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Creating Group With Trigger + Add Urban Patrol Script


Can anyone help me with making a script that makes an enemy group and have them init the Urban Patrol Script that you can call in with a trigger ???

I'm doing it this way because my mission is big and I dont want a bunch of units already spawned in all over the map when the mission spawns. I want the groups to spawn and follow the UPS script when triggered by BLUFOR.

I tried making egroup1.sqf

ups1 is the marker, _egroup1 is the group name

--- Code: ---_grp = Creategroup EAST;

_grp createUnit ["SquadLeaderE", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 5, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEB", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEB", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEG", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEMG", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEAT", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierESniper", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
--- End code ---

Then after that I tried to call it in but kept giving me errors. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :D


Ok it's getting very frustrating for me to figure this out  >:(

1. The script I'm using to spawn a group does in fact work
2. This is the error I get:
I found out it's from the UPS script.

What I'm doing to try to get this script working:

I'm trying to spawn an enemy group from my Init.sqf for now to just test and find how to add a group and make them init the ups.sqf: [this,"marker"] execVM "ups.sqf"

From my init.sqf:

--- Code: ---//Spawns Group With UPS
[] execvm "ups1spwn.sqf";
Sleep 1;
[_grp,"ups1spwn"] execVM "ups.sqf";
--- End code ---

From ups1spwn.sqf:

--- Code: ---//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function file for Armed Assault
// Created by: Semedar
//exec: [] execvm "ups1spwn.sqf"

_grp = Creategroup EAST;

_grp createUnit ["SquadLeaderE", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 5, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEB", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEB", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEG", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEMG", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEAT", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierESniper", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
--- End code ---

I have a rectangle marker named GrpM to spawn the units there. I'm trying to make them follow the ups script from the init.sqf

So, to summarize:

Does anyone know how to spawn an enemy group and make them init: [this,"marker"] execVM "ups.sqf" And make them spawn with a trigger?

If so, can you post detailed instructions?

Sorry, Thought this was ARMA2 forum :-[ Please delete post


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