Missions Depot > ArmA - Reviewed Missions

(Review Completed) [SP] Shot Down

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Author: UH60MG
Addons required: none
Island: Sahrani
Player side: West


This is a mission which is structured but has lots of random elements, including enemy placements and location of objectives, so it has lots of replay potential.

Here is what should happen in the mission (spoilers)

- (Cutscene) The Black Hawk carrying your squad crashes at random location on the map

- A number of enemy units attack you from random directions.

- After this force is defeated (or 4 minutes have elapsed) you are ordered to hide.

- You proceed to the randomly selected hiding-place waypoint, on the way there you may encounter enemy forces looking for you. There may be armour around which might have to be neutralized.

- After you arrive at the waypoint, several hours are skipped.

- You then proceed to the extraction point, whereupon another black hawk will land to pick up your squad, ending the mission.

UPDATE 1: Beta 2 ready for testing, it has the following new features:

-A start menu where the player can control the time of day / difficulty of the mission
-AI firing flares at night
-Enhanced cutscene
-Enhanced overview
-Players group has fixed identities
-Debriefing notes who survived and who died
-Many other minor tweaks

UPDATE 2: Final version ready for review!

OFPEC Review

Time to get something else to do than missioning, here we go:
Played with ArmA ver 1.08 and 1.09 (complete test with 1.08)

Has almost everything it needs, only thing's missing is promotional pictures.

Picture taken from the start of the mission, doesn't have borders and is kinda big for a overview picture. You're missing overview text also so you might consider adding it and make the picture bit smaller than it's now

Well done, allthough it's kind of silly to me when I couldn't get any information what kind of mission they were coming from. The thing that the briefing and the map was updated during progress (and map allways randomized  :good: ) is somethihng I've not seen quite while. Great job

According to ReadMe there's intro, but, only thing I found was intro like was the start cutscene

After I had crashed I ordered my man to disembark ... Terrible mistake. I though they were coming from random directions so I put my squad looking for other directions, after I saw my medic (happy remaining mission in arma) diying I quickly ordered my men to fall back into formation. The first fight didn't really give any thrills when it was easy mode to kill those soldiers when they head show up from the hill.
Finally after 2 minutes of waiting (might wanna consider changing that) I had new orders to my briefing screen, again good job, started to proceed there. At some point before the next attack was coming I started to think what in heck am I doing with AT soldier? Got me answer when BMP-2 came out of bushes and shot me TWICE to the legs (hmm.. now when I come to think aobut it maybe, just maybe, I should've started the mission after the medic died, oh well). Now this was the fight I was looking for,though not hard, but on hte other hand you couldn't give any spare time to OPFOR. Finally after 5 minutes of fighting I got to the so called "camp" (or such) with pilot only 1 clip (thanks to arma AI I watched how my men died side by side when they couldn't react bullets coming from 50m , behind the bushes)12 hours later I got my orders to move to extraction zone... 3 OPFOR coming from the other side, low settings, one companion, lagging-> this US soldier decided to run for it, what would guys at white house say if I use my squad as shields :P , waited the UH laying down the bushes and ran into it when it landed, mission accomplished.

Don't remember anylonger, had greeat score though  :D

Mission which has potential but doesn't give any challenge at the moment if you have your squad alive (don't look at me, they shot them!). Well done brief and wait zone. Try to add some more troop into it, I'll look forward future releases ^^

Score: -7/10


First of all,  :welcome: to OFPEC UH60MG!
Just gave your mission two run throughs

Tested on ArmA 1.09 Beta with FFAMM 1.4; Veteran Difficulty

Readme included  :good:
Maybe add a screenshot for advertising

Big picture -no border and no mission description or version number - apart from beta that is  :P


Just the bare details. Try to include some setting with your briefing to suck us in to the story. What were we doing on that blackhawk? Had we just been picked up from an observation post or were we escorting the Colonel's mistress back to Corazol? Have some fun here and create something immersive.

First time through was really easy even though it had a T72 (which accounted for two of my squad) but only a handful of enemy soldiers. Funnily enough, only me and the pilot completed the mission. The second time got my attention though.
Ok, piled out of the helo and straight in to contact. A UAZ and some foot soldiers were fast approaching and I'm trying to shoot and get my loons into the nearby cover of some trees. Once they were dealt with, I get the "Objective Complete" hint and am told to move to a location and hide.
--Why there? Who says that place is safe? These are things to consider for the story of the mission.
Next, I start looking for useful weapons and ammunition from the dead soldiers when I get the report of a BMP2 coming. I considered taking the launcher off my AT guy but decided to race for the body of a downed RPG trooper instead. A few scary seconds feel like minutes until I plug the BMP with an RPG.
I then fight a running battle over the next 600 metres with enemy soldiers appearing from two different directions. Amazingly, my squad's AT guy manages to take out another BMP. Enemy contact dwindles about 250 metres from the hiding spot. Get my extraction orders and move out. Have a couple of skirmishes along the way. At the LZ, just as the blackhawk arrives I get more targets coming my way- Yippee!! I take them down while ordering the squad to board (every one survived). Job Done!


Ahh, if only they were all like the second run through. That can be the problem with randomised missions, sometimes they are a walk in the park, other times a decent challenge. You have the ground work in place, now it's just a case of tweaking it to balance it out. Oh and flesh the story out a little.
Not a bad job so far!  :good:

Thanks for the useful feedback. A new more finished version is now available.

Downloaded new version, will take a look a bit later. Version history is looking good.  :good:

Wolfrug out.


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