OFPEC The Editing Center > General Announcements

OFPEC Will Be Gone..


.. to the arms of a new generous service provider in the very near future.

Had you going there for a while, didn't I ;)  :D

Due to this move we will be closing the site temporarily very soon so don't be alarmed.
No dates or anything are set though, the move will happen as soon as we're ready to do it. Just thought I'd give a heads up first.

The lenght of the downtime is unknown, most likely going to be a long one rather than a short one.

That thread title...  :banghead: ...trolled me successfully.

Do you know when the downtime will commence approximately? This month? Next month?

It could happen within a week or two already, it really depends on how much we get things functioning prior to moving the domain to point to a new place.

The downtime may last even weeks depending on how much we break things while moving. :P


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