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create new trigger type


Is it possible to create a trigger that can be activated by either blufor or independant? I need to be able to somehow come up with a solution for this as I have a conversation in my mission that currently is activated by blufor. I need it to activate when either blufor or independant enter its radius. I tried this with no luck
--- Code: ---{ side _x == blufor} count thislist > 0 or { side _x == independant} count thislist >0 
--- End code ---

The side need to be WEST for blufor and GUER or RESISTANCE (not sure which is the right in A3) for independant.

--- Code: ---{side _x == WEST} count thislist > 0 || { side _x == GUER} count thislist >0
--- End code ---


--- Quote from: SaOk on 11 Jul 2013, 11:04:57 ---The side need to be WEST for blufor
--- End quote ---

Actually ArmA3 has added blufor as a pre-defined variable for WEST with regards to side.  So:

--- Code: ---side _x == blufor
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---side _x == west
--- End code ---
are the same now.

blufor, opfor and independent and civilian for ArmA3.

Also remember that for thisList to work the list needs to be populated with both blufor and independent, meaning it has to be activated by: anyone. Otherwise only blufor/independent will actually be in the list.

Wolfrug out.


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