Review by The-Architect


I didn't like the big black outline to the picture here and the text was in a handwriting font which looked unprofessional. Also the author put his name on the overview which I kind of don't like. The picture had a border but it was a little rough round the edges. What the text had to say was fine and really I can't complain too much about the whole thing. However, it just didn't look right.


This was short and felt pointless. There was a news guy who really told me nothing in particular. I was at a loss as to why the Intro even existed. More work was needed to create atmosphere or a sense of a story.


More than enough info and background here, just the way I like it. There were funky little pictures to link you to other sections and such, which was nice. Full weapon selection is always good. A couple of downsides were the notes section containing info that should have been in the readme and the lack of a few links to markers in the briefing text. Don't get me wrong, there were links but I would have liked to see one for every place name and important area etc. My preference only, it wasn't a required thing.


Now when I got through the briefing and after I'd read about the surrender script in the notes section, I was really eager to get into the mission and give it a go. The idea behind this mission was really promising. Shame the mission didn't live up to my expectations. I was greeted at the mission's start by a box asking for a password. I figured I would find the password during the mission or after it so I typed in some double Dutch and clicked ok. The box vanished and I carried on with the mission. Here's where it got bad. I knew I had to capture four guys and unfortunately I managed this before I reached the "City" limits. With all four of my captives in tow I clicked "end mission" and sat back only to see all of my men including myself, die in a cutscene. Damn it. Anyway I got a code from it and figured that once I used the code in my next attempt all would go smoothly and my guys would survive the end of the mission. How silly I was, all of my men died again, even after I had put the code in. I felt like I'd played through the mission twice for nothing. I did complete the extra objective.


Death scene. One of the angles was a bit long and had nobody in it for ages. Other than that it was fine.


Very good idea for a mission here..


This mission seems like a good idea on paper. However it isn't a great mission in practice. I reckon the author must have wanted me to go into the village to get my captive. I didn't. Also the code thingy is irrelevant as the mission ends the same way every time. In an anticlimax. The mission is well made and if you want, there can be a lot of shooting to get what you want if you want there to be. I found it too easy and somewhat short. I also think that due to my being able to snatch soldiers from around the village I missed out on most of what the author wanted me to experience by not going into the village. Some work really needs to be done fixing the ability to snatch enemy soldiers from around the village. As it stands, it's a fairly well built mission which kind of misses the mark.

You can view the beta thread here.

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