Missions Depot > ArmA - Reviewed Missions

(Review Completed) [1-8 MP Coop] Operation Sabotage

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Mission type: multiplayer Coop
Author: FleePee
Players Numbers: 8

Version: 3-2
Size: 3850 ko
patch 1.14
Required addons
* Queen's gambit
* G85 editor update
Language: english and french
Hidden objectives, moving respawn points as you progress and weapons respawn.
(you keep weapons and ammo after you die)

Description: Intel reports that a BMP factory will be soon operational right in the center of Porto...
Your mission is really simple: destroy it!!!
Otherwise, it could be impossible to take the control of the island...
Be careful approaching Porto, there is a lot of infantry and we know they also have pickups with machine guns...
And if you are not fast enough, you'll find some BMPs on your way...


Installation: Copy the pbo file into your "ArmA\MPmissions" folder.

- hostages by Nataniel (edited)
- Weapons Respawn Script v1.04 by toadlife revised by norrin
- dismount by sharkattack
- Random House Patrol Script v0.9 by Tophe of Östgöta
- ANTI-TURNOVER TANK v1.0, By Miguel Rodriguez
- initFlags by Spooner
- bodydelete by Mr-Murray

OFPEC Review

 :( I 've get rid of french addons, so perhaps somebody will test that funny mission!!!

Don't be discouraged about including addons and no one playing the mission, if anything create a non addon version along with the one with addons might be a bit more work to keep them both up to date so that's for you to decide. You missions had some downloads so people are playing it, just not reporting on it.

there have been 2 download of the mission: by me and a friend!! :whistle:

This mission won't load on the dedicated server. Your missing some ; in the description.ext and the dedicated server is a little more particular about the missing ;.

This is a small sample of the rpt file on the server

--- Code: ---File description.ext, line 24: '.respawnvehicle': Missing ';' at the end of line
File description.ext, line 25: '.respawnVehicleDelay': Missing ';' at the end of line
File description.ext, line 26: '.respawndelay': Missing ';' at the end of line
File description.ext, line 27: '.disabledAI': Missing ';' at the end of line

--- End code ---


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