Missions Depot => Arma2 - Multiplayer Beta Testing => Topic started by: sardaukar17 on 27 Sep 2009, 03:46:57

Title: [COOP] Platoon (USMC Vehciles, Aircraft, and weapons)
Post by: sardaukar17 on 27 Sep 2009, 03:46:57
Author: Sardaukar17

Version: 1.02

Required Addons: NONE

The Goal: This map is an EVOLUTION inspired map on a much smaller scale and is designed to give the players the most freedom and use of the vehicles of Arma 2 while not unbalancing the map or forcing an unenjoyable locked set of key weapons and vehicles. Anything in the USMC aresenal is available to be created along with the players option of recruiting AI soilders if they choose to advance with a squad. Take note of special vehicles and/or positions for these may have some construction abilities for you RTS lovers. It is important to note that the players are truly free to choose thier own method of assulting the cities. There is no point or money system restricting what they would choose to go in with. Build a Squad or go Rambo it is up to you and all options are ultimatly potential winning strategies. Have fun!!

Mission Description:
There are 3 cities on this map to be conqured. They are only available to be conqured in sequential order and unavailable until the previous city has been taken. The current Target will always be marked on the map. Within each city is a set of 3 buildings. The Bunker, The Factory, and The Tower. These 3 buildings are what bring in the enemy reinforcments and are specifically associated with a type of enemy unit. The Bunker-Infantry, The Factory-Armor, The Tower-Aircraft. If you destroy any of these buildings the associated waves of reinfocements of that type cease to advance on the city. These 3 buildings cannot be bombed from the air or blasted from a distance with tanks or artillery. You can only destroy these buildings by getting close and planting a satchel charge at it's base. This forces the players to Take the area or Sneak in close. Be wary the enemy may decide to bring the fight to you!! Defend what you have built these locations make a good target for the enemy to hit and slow your offensive!

Special Features:

Known Bugs:
Change Log
Title: Re: [COOP] Platoon (USMC Vehciles, Aircraft, and weapons)
Post by: sardaukar17 on 01 Oct 2009, 22:20:59
A temporary server has been set up to run Platoon and Runway if anyone would like to check them out even though there are a few minor hickups in the scripting they are playable.

The server name is Gibson. Just search for that and you will find it.  


I have taken to server out of commision due to lack of interest
Title: Re: [COOP] Platoon (USMC Vehciles, Aircraft, and weapons)
Post by: sardaukar17 on 11 Oct 2009, 02:39:03
A new version is up. Be aware it is designed to run on Dedicated servers now. It may not function correctly if being Hosted by a Player's PC. I do intend to create a version that functions with either option in the near future.

The map is impressive. I am proud of it. Take a look it vastly out performes Runway in it's freedom and features for the players.

A buddy of mine along with 2 others played for 3 hours without any bugs that were noticed.. We only got to the second city lol.. It takes some practice and team work.
Title: Re: [COOP] Platoon (USMC Vehciles, Aircraft, and weapons)
Post by: hoz on 13 Oct 2009, 01:45:46
I'll start with this mission needs some proper versioning.   :clap:

The briefing notes/tasks don't appear until after you have fully started and are in the mission.
Assult is spelt wrong in the tasks. Its Assault. Each city should be its own task. Maybe it is we gave up pretty quick.

Respawn doesn't remember your gear. This really sucks especially in a mission like this.

I think I'd like the ability to set task and receive a WP to the city. I think i'd also like to see all the towns and be able to choose the first town.

I'd rather see a gui selection rather then a scrolling selection for the vehicles.

Thats all I have for now. not glamorous I know...