Addons & Mods Depot > Arma2 - Addons & Mods Beta Testing

JTD_mines 0228


Finally a beta version of the JTD_mines, which at this point only has a claymore implemented. :)

Most recent vid:


The archive contains the addon and a test mission, and readme docs.

Info (from the readme):

Pingu, for the ArmA version
- h- for setVariable help
- DeanosBeano for config help
- for inspiration and motivation
- Sickboy
- SnakeMan for support/testing

Mines that are placeable via the editor, scripting (spawning), and the player.  For mines placed by the player, a marker shows the placement.

The placed mines can be disarmed, with a small possibility of accidentally discharging the mine.  Units that are capable of disarming mines (Engineers and certain special forces) may also be able to pick up disarmed mines.

Player-placed mines can be sighted-in, attached to a tripwire, or triggered remotely.


The archive contains a folder structure \@JTD\addons - simply extract the archive someplace and place the @JTD folder in your ArmA2 root folder.  There is also a \keys\ folder that contains the JTD bikey - place this file in the \keys\ folder in your ArmA2 root folder.

(This is the same installation as the other JTD addons, which you should already have.) ;)

More detailed installation:
Within the archive are 2 pbos (with signature files): Pingu_claymore_base and JTD_mines.  Place both of these in the addon folder of your choice.

More detailed information as to the implementation of the claymores in the readme for it.

Related other threads:


A pdf of various US Army Field manuals for the claymore is available here:

Looks very interesting. Any indication of MP performance ?

Not yet.

The response has been underwhelming. :)

I'm pretty far along in the implementation of editor-placed IEDs, though.  I'm thinking once I release a new version with that, it will get some more attention, as it is a "newer" concept.

Speaking of which... a POC vid of the IED additions for the next release:

Current parameters:

--- Quote --- Specific place
Location will be derived from position of module.

JTD_IED_magnitude = #
Magnitude 1-3, 1 being smallest, 3 being largest; default is 2

JTD_IED_objArray = [""]
Specify what types of object to make into an IED; entered as classname string; multiple entries will be randomly selected

JTD_IED_placementRadius = #
Placement radius of IED; default is 1

JTD_IED_radiusDet = #
Distance at which IEDs will be detonated; default 25

"JTD_IED_enemy" = str SIDE
Specifies target side for bomber; default is "any"

--- End quote ---

Teaser vid of AI homicide bomber implementation:


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