OFPRes Mission Editing Tools (9)

OFPRes / Mission Editing

After making a mission using the DMA dynamic template, I realised that adding to the already large number of dynamic missions avaliable makes the finished mission quite complex and therefore have more possibility of bugs. Especially for the average mission maker/scripter like me.

So using some DMA scripts, some of my own and others I have had lying about for ages I have made my own template for mission making that is simpler, and has more flexability. You can make classic missions as well as CTI/dynamic style ones.

OFPArmA / Mission Editing

Lists all the unit/vehicle classes used in a selected mission.sqm file.

OFPRes / Mission Editing

Full campaign editor for Operation Flashpoint

OFPArmA / Mission Editing

Campaign editor tool for OFP, you will need to tweak a bit the resulting description.ext for ArmA.

A dialog maker for OFP. Useful for making dialogs.


by Bohemia Interactive

Model Optimization Tool

OFPRes / Mission Editing


by Bohemia Interactive

Model Optimization Tool

OFPRes / Mission Editing

A general use tool to change or examine the time stamp of files on your computer. Not at all useful until you need it!

OFPRes / Mission Editing

Kegetys' Launcher

by Kegetys

The best launcher 'out there'. Handles MP and the *all important* addon mod folders.

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