[OFP] Chemical Warfare by Asmodeus

Chemical Warfare by Asmodeus

Mission details

Type Single Player
Player side West
Island Custom
Time of Day Dawn
Weather Mixed
Filesize 4.96MB

Mission requirements

Game OFP v 1.96

Overview - 6
Briefing - 7
Camera - 3
Scripting - 7

User rating

Not yet rated

30 Dec 2009





You are the commander of a highly-regarded Delta unit whose mission is to attack and destroy a Chemical Weapons manufacturing facility on an enemy Island.

You must also locate some secret documents vital to our operations in rescuing the Rangers lost in Operation City of the Dead. Intelligence reports these documents are on an Officer in the base and they are reputed to have information leading to the location of the hostages...

Click to see 2 other missions by this author.

Review by Stu35


The Overview was okay, had all the relevant information and a pic with a border, no real complaints but nothing to leap out and make it stand out in the missions list.


The Intro was dull and mostly uneventful, I was left wondering why the helicopters would fly in with their headlamps on if this is supposed to be a covert raid, however the Intro contained custom music which, while not to my personal tastes, was still a nice touch that knocked it up a couple of points.


Not a bad piece of work here, it could have used a few less markers (or at least made the markers a regular size instead of over-sizing all of them), but in general it gave all the relevant information, and included a couple of recon pics which is always a nice touch. Not the biggest and most detailed piece of work, but it suited the mission quite nicely. There was a nice array of weapons available – but only for yourself and the 2nd bloke in your squad, the rest of which you meet up with later in the mission, however this was intended, so the author can be let off with it.


In general, quite a good mission. As I said, it is a nice, short and sweet raid on the enemy - the defenders are laid out rather well (although some are in questionable positions) and it takes quite a bit of thinking on the player's part in order to successfully accomplish the objectives and escape.

The mission has custom music playing in the background if the player wants to – however, this can be turned off, so it is only really a plus (rather than being FORCED to listen to it which would lose points). Also had a savegame feature with the radio.

However, a couple of minor things that I feel are worth pointing out – at the start of the mission you have to spend a minute or two riding along on a bike in order to link up with your squad. This is fair enough, except for the fact that your squad is not ALSO riding along to the FUP; it's just you on your own. This is not the end of the world, but it takes away some of the mission's “feel”.

All in all, the mission is short, but until you figure out how to get your head around some of the problems that you are presented with, it can be frustrating. I won’t reveal too much, but the number of enemy tanks that come in the counter-attack are just too overwhelming. I think including a few less pieces of enemy armour could have made the game slightly easier to complete - however, it is NOT uncompletable: I managed it and I am one of the worst players out there, so it is certainly doable.


The Outro, like the Intro was rather dull, contained no spectacular camera work but was accompanied by the music, which knocked its grade up a bit and gave it a better overall score.


(Review Date: Aug 2003) All in all, this is a decent, fairly short, hit and run mission to have a play with. However, it could have been made better with better camera work in the Intro and Outro, and perhaps a bit more thought put behind the tools you have to execute the attack with (a cool helicopter extraction after you have done the objectives would have been cool, but ya can’t have everythin' now can ya ;)).

Generally, short missions don’t score too highly with me. But, the deliberate execution required of this one, along with the excellent use of the BAS addons (I just love the weapons you get to play with there), the inclusion of music and the sheer fun I had playing this mission gives it a 7/10. The main points being lost for the sheer number of tanks (I counted 8 at one point) you have to fend off as well as infantry, and that bike ride to the FUP without your squad biking it around you, and the lack of any major scripting - still worth a play though.

An addition I failed to put in the review first time (just bad work on my part) is the inclusion of voices - the radio chatter includes custom voices which don't sound entirely like robots, which was a nice touch.

You can view the beta thread here.

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