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[SP] Operation Aqua Lion v 1.2 (REVIEW COMPLETE)

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 Sorry I can't give her a whirl -retried (4th copy now) and even tried repair feature but it crashes my game now  ???

Played with version 1.60 RC on regular
Image is cool but the last line of text is cut off at the bottom somewhat.

As always, sound makes things much better. But as it is, it does a good job of telling the story. The only fault I could see was that the text was going to fast and I had missed bits and pieces of it.

A few spelling errors here and there(It's too late to specify right now).

I have a fondness for lone wolf style missions. Especially if the immersion sucks you right in.

Though the raft beneath an osprey would probably kill someone in reality(especially being only a meter away from those props), it was slightly comical and a creative way to do something different. I half expected to hit the water and be thrown from the raft as it plowed into the waves but was surprised to skip across the water without missing a beat.

I attempted to land among the rocks to preserve the immersion that was going but the darn AI either got stuck on the beach or went for a swim with the danger of losing gear.(Restart) I beached the raft on a flat portion of the shore, tucked my guys into an alcove using team switch and began the long interesting recon of Utes.

The patrols were nice and random. Just when I thought I had them figured out, a group would double back on me, walk 30 meters and double back again. It made for a slow and cautious infiltration. I had to restart or reload several times as patrols would walk up on me while I was focused on observing the landscape. The patrols certainly did not lack around the important areas. The shores were left to the wildlife and US operators but I didn't discover this until after I made my way stealthily across the midsection of the island, marking targets for destruction. I checked all towns, docks, bases, lighthouse's and dirt roads for hardware and finally made my way to an over watch position and setup the hacker thingy. I set it up accidentally while I was evading patrols and had to remove it. After that, it doubled the addaction. You'll want to look into that.

Had I known that it was just add actions, I would have activated it anywhere. Maybe you should setposition the satellite phone in front of the player and attach the addaction for "Begin Hacking" and all other following actions to it? You could also make it to where the player must be within a certain range of the long range comms platform in order for the hack to work. So a task would be to locate the Long range platform and set up the hack thingy.

In any case, most of the work was done for me once the hack gained access and when I attempted to call in the airstrike, nothing happened. I lazed a jet, then activated the radio and waited for about 5 minutes. I ended up using the lost key to order a precision strike on the area.

I then tagged the radar with a satchel and engaged a patrol on the way to the comms platform. Set a satchel on it and pressed on to the exfil.

Short and sweet.

Your patrols kept me on my toes but they did not react to the destruction of hardware. Many stayed there course, walking right beside a blown ZSU without a care in the world. A switch trigger setting them to combat and having them move from one AA position to the other would work fine.

A MI8 was hovering off the northeastern coast throughout the duration of the mission.

Some of the other smaller towns could use a small squad with a vehicle, standing guard against the ghost.

Other than the airstrike not working, this was a solid mission. Not to difficult and not too easy.

@froggyluv: I installed WinRAR myself and added a RAR'ed version just for you. Please try.  :)

@SBG: Thank you for your extensive test and helpful comments.
A few things I have to say:

Didn't you notice the Hacker thingy in the briefing or during the flight? I added a line of TitleText to remind the player. How should I make it more obvious?

The satphone is already positioned at the player... it should be a few meters around you.

Since you ordered the airstrike pretty late in the mission, I guess the Harrier's fuel just ran out. Thank you for pointing that out, I will need to do something against that as well.

The hovering helos are a Russian reinforcements team that will land at the airbase if you do not manage to take down the radar and communications site within 30 minutes of destroying the aircraft (as per radio message).

Oh I didn't notice that you had updated the mission, this test is for the first version you uploaded.
No problems with the zip encountered.

Tested on CO v1.60; Veteran Difficulty with LostKey loaded (halfway through because I was feeling' lazy)

No readme in the folder

Very topical scenario.
"announced planned" > plan

The Execution segment is a little repetitive but otherwise it's a pretty comprehensive briefing.
"force Then" > missing full stop or period
Good selection of weapons only missing Thermal Scopes. I took a DMR and outfitted my guys with silenced and/or scoped weapons plus a Javelin for the team.

From Insertion I headed North then NE around the unnoccupied base where the first Tunguska was located (017;038). From this high ground I completed the recon of the fighter force. I then opted to move around to the West and cut round the airstrip.
Upon reaching the Radar Site I deployed the SIGINT Device. After moving closer to the airbase I left my team on overwatch while I crept down to plan charges on the enemy planes. I realised that I was gonna need quite a few satchel charges so I chose to cheat and restarted the guy with Lost Key loaded.
Using the Uber Weapons cheat I was able to crawl across the whole line of planes planting charges as I went.
Upon rejoining my team I noticed a Tunguska was located quite close to me so for good measure I put a satchel charge by it as well. Regrouped and blew the charges (got a script error - invalid number in expression - whether this was the extra charge because of the tunguska I don't know), where I then got the message to destroy the radar and the comms site, so instead of backtracking I reloaded the save where I was near the radar and used the opportunity to plant charges on the radar site and blew the whole lot in one go.
Making my way towards the comms site was when the enemy patrols started getting a little thick on the ground. Deployed my team so that they could watch my back while I rigged the comms site for demolition, retreated to a safe distance, blew them then had to go back and plant a couple more to finish the job.
Ended up cutting back towards the radar site on my way to the extraction so I could have blown that site in sequence. Had numerous encounters with OPFOR which basically turned into a running gun battle all the way to the first tunguska site. I could hear a helicopter but it didn't come anywhere near me. Although I had a hard enough time cutting back around to where I had left the rubber boat contact tapered off once I was near the coast.
Had to hunt around for where I had left the CRRC but loaded everyone in and had my No.2 drive(?) us to the extraction point. Job done!

# The bases could do with some kind of garrison especially on the gates. Even the airbase had no one guarding the gates which didn't seem right.
# Personally, I think the SIGINT Device should be implanted at a specific site like the radar site or a computer or even a telephone exchange box (improvised) in say, Strelka rather than being able to be deployed just anywhere.
# The addition of some vehicle based patrols would create more of an inhabited island feel. Also, until I had started blowing up stuff, the enemy were just a few patrols. More life required!
# Might be an idea to add a marker on the place where you left the CRRC.

I do really enjoy stealth missions and I think this is shaping up to be a great little mission with a little polish. The objectives are realistic apart from being able to use the hacking device just anywhere but the recon aspect is a nice addition and well handled.
I liked the ability to detonate the tunguska missiles - saved me a job :P
Didn't use the airstrike option though.

Hmm, I crossed the center of that island slowly and spotted many patrols, most of which were on the insertion side of the island. But I noticed that some(if you waited long enough) would actually walk to the outskirts of the island and to other locations where the AA were positioned. So patrols were scattered nicely; anymore and they may tip the balance a bit too much.

I'm not sure what you mean about making it more obvious. The signit was obvious, but what I think was missing was how important it was to set it up before conducting a thorough recon of the island. I'd have to re read the intel before answering correctly but I'll wait for an update. I think Denz and I covered pretty well, what would improve the hack thing. I also did not see the satt case. I didn't look well enough because I honestly did not expect it to be there.

I created a script in one of my missions which sets the laptop in front of the player, facing the proper direction. You could use it for the satt case as well, with a few adjustments. The script is attached below.


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