OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

2 users 1 network router


Can 2 computers connect to the internet through the same router and play online multiplayer as seperate users on the same server when 2 seperate copies are used?

I believe it is possible with some games (I've seen it done), but not possible in others. I haven't tried doing it with any of the BIS games so I'm not sure if they fit into the 'yes' category or the 'no' category.

I believe it is possible, at least I have had a laptop and this desctop PC side by side running the same MP test mission through the same router (desktop PC was also running the server).

The again I don't understand the MP side of things at all so it might not have been a real dedi server situation.. :P

From the point of the net protocols, yes, they can.  :yes:
Each client connects through the NAT with an unique link to the server, but of course will be seen with the same source-IP, that is the router's one.
It's the typical situation of a LAN with access to the internet.

Anyway, as Gruntage wrote, a (generic) game could decide to disallow multiple connections from the same IP.

Speaking about OFP/Arma, the 2 computers will be logged as Player/ID/GUID (that haven't relationship with IP) and so will play regularly.



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